Scripted Behavior
The stock scripts that come with Leadwerks form a continually expanding game framework that can be used in many different ways. The reuse we get out of the door, switch, trigger, and AI scripts is really great. Every time I add a new script I can count on it being used in many different ways.
Sometimes this requires a custom model in order to develop and demonstrate usage of the script. It's best for me to have one model made exactly to my specs, and then make everything else conform to that template.
There are additional scripts I want to release in the near future that add more gameplay elements:
- TurretAI, with custom model.
- Enterable vehicles with controls for guns, if present.
- Third-person player controls, with options for fixed rotation or over-the-shoulder views.
I also want to make the projectile prefab loaded by the soldierAI script a modifiable script value, so that we can easily add new types of projectiles. This would also work with turrets or vehicle-mounted guns.
What other ideas for widely reusable scripts do you have?
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