Turbo Game Engine Design Document
Subscribers can now download my current revision of the Turbo Game Engine design document in the private forum here:
Here are a few excerpts:
ExpandThe scene tree will add a search box to quickly locate an object by name. It will feature improved drag-and-drop functionality for modifying the scene hierarchy.
ExpandClustered Forward Rendering will replace the deferred renderer from Leadwerks. PBR materials will be used by default, with additional support for Blinn-phong materials. A voxel GI technique will be used for indirect lighting.
Vulkan will be used for the final renderer, as this is most consistent with the consumer’s expectations of a modern game engine. The MoltenVK SDK will be used to port this code to Metal for MacOS.
ExpandAn infinite terrain system is planned. This works by displaying a grid of tiles around the camera at any position. If a terrain tile file is available, it will be opened and read as it is encountered by either the renderer or a physics object that intersects the bounds for that sector of the universe.
The document is still evolving so expect changes and updates.
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