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Building a setup with InnoSetup




In every type of program or game, the most annoying step for me is the installation setup. If you don't really need particular setup layout or functionality, then Inno Setup can be what you are looking for saving your time (and money, since it is free!). Here I go to explain how you can build the setup application for your game in few easy steps.


From the Inno Setup IDE begin to create a new script with wizard and compile the fields as you need:



The next step is to choose the default installation folder and name:



Next choose the files needed (those listed in this screenshot should be all, it suppose that you have start.luac in the root of your game folder so that the link may be only to engine.exe and you don't need parameter to start it and you have all the models, sounds, maps, textures and others in the Media folder):



Finally choose the start menu folder name and some options (I just suggest to check the option CREATE UNINSTALL ICON):



The last windows of the wizards are self-explained by themselves and don't need more info, just in the step COMPILER SETTINGS select the output folder in which the compiler create your setup.


That's all, just accept to compile the script when asked at the end of the wizard and you will have (and run directly after build) your setup in the output folder you chose.


This example has been done in answer to a question from a LUA user of the community, but of course it is valid for every languages, just you will not need to add the .LUAC file and Engine.exe in your list.



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