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Halloween Game Tournament Roundup




The second Leadwerks Halloween Game Tournament is complete. Here's a review of the entries.


First up is HaydenMango's hack & slash game Rise of the Pumpkinheads. In this humorous and spooky action game you fight reanimated corpses with...wait for it...pumpkins for heads. You'll also encounter necromancers, and other enemies along your quest through the overgrown cemetery where a pumpkin infestation has taken root.




Next up is Midnight Patrol, a simple but fun shooter featuring everyone's favorite deformed mutant as you ascend up the hillside towards an erupting volcano. It will be interesting to see what the author Gonan comes up with next.


Finally, you can play my own space action game Pumpkins in Space. The idea was to create something like Rebel Assault or Starfox, where you dodged a lot of meteors. Originally I was going to have weapons and the pumpkins were going to be enemies, not powerups. However, while playing it I decided to focus on the basic gameplay and try to make something that was fun and highly replayable. I hope you like the result.


You can play all of these games right now with the Leadwerks game player on Steam.


All entrants will be contacted to receive their prize for participating. Thanks everyone, and Happy Halloween!

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