Hello again, everyone! As some of you may of noticed, it's been quite a while since my last blog update. Lots of good things have been going on behind the scenes, which is why there haven't been any recent updates. I'm currently preparing a large blog post for this weekend, but for now you get this little teaser:
Dexsoft's Middle East City pack has been tweaked by the Dave-9000 supercomputer and has produced a low poly high density city block of 1038 polys. Requiring heavy edits of UV co-ordinates and placing all the textures onto a single surface for blinding performance.
Perfect for iPhone and as a building block of the high-density city of Herat.
Today I added the ubiquitous chat console complete with 4 colour coded channel presets, Global, Side, Group, Vehicle. Complete with command parsing (/setkey lets you send keys to any object you're standing before which is handy). The console also has a command history using the UP/DOWN cursor keys.
Chat entry toggled by hitting the ENTER key ala Warcraft. Be aware that the primary action key has moved from the ENTER key to the "P" key (P for primary and also handily close to the square bracke
Hi, It’s my IK arm sample video.
We’ve been trying to implement IK in our characters for a while. this is my first IK simulated arm. However it looks like a robotic arm yet, but when I set some angular limitations, it got better!
I also smoothed its movements. It’s a lot better now.
This video shows my first concepts about an IK arm. It’s a simple arm with 3 limbs, Upper arm, Forearm and palm.
In its LUA script I create a target pivot which my arm try to grab. We sets this targe
Version 2.32 is the biggest internal change in the engine in a long time. It's also the last time version 2.x will undergo this extensive of additions.
LuaJit2 was implemented for fast Lua execution. This initially caused some BMX programs to not compile with the included modules.
The rendering buffer storage scheme was modified somewhat in preparation for a new feature that is unannounced.
Roads and saved to and loaded from SBX files, so they don't have to be generated at runtime.
Airbase preview at our SimHQ forum.
Gluing the airfield into place has been an interesting job, using terrain 'visibility' to cut out terrain chunks and fit it into place. Shindand airfield is used for medical and humanitarian flights, it's currently VFR only and no lighting system. We might modernise it a little for our scenario.
Most NATO flights will come and go from here. A node system for AI aircraft to follow the taxiways and tank-off/land will be added.
Multiplayer options sta
My wife reminds me that it takes typically two weeks after each engine upgrade to get things working as intended.
There's the odd "caps sensitive" issue in some of the LUA source. And a quick change of fw.Main to fw.main in Renderer to get ll the helo/sky scripts working. Rebuilding the lua-gluefunctions and making sure not residue from the previous version was causing problems.
All that's left is handling changes of appearance and shaders....and re-serialising all of the 3D work.
Formally announcing the foundation of the legal entity Tricubic Studios Ltd. developers of Combat Helo, associated content and iPhone/iPad games / applications.
This doesn't change very much, it grants us a recognised identity for trading, taxation and investment. Plus we get a chance to develop an insipid company website. We plan to have our first mobile platform release ready for the summer. More details on that in a few weeks. Blog updates will continue at this location.
It's not going to win any awards for realism but we have a rudimentary ENV environment class that handles time-of-day ticking and updating scene elements accordingly. Lighting, colouring, fog, sun position. Currently it's using computed light values which renders lovely post apocalyptic scenes, the colours are terrible IMO, looks like a nuke's gone off. A lookup table will be better and an exercise I'll leave for later. Also I added some data structures for moving weather zones around the map. T
In the name of God
As you know, you are currently reading the FSR Game Development Blog!
in this blog we will share our activities, problems, achievements, technologies, fights and any other things related to our game development process.
Finally I found some time to convert the four packages to additional formats.
Now all Vegetation and Environment packs have those formats: .max (2010), .gmf, .3ds, .dae, .fbx (2009), .obj
I feel comfortable with the formats now and can concentrate on new packs or make the existing packs "game-ready" for other engines.
But Pure3d also has tons of work to do so it will take a while.
The updates on the formats are free of course and all clients will get a mail within 24h from now on.
Dave sent me his first bridge work for crossing the Death Star trench across our terrain.
Pictured below is an editor scene showing it in place with some of our other 3D assets rolling across it.
Five brickwork textures were used to break up the surface detail with colour matching used to make it blend with the terrain textures.
Last night I finished playing around with the cockpit night lighting thanks to Bushmaster and his reference photos and nudging to fix the colours. Three
The recent thread about Netwerks (wrapper for ENet) got me thinking some more about the library. I decided to fire up the latest source distribution and get hacking away at it. In this blog post, I'll share some of the modifications I have done to the library to make it a bit more usable as a core networking library to build on top of.
Let me start off by saying that ENet is a pretty well designed low level library. I've always liked the design, which you can read about here. The documentati
All actions relating to the AH64D go though a message receiver. Player mount, dismount, ground crew arming, lights, AI commanding and (getting to the point) virtual cockpit interactions.
The MPD button naming convention of "MPD_1_17" refering to MPD 1 (pilot left) and key 17 (counting from top left) that gets sent to the input handler for that MPD.
Key messages can originate from the client or network. I had to add a source ID to account for situations where one person in the same vehicl
well.. recently most of things became unwelcome to our project. some were our personal problems and some were not.. anyway according to our limited time, we had to work two times harder! and we are! the only thing makes us energetic, is to make more and more features work. unfortunately we lost our animator too and after two weeks looking for an animator, finally I have to do animate characters by myself. in these 2-3 days I could make a new rig template for characters and results seems good o
This post will talk about the (E)mbedded (W)eb (S)erver (I)nterface library I have been working on the past couple of days. In addition, this will probably be the last major post about the library for a while since I need to move on to more tech demos of other things. I'm not going to give up the project, but I've reached a point where I need to work on other things before investing more time on using the library in a practical application. In other words, I've put in the time to developing the
I like standard interfaces. I like the consistency of having all programs look the same. That's why web browsers bug me a lot sometimes; They each have their own unique look. It's disappointing to me how Microsoft has gotten away from this idea. Why oh why can't Windows have skins? But I digress.
In terms of performance, my favorite browser would probably be Opera. In terms of appearance, my favorite is Internet Explorer 6. I know, web designers hate it for its quirks. I don't use i
The world of games, game development and game design is awesome. I just love it. The fun part is, that I only realised this since the past year and a half. Before that, I just liked playing games. Nothing else slipped in to my mind about "how a game is made etc.".
I like to tell you a little story about myself. We didn't have a computer at home until I was 10. Before that, I used to play games at my neighbours house. My neighgbours where German and their kid had a computer at his room with o
I've been working a lot on the business side of Leadwerks lately, and although the results aren't yet visible, it's important to ensure our long-term goals are achieved. I wish I could say more right now.
My main machine is back on Windows XP. I don't want to discuss the relative merits of operating systems, but for me Windows XP is more productive. Other people might not work the way I do, so they will have their own preferences, and no one is "wrong". That said, I am surprised with ho
Currently I am taking a small break from actual coding right now, give or take the odd few hours now and then I thought it best to start construction of my testing level, or at least get the main parts of it built as the testing scene/areas are blueprints for a project I have had in mind for a while, basically some nasty persons do some nasty things which in turn brings about a whole lot of nasty and the player is the antidote to nasty in general. Yeah, not much of "game description" but radic
In my last blog post, "Why didn't I think about this earlier..." moment, I talked a little about how cool I thought the idea of having an embedded web server would be in your applications. So, for the past couple of days, I've spent some time implementing the idea and coming up with a simple tech demo alongside Leadwerks to show off the basics.
First, I had to code a simple TCP server. This was an easy task for me since I've kind of specialized in network programming for the past couple of y
In every type of program or game, the most annoying step for me is the installation setup. If you don't really need particular setup layout or functionality, then Inno Setup can be what you are looking for saving your time (and money, since it is free!). Here I go to explain how you can build the setup application for your game in few easy steps.
From the Inno Setup IDE begin to create a new script with wizard and compile the fields as you need:
The next step is to choose the default i