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Creating Game Assets




I have recently been devoting increasing amounts of my free time prototyping things on Leadwerks. The one thing that i have constantly found sorely lacking is the absence of 3d assets that are ready to drop in and use. Lacking the funds at hand to go buy model packs. I thought I would try my hand at creating some.



Not bad if i do say so myself.


Modeling objects In my opinion is the easiest part of everything. Its the texturing that can be a [insert deity here] [insert explication here] pain. You need to unwrap the model. Then you have to find the textures on the internet or create them yourself. If you find them on the internet or use a tool to make them you have to read the license so sometime in the future someone isn't knocking on your door asking for your paycheck because you ripped them off on accident. Then, you need to get the textures to fit on your uvmap, create your normal/specular/height/displacement/ambient occlusion/self illumination textures, then finally combine them into a material. It's a pain, but someone has to do it. Now i know why model packs cost so much.


......So my computer blue-screened and lost over HALF of my post, so i will finish the rest in the next blog post



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For primitive objects it is maybe easy to create the model but its harder when you have models like characters and have to take care of the polycount. Texturiing is also a part but you can prototype also with no textures or dummy textures. For textures I use substance designer.


Its not all that hard when you use good software that make you life easier :)

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I know about 3d coat, it was in the part of my blog post that got deleted, and cg textures. All the models in the picture were painted in 3d coat. 3d model wise i have HUNDREDS of them, I own fpscreator and tons of model packs. The only problem is that the model quality does not always stand up to scrutiny when placed in a high quality game engine like Leadwerks. I've already spent over $200 USD on model packs and I decided to slow down with my money expenditure on game creation tools before i have a firm idea of what i want to do. The only thing that I would be losing is time. I would gain assets, skills and tools in the process, so there is very little downside to making stuff myself


So I've been just creating 3d models since I have no idea what kind of game I want to make. I might as well be modeling than sitting here doing nothing.

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