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Steam Release & Bladequest: Chapter Two!

Phodex Games



Hi guys!

Bladequest – The First Chapter now finally is on Steam! I am very excited to see how it is going! Check it out if you want! I think it’s pretty cool to have my game on Steam :).

Recently I did some redesign and restructuring, affecting my logo, the newsletter and the website. I actually shut the website down and now use another service, which is easier for me to setup and maintain, so I have more capacity to develop Chapter Two!

Preproduction and conception for “Chapter Two” (I guess it will have a different name) is nearly finished. With the next installment I am going to make a huge step towards the idea of the final game. I soon will tell you more about it in one of my future videos. Don’t want to miss it? Consider subscribing to my YouTube channel!

And as little bonus, here are two shots from some experimenting I did for Chapter Two. What could that be? :)


Markus from Phodex Games!

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