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Akt 1 Near to the End :)





Akt 1 is Near to the End. There are only a few steps ....


Flowgraph can be confusing


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Makes me think there should be some sort of container element that can contain scripts and that you can expand and collapse....and maybe a way to feed inputs and outputs out of it. Maybe allowing a sort of prefab script component.

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Impressive and confusing.

There used to be a bug which lost all connections. You be glad to know it w as sorted ages ago.

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Josh has said before that he doesn't (at this time) consider the flowgraph to be a full fledged programming tool.

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I guess it is the case of saying one thing and doing another. The AI and events tutorial map uses Flow Graph to program level-logic. New users learn it there and use it to do the same but perhaps on a bigger scale (the tutorial map is not even close to a moderately sized map) and end up with clogged mess of wires.

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The flow-graph absolutely needs to have a node that only exists in the flow-graph. This way you don't end up polluting your scene with pivots and users can share scripts making it easier to program a game without actually coding. All it needs is a list of available nodes to the left.

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