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Version 4.4 beta updated




An update for version 4.4 beta is now available. The Newton Dynamics library has been updated to the current version. Vehicles are temporarily unavailable, but everything else should work. The Newton DLLs have been moved into external DLLs, which allows the author of Newton to debug his own physics code in Leadwerks from Visual Studio.


You can get the update by opting into the beta branch on Steam.

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Awesome updates. Some feeback

1)In the AI and Event map, while walking up the stairs it felt kinda more bouncy than previous version.

2)I think there are some light flickering or glitches. Will report after more testing.

3)I noticed that the FPS Weapons dlc pack, it will cost more frames when you are collecting more weapons ? The fps will drops more as you are collecting more weapons. Is this normal ?

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The collision detection on the player controller may be improved, eliminating the subtle jitter that was previously present, and the player will not get stuck on steps for a microsecond anymore. The improvements are especially apparent on the terrain map in the FPS template.

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Nice. What about the frame drops for the FPS Weapons DLC pack ? It may be the same with version 4.3. I just noticed it while testing 4.4beta. Anyway is it possible for you to improve the FPS scripts regarding this ? For example in FPSWeapons.map.


No weapons -333fps

After collecting all 5 weapons - 130fps


My setup

I7 2600k


1920x1080 2aa, lightquality=2, af=16, fullscreen.


Should I make a bug report on the frame drops ? or is normal ?

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I'll be sure to check this out when it's out of beta. The physics always threw me off in the past and I'm glad it's finally being addressed.

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I didn't realize how eagerly awaited this update is.


hope Gamecreator's stuff stops falling through the world. tongue.png


That and hopefully moving platforms will support characters properly. Like reepblue, I'll test the **** out of it when it's in release. I put my platformer on hold for it but I'm eager to continue!

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I didn't realize how eagerly awaited this update is.




That and hopefully moving platforms will support characters properly. Like reepblue, I'll test the **** out of it when it's in release. I put my platformer on hold for it but I'm eager to continue!

Now that this is out, if you still have any problems I will investigate. It did not make sense to before because I knew big changes were coming.

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After the update, this line no longer works.


if (window->KeyHit(Key::F2) == true) { camera->drawmode == 4 ? camera->SetDrawMode(2) : camera->SetDrawMode(4); }


Also i get memory leaks detected;


Detected memory leaks!
Dumping objects ->
{20426} normal block at 0x0E057768, 16384 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{20348} normal block at 0x0DB195F0, 16384 bytes long.
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{18446} normal block at 0x0DCC4540, 16384 bytes long.
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{16545} normal block at 0x0D731418, 16384 bytes long.
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{14693} normal block at 0x0BDA2748, 16384 bytes long.
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{13188} normal block at 0x0BAC24E0, 16384 bytes long.
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{12812} normal block at 0x0BA7E1F8, 16384 bytes long.
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{124} normal block at 0x064E3160, 16384 bytes long.
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{122} normal block at 0x064DF130, 16384 bytes long.
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{121} normal block at 0x064DB100, 16384 bytes long.
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{120} normal block at 0x064D70D0, 16384 bytes long.
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{114} normal block at 0x064D30A0, 16384 bytes long.
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{113} normal block at 0x0641CB98, 16384 bytes long.
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{112} normal block at 0x064CF070, 16384 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{111} normal block at 0x064C6FC0, 32896 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{110} normal block at 0x064B6F10, 65664 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{109} normal block at 0x064AEE60, 32896 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{108} normal block at 0x064A6DB0, 32896 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{107} normal block at 0x0649ED00, 32896 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{106} normal block at 0x06486C90, 98368 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{100} normal block at 0x03F3D9A8, 8 bytes long.
Data: <    w   > C4 E6 F3 03 77 84 00 10
{94} normal block at 0x03F3D970, 8 bytes long.
Data: <    w   > D0 E5 F3 03 77 84 00 10
{93} normal block at 0x03F3E520, 2688 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
{91} normal block at 0x03F473B0, 336 bytes long.
Data: <cccccccccccccccc> 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
Object dump complete.

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The author(s) from Newton must really like it to have access to his own physics platform using an entire game engine. I think that is a golden combination.

Anything specific you would like to see tested Josh?

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Also, before I test: did you or are you planning on changing the character controller as discussed here?


It would be nice for it to be "officially" fixed as opposed to us hacking at it and possibly causing unexpected results, like the one I came across in the last post.


Edit: tested and not fixed yet. Need confirmation either way before I continue because even things like moving platforms could act differently with our hack versus your proper fix.

Edit 2: character still falls through ground at a great enough height/velocity. I know there has to be a limit but it seems kind of low right now.

Edit 3: sloped ramp still glitched in the same way.


Confirming also that this is with a new project created with the current beta. Can upload the project if you'd like.

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@aggror Nothing in particular. I tested all the FPS maps and a few examples and everything seems okay.


@gamecreator: very large heights / speeds will never work. Well, there is a way but it is a bit of a change...Are these real uses or are you just creating an extreme situation to test?


The jumping thing is a change in behavior (that I agree with), not a bug. I have not changed the character controller code.


Does the character still fall through slopes he is walking on? I can actually look into this stuff now because everything is up to date now.

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The jumping thing is a change in behavior (that I agree with), not a bug. I have not changed the character controller code.

Hmm. In that thread you said "I agree with you and will see if I can change this behavior." So I'm a little confused. Are we talking about two different things (this is regarding the sharply decreased vertical velocity on slopes, right)?


I do use increased gravity so the jumps are sharper and don't feel as floaty.


I'll make a thread with a video and attach the project for you to test.

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I see much jigging about if you stack physics objects. I imagine this is due for fixing.


Beta branch


Release branch (non-beta)









Beta branch

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Now in Rick Powers after switching on the elevator, he stays still and unless he's moving it goes right over him. The ball now acts very strange like swept collision is off and sometimes looks like a magnet is repelling it making it hover/slow bounce one or more times and goes through the floor quite often.

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I see much jigging about if you stack physics objects. I imagine this is due for fixing.


Beta branch


Release branch (non-beta)









Beta branch

If you post a demo Julio can actually debug the physics now since Newton is an external DLL.

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For the AI and Event map, try to go down the lift and after that try to go back up. For me it is the same behavior as SGB.

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If you post a demo Julio can actually debug the physics now since Newton is an external DLL.


What needs to be uploaded. The whole zipped source folder?


In this case there is really nothing special in the scene. I created some CSG boxes gave them a mass of 5 and put them on top of each other. I duplicated the stacks to make sure there were a number of similar things in case some did not exhibit a problem.


The boxes were are all duplicates of 1 box created and placed with snapping on so should be identical to each other and lining up to the snap grid in dimensions and placement. There are some meshes in the scene which do exhibit the same problem, so not limited to CSG.


As this seemed so basic I imagined others are seeing this without providing the source for such a simple situation.

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