Steam Ratings
Our ranking on Steam is 185 ratings with 75% positive, which Steam categorizes as "Mostly positive". This is great. Over the last couple of years the reviews have gotten more positive as more features and better documentation has been added. So at this point, the more reviews we get the higher our rating goes, since our average rating today is better than when we started on Steam.
From what I gather looking at other products on Steam, we're only 5% away from a "Very positive" rating at 80%. The categorization isn't based on a strict percentage, but I think once you have a high number of reviews it's pretty close. With the developments I have planned for the rest of the year, I think we'll have no problem hitting that number.
If you haven't done so, you can add your review on the store page for Leadwerks Game Engine or in the Steam client. Thanks!
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