Here's the code that loads in the verticies to recast:-
#include "leo.h"
#include "MeshLoaderObj.h"
class rcMeshLoaderSBX : public rcMeshLoaderObj
TEntity scene;
int vcap;
int tcap;
int nidx;
rcMeshLoaderSBX() { vcap = 0; tcap = 0; scene = NULL;};
void addVertex(float x, float y, float z, int& cap)
rcMeshLoaderObj::addVertex( x, y, z, cap);
void addTriangle(int a, int b, int c, int&
I got all 3 of these functions working. I'm working on an script to show how these 3 will work.
DoSound(cr, 'abstract::hello.wav')
DoMoveTo(cr,, GetEntityByName("pivot01"), .05, 1) -- moving the camera to the pivot named pivot01 at a rate of 0.5 and it'll stop when it's at a distance of 1. This move function doesn't use physics. Another function will use physics for movement.
This is my first blog and I'll be using it to document my progress with the Leadwerks engine.
ATM I am still waiting for the parts to arrive for the PC I bought to run the LWE. This will be my first real 3D capable PC and my first concerted effort at 3D game programming. In the past I've only ever used older computers with integrated video cards, as I preferred the look of pre-rendered 2D RPGs like the classic Fallout 1, or Baldurs Gate to 3D games. However after watching the awesome Leadwer
Youtube video of my AI.
Red line is path found by recast.
White text is current behaviours running in behaviour tree.
Here's what the BT looks like (yes it is C++)
alive::Node* moveToEnemy(std::string type = "walk")
return alive::TreeBuilder()
alive::Node* resetToStart()
return alive::TreeBuilder()
I was just adding wheels to my airplane, and noticed how much time the realtime LUA programming saves me when I was adjusting the positions of the wheels to their exact position. Having the airplane model positioned and zoomed on my screen, I added some code to load and position the wheels, and after each character change in code (like finding the value Vec3(0,0.125,2.01) for the front wheel), I pressed Ctrl-S and saw the result immediately on the screen.
Using C++ or any other compiled lang
So I was able to get DoWait() working. It's not 100% ideal because you have to piggy back off another entities Update() method because of the limitation of not being able to have any global values. If you would like to try it out I'll give the steps here.
1. Make a file under the /Scripts directory named cr.lua and paste this code in it:
tblWait = {}
waitID = 1
clsWait = {}
clsWait.__index = clsWait
function clsWait.create(tm, func)
local wait = {}
setmetatable(wait, clsWwait)
People are starting to use Lua, which is good. Initially there was some confusing, but in each case it turned out to be a small misunderstanding. I spent a few hours editing the wiki to add Lua syntax to the commands. I'm going to start working on Lua demos and more high-level stuff, in addition to fixing any bugs that exist. I'm not too interested in adding new features right now. This engine has plenty of features. Tons. It's time to use them to make something.
I haven't been blogging since I started with Leadwerks so this blog will be a bit of a catchup until now. Unlike most people working with Leadwerks I thought I'd ignore all the graphic eye candy as icing on the cake and concentrate on the importing matter of making things happen ie. AI
The bacis of AI is:-
Knowing whats bumped into what. This is already taken care of in Leadwerks.
NPC's need to have a sense of sight, this is mimicked by doing
Well, its been almost a week since the release of 2.3 and although I have been working away at it there is still so much new functionality I have not had a chance to fully explore yet. I decided the best approach would be to go back to basics, so to speak. Investigate how the new lua scripting and other features would cross over to C++ and Framewerk, this is still on going for me, and I am mixing that aspect in with getting to grips with the new functions in the editor. All in all I am impressed
New Steam hardware survey results are available:
As of October 2009, 80.79% machines surveyed can run Leadwerks Engine.
Leadwerks Engine 2.3 has been released. This major update includes a new editor, Lua script integration, forest rendering, roads, and more.
Lua Script Integration: Write object scripts and write your game in any programming language, or you can write your entire game in Lua.
