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New character modeling pipeline

I have to: sort my modeling pipeline. work with specific rules and real life sources ignore my scrupulosity to getting better with modeling   Source



Body Sketch with Alchemy

I'm falling in love with Alchemy. you can paint, sketch, draw and ...! for free! here is my first fully sketch result with:     Ps. If you want to use it, please help Alchemy to improve in Here   Source



Body Sketch with Alchemy

I'm falling in love with Alchemy. you can paint, sketch, draw and ...! for free! here is my first fully sketch result with: Ps. If you want to use it, please help Alchemy to improve in Here



Body Sketch with Alchemy

I'm falling in love with Alchemy. you can paint, sketch, draw and ...! for free! here is my first fully sketch result with: Ps. If you want to use it, please help Alchemy to improve in Here



Character Thingoids

I've made and continue to work on 3 objects that you can drag into the editor and get player movement features in about 2 mins. I'll discuss them and their plans here. I prefix them with Pi because that's my sort of namespace so when you place these in your editor's path they won't have the same name as other objects you create/download. Pi is the start of my last name and I'm using it as a brand or sorts also.   Character http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=46



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