New Update Available
A maintenance update has been uploaded. You can run the Leadwerks updater to get only the changed files since your last update. See the bug reports forum for recently resolved issues.
One new command has been added:
static std::string FileSystem::GetAppDataPath()
This will return the application read/write directory for storing settings, high score tables, etc. In order for this to work, you need to update your project. (Open the Project Manager, select your project, and press the Update button.) I recommend backing up your project before doing this. The editor should make a backup copy of any overwritten file, and no one has reported any problems with this, but I would hate for anyone's important files to get overwritten, so I am still put that warning out there.
If you prefer to modify your project by hand, the following files have changed:
(PROJECT FOLDER)/Projects/Android/jni/ (PROJECT FOLDER)/Projects/Android/jni/main.cpp (PROJECT FOLDER)/Projects/Android/src/com/leadwerks/leandroidb/ (PROJECT FOLDER)/Projects/Android/src/com/leadwerks/leandroidb/ (PROJECT FOLDER)/Projects/Android/src/com/leadwerks/leandroidb/ (PROJECT FOLDER)/Projects/iOS/(PROJECT_NAME)/
In other news, the Kickstarter campaign is doing really well, with over 75% reached in less than two weeks. The great thing about Kickstarter is that I can find out what people really want to buy, and since it's paid for in advance, I can just farm the labor out to the same guys that made various parts of Leadwerks 3. I myself don't plan on touching the Linux implementation except to understand what's going on.
I've got to redo our SSL certificate because I set the domain as "" and not "". Sorry for the lack of avatars today.
After that, I am going to tinker around with a new toy that arrived in the mail today...a socket FM2 Mini ITX motherboard! This supports the new APU chips from AMD.
Now the question is, can it run Crysis?
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