New Editor: Leadwerks Editor is our new tool for creating enormous terrains, placing objects, and creating worlds. You can even edit scripts and see the results instantly.
Forest Rendering: An advanced new r
Well, I have been playing with the editor, lua scripts, and integrating lua-scripted objects into a framewerk bmax program. There are some quirks that you have to work around and some modifications that need to be made to some things... First, it doesn't appear you can transfer certain aspects of lua framewerk to an external program that is using framewerk. Setting worlds appears to work but using a framewerk method in lua and expecting it to work in your external program does not.
Setting f
After uploading my first lua snippet i'm continuing my task to develope
useful tools for Leadwerks Engine.
What tools you may ask?
The first, a batch texture converter is ready since a long time, but needs some tweaking here and there.
A beta was previously published but i want to get this tool out of the beta and will release a finished
version the next days.
The next one is to finish my milkshape exporter (animations still doesn't work) but the rest
is faster and less buggy.
Last week I was researching the XBox and PS3 platforms. An XBox version of Leadwerks is technically feasible, and though the cost is considerable, it's not a barrier we can't cross. However, obtaining the development license from Microsoft will be much harder. Basically, they are unlikely to sell a development license until this engine has gained more users and had a couple of commercial games released. So we'll just keep improving and building momentum, with the eventual goal of expanding to th
For almost a year Max3D lead the charts, but the single fact that LE has now realtime scripting, brought it 1 more point, totalling in 14 points and beating all other engines on the market:
Some people might need a low-end engine, but this very same chart provides that information also:
You just look which engine has low-end support and is ranked highest.
The same way you can find the best engine for your needs, if you ha
You served us well for many years, beating all competition, and it shows in your old age and scars of development. To bring back the freshness and speed of the old days, with a modern and powerfully multitalented browser, we say:Welcome SeaMonkey 2.0!Why?Here are some reasons why SeaMonkey is better than Firefox:1) Uses only 56MB on, while Firefox uses 82MB2) Faster than Firefox 3.5.5. Firefox 2.0 was always faster, and SeaMonkey is based on that.3) Firefox 3 introduced frequent crash
I'm currently working on coroutines in lua. This will help people setup scripting sequences for their game. The cool part of this will be that you will use it in the editor like any other entity. Drag it into your scene and now in your other scripts you'll have access to these functions. Here is an example usage of what you would do in lua.
--- This defines the function that stores your script sequence
function MyScript01(cr) -- cr is the coroutine to this function. The functions th
I'm taking a short break before I swap GPUs to fix that ATI shader error.
There are now 110 Leadwerks Engine 2.3 users. I did not think the number would be nearly that many.
I am most interested now in documentation, tutorials, and examples as well as improving existing features. With C++, it wasn't worth diving too deep into game tutorials, because only 40% of the programmers would find it useful. Furthermore, it is harder to design useful game components that are easy for users to lear
I've been experiencing a distinquished behaviour of the community for some time.
It's like when someone advances in his work, suddenly everyone else advances too.
Yeah, I know in history also similar or identical inventions have been made around the world at the same time without that the inventors were connected or cooperating anyhow with eachother.
There has been made also tests with apes, who learned that a banana was served in a certain spot, and new apes would go to that spot without
Finally, the evaluation kit for Leadwerks Engine 2.3 is released. Get it here. The evaluation kit allows saving and script editing for a period of 30 days. C/C++ programming is not possible with the evaluation kit. An NVidia GEForce 7000 or ATI Radeon 2000 series graphics card is required. An NVidia GEForce 8800 or ATI Radeon 3870 graphics card is recommended.
5 Hours ago I started "playing" with the road feature in the new editor .. 5 hours ago !!! no, not because there is a problem its just been way so much fun if you recall the video Josh did of this function, let me say its way more fun driving than being the passenger, but that aside this feature is simply great, and will suit a project I have in mind down to a tee. Took a while to figure out a few things I was doing wrong but the end results have been exactly what I was after. Top marks for th