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SciFi Interior Construction Kit Released on Steam




In collaboration with Arteria3D, we are pleased to announce the release of the SciFi Interior Construction Kit for Leadwerks Game Engine on Steam. This DLC provides all the props and textures you need to create your own high-tech sci-fi game environments. All content is ready to use with Leadwerks Game Engine, with no tweaking or adjusting required. Objects are designed to be easily aligned so you can build your scene quickly and revise it as often as you like. The included objects can be reused in many different ways to create a variety of science-fiction themed environments.



Distributed through our Workshop game content system, the DLC contents appear immediately ready-to-use in Leadwerks upon purchase.

Package Contents

  • 25 environment models including panels, pipes, supports, machinery, with predefined physics shapes for each object.
  • 56 materials with 1024x1024 textures, including model skins, with diffuse, normal, and specular maps for each.
  • Example scenes to demonstrate usage and provide ideas.


Get the SciFi Interior Construction Kit now for just $9.99 on Steam, with a 10% launch discount during the first week of release.





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The example maps are located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Leadwerks Game Engine\DLC\SciFi Interior Construction Kit Examples\".

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"[..] just $9.99 [..]" I've often wondered what happens there - steam "converts" between dollars and Euros simply by sign swapping, so what happens to the extra cash? Does Steam pocket the difference or do you make extra off euro customers ?


( 9.99€ is about 14 USD )


Not complaining - by now I've gotten used to the euro "discount" - just wondering who benefits

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Leadwerks receives a slight amount different depending on the region, but the percentage stays constant.

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