3.4 Recap and Beyond
I've got a couple days sales data from the 3.4 launch and it went well. Our conversion ratio and all that boring businessey stuff is good, and I know more now than I did last week. I think our intro video could use some updating and a little more professional polish, so I am looking for a video production company to create something new.
I was planning to make a trip back to Caifornia soon. I was going to skip the GDC, but I then got invited to the Valve party. I guess they're hiring the band Glitch Mob to play at Folsom Nightclub, which is kind of awesome.
This isn't enough to make me want to go, but I remember my Valve VR demo came about because I was randomly talking to someone at Steam Dev Days and they emailed me about it later. So even if you don't get something out of it every time, I think it's necessary that I do these kind of networking things. Not sure if I'll attend the GDC expo itself or not yet, I need to figure out my plans today.
When I get back, work will begin on version 3.5, due out this summer. I want this update to include carving, vegetation, vertex editing, and I have a few other features in mind that will be included based on how much time I have.
There's also a class of improvements I want to make that are more "systemic". This includes driver bugs from third-party vendors (looking at you AMD), bugs or bad design in third-party libraries (GTK), and some improvements I can make in our core renderer design. Uniform buffers and FBOs are two low-level systems I am looking at. I think this will solve the Linux model editor issue and improve performance quite a lot on Linux systems in particular, and have some gains on Windows.
These are potentially destabilizing changes I do not want to attempt this week. I need to be able to do a quick turnaround if any small bugs are discovered right now, and having the renderer all taken apart isn't a good idea at the moment.
Finally, we have a problem with tutorials that needs to be addressed. I keep seeing post after post of people asking where the tutorials are. When you see threads like this, it indicates a problem. I have tried to make the documentation and tutorials pages as "in your face" as possible, yet people still ask where they are...it's the very first thing you see when you run the program! This is probably the most important problem to solve going forward, and has a much stronger effect on us than any feature I can implement or improvement I can make to the software itself.
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