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Leadwerks Engine SDK 2.31 released

Leadwerks Engine SDK 2.31 is now available. A new SDK installer in the download area allows you to download different versions of the SDK. You must have an activated Leadwerks account to download the new SDK installer.   New features include lighting optimizations for point and spot lights. You can read about this feature in detail here. Another new feature is character controller crouching behavior. Note that the origin of character controllers has been moved to the very bottom of the co




I dabbled in a lot of little things recently, like GUI code and networking, just to make sure things would work the way I want in the long run. The lighting optimizations weren't planned to come out yet, but were moved to the front due to one user who is finishing up a commercial game. I've also been helping Pure3D a little bit, but I can't say anything about that right now. Of course, our website is still in progress, and that will hopefully come together by the end of the month.   We'll h



Screen-space directional occlusion

Screen-space directional occlusion (SSDO) is the next logical step after simple screen-space ambient occlusion. This routine uses a raytracing approach to approximate global illumination. You can get my shader here.  



lgui screenshot

I got selection and rendering order working correctly, which is really the problem I wanted to solve with this. Here's a screenshot of the work in progress:  



time to move myself

as i am an hobbyist, i am not under pressure to make anything but roaming around here for a year and always waiting for releases... makes me uncomfortable towards efforts consented by josh since 2.3 release. Really a great shot and as i played with the new toys, i understood that a lot of time is necessary for beginners like me before producing a single workflow. I am not either young nor talented, working for myself alone (without the pressure I've got at my salaried work), but i wanted to



To program or not to programm

After 8 months since I purchased the Leadwerks Engine I'm still doubting about which direction to choose when it comes to game developing. At the moment I'm at a point where I can't choose whether I should focus more on moddeling, or if I should pay al my attention to scripting/coding. I'm doing a lot of these things at the same time without actually making some good progress. I never expected that I would learn how to programm by just messing around in the Leadwerks editor, but I have to admit




I've never considered myself a fan of writing GUI code, but now that I have a small job I need to get it done for, I'm actually having a lot of fun with it. I've been tinkering around with Lua GUI code for two days, and I came up with a really neat system after lots of trial and error.   Controls A "control" is the name for a button, label, or other widget. A control is a Lua table. The programmer creates the controls they want and then inputs mouse coordinates and the left mouse butt



Weather or not

Well nothing much to report, that does not mean nothing much has been going though   I have decided that as and when I make an emitter for a specific purpose, I will now create its own editor entity to save time by not having to create the exact same settings over and over. Also not every setting available needs to be adjusted so I will now re-write the properties to reflect what they effect and remove the ones not requiring adjusting for a particular effect and simply hard code them into th

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Dynamic AI Paths

I had a challenge last week for this game project. Allow an NPC to come up with a quick way to navigate to a particular place, even if the environment around him is dynamic. Some high-budget games use static node path meshes, which must be a final step in production for each map. I wanted a different approach that didn't require a web of objects hand placed into the world.   I decided to create my own rotational node path collection.   MS Paint FTW!   On a pivot, a box would rotate

Rekindled Phoenix

Rekindled Phoenix

Why LE paid updates are a good thing.

So I have been thinking a lot about LE and how far it has come. A few months ago, I really wasn't feeling that great about LE. Things have really improved the past few months. When it was announced that 2.3 and the new editor would be paid updates, I wasn't real thrilled. My main reasoning behind it was that I felt 2.3 finally got LE to a level where I felt like it was usable in a professional project. So I felt like I had paid for a beta and was now paying for the real product as well.   I no



More lighting improvements

In Leadwerks Engine 2.3, two rendering paths are used for point lights. One uses a depth cubemap (for shader model 4 hardware). The SM3 fallback uses an unwrapped cubemap on a flat texture. On SM4 hardware, a depth cubemap was used because it allowed a point light to be rendered in one pass. However, when implementing my double-buffered technique for point lights, some problems arose. As a result, I changed the renderer to draw point lights as a series of six pyramidal volumes. This is how



Leadwerks Navigator

I had some funny idea again, and started to make Leadwerks Navigator.   It's a simple web page which allows the user to choose different paths and areas of information about Leadwerks Engine. The deeper he navigates and into the more advanced topics he goes, the higher level he gets.   I have no idea how useful this is, or if the Leadwerks web site will be easier to navigate, but at least it's fun to do! :   http://www.siipi.com/leadwerks



Double-buffered shadow maps

I got my idea working with spot lights! You can simply use a shadow mode of 2 to indicate an object or light should be considered "static". A light that has the static mode set will use two shadow maps; one for static objects and one for dynamic objects. In the image below, the walls and room are static, and the oildrum has the regular dynamic shadow mode set. As you can see, redrawing the shadow only requires 650 triangles. Without this feature, the whole room and everything in it would ha



Kattemaksu #3 : The character/client setup.

Welcome to the third installment of Kattemaksu Online.   With a successful test of the RakNet log in and MySQL verification checks, we are moving on to the client of LE. This will include the engine with the log in coding.   My preference is for LE to use the RakNet mod(for BlitzMax) for inclusion into the engine for Netwerks, but that's another story. Since we are writing the client code in C++ the RakNet libraries will work just fine.   Our SBX scene is just about complete, and we will



Lighting optimizations in version 2.31

I got the volume intersection tests working, and it won't be hard to extend this to make trigger and fluid volumes. The image below shows a point light divided up into six volumes. Each pyramidal volume represents the camera frustum of one face of the shadow cubemap. In version 2.3 and earlier, whenever an object moves within the spherical volume of the point light, the shadow is considered invalidated, and all six faces of the shadowmap are redrawn. This is why point lights are so expensive



Quickr + Domino 8.5.1FP1 = Stable!

Finally I got the newest Quickr version to work together with the newest Domino version.Before the last version update, I was running Quickr and Domino 8.5.1 and it crashed almost daily.Domino left a 0 byte NSD file behind each time it crashed.Now it hasn't crashed once yet.All SNAPPS apps are also installed and working fine.   Source



Something To Do

Add CREATENOW parameter to LEO's Framework::Framework() and Engine::Engine(). Expand hybrid fpscontroller2.lua example Also try to split it into universally reusable thingoids [*]Make some cool dungeon with 3DWS [*]Write a short tutorial how to create a distributable game (including built-in C++ RunTime) Include a game launcher and updater in the tutorial [*]Write also a mini game while doing the tutorial [*]Try to get a ragdoll physics character controller working [*]It could be



Kattemaksu #2 : The log on server

Welcome to blog Number 2;   There is not a lot to discuss here, but I wanted to post an update(mostly so I can track myself. lol)   We are just about completed with the Log on server. This actually has nothing to do with LE on the server side. The SQL connection is good, and we are using an sql.lite file for the log on server info. We felt that this would secure it a little better than a standard .CFG or .TXT file for the server host.   We will be running a test tonight from a dedicated



OnLive Lives?

When OnLive was first announced, I thought it couldn't ever work, because of latency issues. After my recent networking work, I think it might actually be feasible. We had fast enough response times that we could play lagless games with server-controlled physics, which is similar to the way OnLive works. A lot of our tests were performed with intercontinental connections, and of course those will have significant latency. We found that when playing within 1000 miles of the server latency wa



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