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Introducing the Workshop Store




Leadwerks Workshop provides a repository of free game items for game developers to use in their projects. Workshop content has been heavily used in several game tournaments to make many different games of different genres.


Today we are rolling out the Leadwerks Workshop Store. This allows us to add new and better quality content for you to use in your games. All assets are curated and verified to work correctly with Leadwerks Game Engine. This includes material setup, sizing, and correct grid alignment of modular pieces.


You can purchase items from the Workshop interface in the Leadwerks Editor. When you find a paid item you would like to purchase, click on the "Buy" button and you will be taken the purchase page for that item.






You can checkout of the store page by adding funds to your Steam Wallet. The item will then be available to install in the editor, just like a free Workshop item. You can also purchase items from their page on our website. Your purchase will always be associated with your Steam account, so you never have to worry about backing up files or losing them.


If you have any feedback on the purchasing process, content, or requests for future items, don't hesitate to let us know how we can improve. If the community finds this useful we will keep growing the library of available content ready to use with Leadwerks.





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