CSG Texturing Enhancements
In order to get ready for the Workshop, and to get ready to implement texture locking, some preliminary work needed to be done. First, I needed to improve the CSG texture mapping routine. It was modified to take into account a texture's dimensions. This means that wide flat textures like this trim piece will be mapped to their texel area, not with the same aspect ratio as a square image:
The default mapping scale is that 1024 texels maps to 256 centimeters. This ensures it is easy to line geometry up to match details in the textures, and most materials will just automatically map to the size you want. However, there are many wall textures out there that are only 512x512 texels, so I added a "Mapping scale" feature in the material editor. This can be used to give any material a default mapping multiplier, so it will always show up at the intended scale, without having to adjust texcoords each time you use it.
A pick material mouse tool has been added. This is like a color/eye dropper that lets you click something in the scene, and the picked object's material will be shown and highlighted in the asset browser. This is just a nice tool for convenience, and I found I really wanted something like this as I was working.
Finally, a "Treat as one" option has been added in the face properties. When this is checked, the justify buttons will treat all selected faces as one when aligning their texture coordinates.
Justify left with the "Treat as one" disabled acts like this, alining each individual object separately:
And it acts like this when "Treat as one" is enabled:
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