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Water Update [beta]




A new update is available. I believe this will fix any problems you may have previously experienced with the water rendering. If this is not the case, please let me know, preferably with a link to download your project.


Although Intel's new drivers work well, I have noticed that enabling, then disabling, then enabling water in the editor causes a crash. The crash occurs in the driver DLL and is not an OpenGL error. This will be reported to Intel. (It just occurs when a shader reads a depth texture so I am pretty sure this is Intel's fault.)

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I still get a crash when Leadwerks starts with a map that has water in it - I am currently working around this by turning off 'load last map' in Leadwerks.cfg and loading it from the recent files list.


I can replicate this by starting with an entirely blank scene, check 'water' on in the Root node, save as a map, quit leadwerks and restart - immediate segfault.


Starting leadwerks with a blank scene, and then loading the level works fine.



This is Ubuntu 14.04, w/Nvidia. strace/gdb don't show anything I can see that might pinpoint the issue, unfortunately

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No crashes or major problems here. The water looks really good.


However a black jagged line is visible at the edges of the water plane. So the sky and water are visibly split with this line on the horizon. I'm thinking this won't be a problem when there is landscape between the player and the edge of the water plane but for a coastal view or open ocean it might be more obvious. Although I suppose you could use a bit of fog in these situations to hide it.

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that may be the very same error I got - I just assumed it was due to the update and deleted leadwerks.cfg every time.

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The light problem and the reflection problem are no more, good work.


It's given me an idea for a flooded compartment for one of my next levels. Thanks.

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