The Asset Loader Class
In Turbo (Leadwerks 5) all asset types have a list of asset loader objects for loading different file formats. There are a number of built-in loaders for different file formats, but you can add your own by deriving the AssetLoader class or creating a script-based loader. Another new feature is that any scripts in the "Scripts/Start" folder get run when your game starts. Put those together, and you can add support for a new model or texture file format just by dropping a script in your project.
The following script can be used to add support for loading RAW image files as a model heightmap.
function LoadModelRaw(stream, asset, flags) --Calculate and verify heightmap size - expects 2 bytes per terrain point, power-of-two sized local datasize = stream:GetSize() local pointsize = 2 local points = datasize / pointsize if points * pointsize ~= datasize then return nil end local size = math.sqrt(points) if size * size ~= points then return nil end if math.pow(2, math.log(size) / math.log(2)) ~= size then return nil end --Create model local modelbase = ModelBase(asset) modelbase.model = CreateModel(nil) local mesh = modelbase.model:AddMesh() --Build mesh from height data local x,y,height,v local textureScale = 4 local terrainHeight = 100 for x = 1, size do for y = 1, size do height = stream:ReadUShort() / 65536 v = mesh.AddVertex(x,height * terrainHeight,y, 0,1,0, x/textureScale, y/textureScale, 0,0, 1,1,1,1) if x > 1 and y > 1 then mesh:AddTriangle(v, v - size - 1, v - size) mesh:AddTriangle(v, v - 1, v - size - 1) end end end --Finalize the mesh mesh:UpdateBounds() mesh:UpdateNormals() mesh:UpdateTangents() mesh:Lock() --Finalize the model modelbase.model:UpdateBounds() modelbase.model:SetShape(CreateShape(mesh)) return true end AddModelLoader(LoadModelRaw)
Loading a heightmap is just like loading any other model file:
auto model = LoadModel(world,"Models/Terrain/island.r16");
This will provide a temporary solution for terrain until the full system is finished.
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