Check out my latest DevTalk video. I am showing some awesome new features coming to Bladquest – Chapter Two! I really took your feedback serious to develop some cool stuff. So check it out!
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That's just monster truck fun - This driving/vehicle physics is (well I think) definitivly better than 4.3 ?
Here is a speed car with speed boooosst feature (max 50 m/s)
Boost Car.mp4
I'm just happy to get this work here is a demo:
This is actually better than driving in 4.3 because cars are now able to jump or crash without experimenting crazy rotations or whatever ?
Here is the script to make this:
> Here the values I used:
> And here what changed: Is written in dark:
function Script:Start()
-- [...........]
-- Construit les amort
A map viewer application is now available for beta subscribers. This program will load any Leadwerks map and let you fly around in it, so you can see the performance difference the new renderer makes. I will be curious to hear what kind of results you see with this:
Program is not tested with all hardware yet, and functionality is limited.
You can now view detailed sales records of your game assets in Leadwerks Marketplace. First, log into your Leadwerks account and navigate to the Leadwerks Marketplace main page. In the bottom-right, below the categories, a link to your paid files will appear.
Here you can see a list of all your paid items:
When you click on an item, you can see a list of people who have purchased it, along with sales dates.
If you wish to give a free license to any member for any
I have map loading working now. The LoadMap() function has three overloads you can use::
shared_ptr<Map> LoadMap(shared_ptr<World> world, const std::string filename);
shared_ptr<Map> LoadMap(shared_ptr<World> world, const std::wstring filename);
shared_ptr<Map> LoadMap(shared_ptr<World> world, shared_ptr<Stream> stream);
Instead of returning a boolean to indicate success or failure, the LoadMap() function returns a Map object. The Map object gives
Little demo I made about driving in Leadwerks 4.5 with "self-made" vehicle (well the model is not from me)
How to make ? ->
Now, I wrote a single script that creates suspension, steer and traction
You have to create the chassis, 4 wheels, set this script to each one of the wheels and then paly with the configurable parameters.
Autor Juan Ignacio Odriozola (charrua)
A script that facilitates the making of a simple car
all you need is a chassis and 4 wheels
assing this scrip to each wheel and set the object chassis
then adjust some of the configurable parameters
Parent: ch
I had a window popping up every time i was closing the game.Error below:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Expression: __acrt_first_block == header
At first i thought is something related to me not deleting all pointers or closing the app the wrong way.So i fix that up same error.
More investigating i figure it up that somehow is related to poco libs that i use to connect over tcp.If game exit code was before calling poco there was no exception.
More wtf and curses for not being able to wor
Recently i posted a simple car made with joints without too much explanations... so
What is a joint?
This video shows joints in action. At the end, the stand alone executable and the complete project.
The following text and figure is from the "ode-latest-userguide", figures are also form the JV-ODE documentation:
In real life a joint is something like a hinge, that is used to connect two objects.
It is a relationship that is enforced between two bodies so that
Hi guys!
Just wanted to share the first video of the DevTalk series with you, where I keep you up to date about the development, upcoming features etc. It also is a very cool way to communicate with you, so make sure to subscribe and comment to tell me your ideas. I am working very, very hard and there is a lot of awesome stuff coming soon, so stay tuned!
Markus from Phodex Games!
Give Feeback for Bladequest!
My Youtube Channel!
Your Games Wishlist so I can craft a game t
Here there is a way of making a simple car based on hinges
This is not a tutorial, is just simply a stating point for the ones that want/like to play arround physics and hinges...
I included the entire project and the distribution executable to test the scripts so, you have as I say a starting point and just that, hpe it helps someone
This is the editor view and the initial placement of the parts needed
Basically I made 3 scripts
By modifying the spotlight cone attenuation equation I created an area light, with shadow.
And here is a working box light The difference here is the box light uses orthographic projection and doesn't have any fading on the edges, since these are only meant to shine into windows.
