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LCP 2.0




There is no question that LCP (Leadwerks Community Project) 1 had some issues. I think we learned a lot from working on it and I'd like to apply those lessons and give LCP another try with LE 3. I'm thinking with CSG, "automatic" pathfinding, and a better scripting system that LE 3 has to offer will greatly increase the speed and quality of another LCP project.


This blog entry is to get a feel for people interested and to give a basic overview of the game and requirements. Unlike the last LCP there will be no voting on what people want. The goal is to duplicate the last LCP in scope and design so all that stuff is already created for us. In terms of the programming needed, I plan on being the puppet master but not directly do any coding (unless required because of lack of people). What I do plan on providing is leadership, organization, and design how the scripts should interact with each other to hopfully provide a smooth project with a great result!


Please let me know below if you are interested and what role you could fill. Note you aren't signing your name in blood here. This isn't a kick off or anything it's more about letting people see what this project would be about and let me know if interested.


I'm going to list out a bunch of "facts" about what LCP 2.0 will be/use

  • LCP will be Lua based (we will use entity scripts that are pretty self contained)
  • LCP will be a First Person Shooter
  • LCP will be 1 level taking place in a Subway
  • LCP will have 1 zombie model for the enemies
  • LCP will have 1 gun weapon (type TBD)
  • LCP's gameplay will be to similar to L4D. Get to the goal alive!
  • People who work on LCP will work on their own copies and promote their additions/changes to me where I will combine to make the final product


What we'll need

  • 4 programmers (FPS script, Weapon script, Zombie script, Menu/HUD script)
  • 1-2 CSG Level designers (Subway level AND level materials)
  • 2-3 modellers/artists/animators (we will be reusing as much as we can from LCP 1. zombie, weapons, props for level designer. if anyone knows where the source files for these are please let me know)
  • 1 sound person (weapons, environment, etc. Shouldn't be a huge demand on this persons time)


I'm not asking for a ton of time from the people on this project. In fact, it'll seem like you are more of a contractor because I'll have 90% of the design done and be asking for very specific things from each person and hopfully in the order so people don't have to wait very long to get what they need.


On the programming side each person will be given 1 script to make. I'll define how the interactions should work (the interface of the scripts so when they interact it'll all come together).


We don't plan to sell the game at this time. I won't be making any money from this. It's more to get a demo level up and running in LE3 as a community. Everyone who works on this will be recognized for thier hard work here and in the credits.


The idea is to keep the tasks small enough so people are able to stay focused but big enough to make them feel like they really contributed to the game. I also want to use the primary skills that people have. Often we are forced to wear multiple hats in the indie world, but here I'd like to give a feel for what can happen when you are able to focus on your primary skill.


I will primarily work individually with each person giving their tasks and the requirements around the task. There won't be many group meetings that you need to make.


The golden rule: No prima donnas. All I ask is to do your task to the best of your ability and nothing more.


I will give a deadline when I know who will be on the team and make a kick off post. Again, the way I plan on structuring this it shouldn't take a ton of your time.


Reply here or PM me if interested.



Note that 2.0. The plan is to start simple with 2.0, but evolve it and add to it over time as well to have a 2.1, 2.2, etc. However all that at this time is out of scope, and when we get to those stages I'll do another post to see who wants to join (could be same or get some new people) and we add/change stuff.

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