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Leadwerks on OUYA




Last weekend I attended an OUYA game jam and got to play around with the OUYA dev kit for the first time. My goal was to see if I could get Leadwerks running on it over the weekend. I had problems with the USB driver, but compiling went smoothly:


I didn't have any problems with controller latency, but did not finish mapping the controls or updating our project to use some newer functions we need. In the end, I had to manually copy the compiled .apk file to the device to deploy it. All in all, it was a good proof of concept.


As we now pass the 60% mark, we're ready to unveil our first stretch goal. We want to put OUYA development in the hands of every Leadwerks developer, so we're making that our first stretch goal. There's still a lot of work to be done, but my tests last weekend prototyping Leadwerks on OUYA proved it was possible. When our campaign reaches the $26,000 mark, we will provide all backers who pledged $100 or more with OUYA support, delivered at the time Leadwerks for Linux is ready. This will let you build games for OUYA and Android, without ever leaving the Linux operating system.


Although the OUYA is new and the firmware still has a few rough spots, it's a lot of fun deploying games straight to your big-screen TV, and we've already prototyped it. We're looking forward to bringing OUYA game development to Linux users.



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so excited that leadwerks may be on a 'console' allowing indie developers and hobbyist to make 'console' games. I just hope that leadwerks doesn't try to take on too many challenges before a full LE3 is developed and that the original LE2 community and backers don't get left behind.

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The marginal cost of OUYA support is pretty low, and if the Kickstarter stretch goal is reached it pays for itself.

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