If I scale the box light up and place it up in the sky, it kind of looks like a directional light. And it kind of is, expect a directional light would either use 3-4 different box lights set at rad
Some of you are earning money selling your game assets in Leadwerks Marketplace. This quick article will show you how to request a payout from the store for money you have earned. First, you need to be signed into your Leadwerks account.
Click the drop-down user menu in the upper right corner of the website header and click on the link that says "Account Balance".
On the next page you can see your account balance. As long as it is $20 or more you can withdraw the balance into you
I added spotlights to the forward clustered renderer. It's nothing too special, but it does demonstrate multiple light types working within a single pass.
I've got all the cluster data and the light index list packed into one texture buffer now. GPU data needs to be aligned to 16 bytes because everything is built around vec4 data. Consequently, some of the code that handles this stuff is really complicated. Here's a sample of some of the code that packs all this data into an array.
Texture arrays are a feature that allow you to pack multiple textures into a single one, as long as they all use the same format and size. In reality, this is just a convenience feature that packs all the textures into a single 3D texture. It allows things like cubemap lookups with a 3D texture, but the implementation is sort of inconsistent. In reality it would be much better if we were just given 1000 texture units to use. However, these can be used to pack all scene shadow maps into a single
Because variance shadow maps allow us to store pre-blurred shadow maps it also allows us to take advantage of multipled textures. MSAA is a technique that renders extra pixels around the target pixel and averages the results. This can help bring out fine lines that are smaller than a pixel onscreen, and it also greatly reduces jagged edges. I wanted to see how well this would work for rendering shadow maps, and to see if I could reduce the ragged edge appearance that shadow maps are sometimes pr
Making a multiplayer game about territory conquest, like a board game.
The winner will have the most territory.
Something like risk but no dice rolls and more simple.
So far i have:
A socket server (written in go).This has the territories stored in db.
Text communication protocol (using json). For example this is a register packet: {"t":0, "p":{"name":"test"}}
Game client that can select territories (using c++ poco network libraries)
Sqlite3 for game da
Shadows with a constant softness along their edges have always bugged me. Real shadows look like this. Notice the shadow becomes softer the further away it gets from the door frame.
Here is a mockup of roughly what that shadow looks like with a constant softness around it. It looks so fake!
How does this effect happen? There's not really any such thing as a light that all emits from a single point. The closest thing would be a very small bulb, but that still has volume. Bec
After a couple days of work I got point light shadows working in the new clustered forward renderer. This time around I wanted to see if I could get a more natural look for shadow edges, as well as reduve or eliminate shadow acne. Shadow acne is an effect that occurs when the resolution of the shadow map is too low, and incorrect depth comparisons start being made with the lit pixels: By default, any shadow mapping alogirthm will look like this, because not every pixel onscreen has an exact matc
I decided to do a small party, eating some delicious food, celebrating the success of Bladequest - The First Chapter. It had over 450 downloads over within only 7 days and counting, I had the first few sales and Josh is supporting me bringing the game on steam.
This is really awesome, thank you soo much, you make it possible for me to live my dream and make me feel the fire deep in my hearth, which gives me the power and motivation to bring my upcoming games on a new exciting quality level
I know you can use for this the nice shader of Shadmar, but now if you want to try something else,
This is somewhat like you can obtain if you use a big light sphere rounding around the player. I speed up the cycle quicker for the video to see all the day/night.
I used the directional light rotation for the shadows, the color of the sky-sphere for the colorourfull effect and the color of the directional light for the luminosity, getting the no shadow night light.
I'm happy with this because I spent a long time in testing how to make rain without slowing the game too much.
I wanted the rain to have "splash" effect on the ground and to stop correctly as the player could stay under a roof or hides under a big stone etc etc..
I got big problems with collision testing and very low performances when using the shaped vegetation tool.
Now that's fine, because I do not use the collision anymore, saving much performances.
Here is a little demo: