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New build provides texture lock, improved tex mapping




A new build has been pushed out on the beta branch on Steam. This update increments the map file format. Maps saved from the beta build cannot be opened in the standalone build until the update goes out everywhere.


The editor now has the option to use a centimeter grid. The previous meter-based grid is still available in the viewport tab in the options dialog. This is important because it allows us to more easily line brush geometry up to textures. By default, a 1024x1024 texture will map to a 256x256 cm space, which is just a bit over 2.5 meters. This is important because a standard wall texture will now map to a more accurate size by default. You can also modify the mapping scale in the material properties. This will allow you to make a 512x512 texture map to a larger space, for example.


Brush texture mapping will now consider the material's width and height when generating UV coords. That means that a wide short texture will automatically be mapped to the right spacing. However, the map loader will compensate for old version maps so that your existing maps will retain their original UV mapping.


A texture lock feature has been added, and is enabled by default. When you draw a brush in the editor, UV coordinates are automatically assigned. When you move or rotate the brush around, the texture mapping planes will automatically adjust so that the brush retains its original mapping. However, when you change the size of an object, it will be remapped against the existing mapping planes. If you're familiar with mapping in 3D World Studio or Hammer, this will work as you expect it to.


Additionally, "Apply Material" and "Pick Material" menu and toolbar options have been added. The resolution of the navmesh calculation has been increased, which will make for more reliable navmesh generation.


(Build #285959 was updated to #292952.)

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