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Rocks and Stones Model Pack Released

The Rocks and Stones Model Pack by Pure3D is now available here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/products/_/assets/rocks-and-stones-pack-r1   You can also still get the Industrial Cargo Model Pack for the low introductory price of just $9.95 until Monday, September 6, before the price goes up: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/products/_/assets/industrial-cargo-model-pack-r8



New set released - "Afghan Vegetation 1.x"

Pure3d is happy to release another game-asset pack to the community. It's named "Afghan Vegetation 1.x" and features an all-round package reaching from small ground plants to lots (!)of bushes this time and some trees. All in all there are around 24 models in the collection.   Just check out the catalog here)(.pdf).   Price is again 22,- Euros, game-ready for Leadwerks plus lots of additional file formats.       Check http://www.pure3d.de for other fine asset packs too!

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Atmospheric screen-shots

AD made some atmospheric screen-shots when playing with lighting and environment settings. SimHQ Diary Starting with the only major airbase in the region. AD is responsible for some Strike Fighter mod aircraft models, one of which is a Tornado GR1 (?). Which he's used here. I don't think these will be in the game unless we get permission from the original mod maker to use it. But it does look nice.     This is our early version of Camp Stone complete with a half-court basket. You wouldn't



Exterior night lighting

These are placement tests for the Apache model in the editor, getting a feel for colour, levels, position, range and angle. The left nav light (red) on the Apache model needs to have the fullbright material applied to be visible in dark conditions. One pilot was telling me that the ground on the left side on the helicopter appears brighter than the right with night vision. Interestingly our night vision shader amplifies lighting levels based on final pixel colour and gives a boost to red values



Internal views

Added some fixed internal views for 'quick' look downs and drama shots.   Wiper dash...this has a little vibration.   Pilot displays...   Over shoulder...   Pilot engine controls (startup and lighting)...CP/G similar (not pictured)   Co-pilot target panel (TEDAC)...   I think a 'foot-well' cam will come when we get a pilot model in game so we can see the crew looking around. And I think we could use an ADI/Comms panel view. Feel free to suggest a few more.   Source



Week 2

What an interesting first week. I compiled a C++ program for Android, made a programming language, learned about iPhone development, and figured out a lot of C++ stuff I did not know.   It's nice to see that a port to Android will work pretty much like I was hoping. I just write an abstract driver for every system, and have specific drivers that extends that class: class GraphicsDriver {} class GL4GraphicsDriver : public GraphicsDriver {}   Then when you have something like a surface tha



The Way Forward ... Making Blitzmax Trax ...

Following on from "On The Right Path, A* Pathfinding In Leadwerks" I thought before I archive the code, I'd have a little "dabble" with a basic function to get an NPC reading the path data and then following it to the "target" I had a couple of ideas on how to do this but as time for playing in leadwerks was running out I opted for a basic idea.   1. Target Position Selected 2. Path from NPC to selection calculated. 3. Path transfered to a temp storage array for that particular NPC 4. An NP

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

Herat city, almost

This is months of painstaking trial-and-error, optimisation and experimentation. I said months ago, "We don't have the resources or time to build a whole city, just a close approximation". Well it's an approximation but it's more than what we anticipated was possible. Given that the old girl Longbow 2 had a small village, a dozen or so muddy cubes, this is 2010 and we can afford to push it a little.   Putting the demo together for Summer Sim 2010 next weekend, the updated map includes Herat



WAH-64D Replica Controls

Summer Sim 2010 is nearly here. Komodo Simulations, makers of replica helicopter controls for virtual training are sadly not going to have their replica controls ready in time but a recent news update on their web site shows the current collective at the pre-mould stage.   Komodo Simulations WAH-64 collective WIP   Looking good so far. Combat-Helo will be there to show a build of some kind. Although like the controls we're perhaps not going to have all the goodies ready to go into a demo bui



Camera views askew

Taking a little time-out from debugging to recharge my batteries, something slightly less frustrating, camera views.   Not helped by my original program flow which had camera commands in-line where needed, and I still have to go through and fix up TrackIR to work with the new class but shouldn't take long. TrackIR is really simple to implement in this kind of software.   Crew positions are parented to a pivot and then offset so it was important to retain any camera/parent relationships, add



PC Pilot, published in the UK but have to buy from US

It's ridiculous, I'm seemingly unable to purchase from the UK, PC Pilot, a UK based flight simulation magazine . The only way I'm able to obtain copies is via ebay sellers in the US.   Local stockists are non-existent and repeated attempts to buy them online results in emails informing me that they are unable process my details. The same details which seem perfectly fine for US ebay vendors.   Two weeks now.   I give up, I'll stick with US postal charges. More reliable.   Source



On The Right Path, A* Pathfinding In Leadwerks.

Well, it has been a while since I made a blog entry, let alone done any work in LE. But I do keep an eye on the forum and Leadwerks in between Daily life and working on my project(s).   I have also been going through my Blitzmax code archive, where I stored all my Blitmax/LE projects and code snippets (finished and not completed). One idea I had been playing with before, was basic NPC AI. I had some small success with some Bugs using autonomous logic.   See Here   In my "treasure trove" o

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost


My little precompiler is going well. It creates makefiles and can split a build up across multiple files. I am working out the interface with external libraries. Here's an example program: Print "Hello World!" And here's the code it outputs and compiles: #include "Hello World.h" using namespace codewerks; //============================================= // Main Loop //============================================= int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Print(std::string("Hello World!"));



Flight model Mk2 update and roads

At no point before have I felt so much under pressure as I do now. Hence the lack of blog updates. The new physics engine is still being problematic but these are issues relating to -ff-math and tracking down typos, the odd logic error and other errors that occur when programming.   In a flight model, such errors result in numbers quickly blowing up, which they do. So I'm currently tracking down each issue, one at a time until, eventually, it should just all click into place.   I finally con



Lashkar Gah - Round II

After one more weeek of work the project is progressing nice. More and more models are placed on the combat zone and at least there are 21 vegetation layers now. Maybe all 30 will be used at the end. For such big projects its neccesary to place some props with the vegetation system too. Mostly rubble and rocks.     The project seems to push the engine really to it's limit but most things are sorted out or will be solved very soon. It's giving me headaches some time but such large scale pro

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Some more architecture

I think these have been on the SimHQ forums for a couple of days but I've been too busy to post any updates. Here AD has been adding some gardens to the Friday Mosque and adding it to the city. To overcome scale/zbuffer issues of having a large scene, AD has buried the the tiled gardens into the terrain, just like the river sections. The gardens sit on a large slab that is quite deep, this also accommodates uneven terrain.     No paved road surface currently. While Leadwerks supports



Day 1

Production of Leadwerks 3 begins today!



U.S.S. Leilani - Work In Progress

A lil work in progress.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZ7RNkFLIc&hd=1 The Olympian Class Battleship, the United Starship Leilani.   The little brother to the Titan Class ship, provides long range support with its primary weapon, the plasma cannon, and its secondary weapon, a hundred pod nuclear warheads. Armed with multiple AA guns and artillery batteries, this ship can carry a Gryphon Class battle dropship and three hundred Fighter Class personal fighters.   This work in prog



Project planning - Game modes

I have been using a concept of Game Modes to tell me in which part of the game I am. This really helps in getting code organised and planning of the game.  



RVL Circuit Black Hole

So I found an old project, originally done in DarkGDK and decided to convert it to Leadwerks. During the process, I found that the graphical qualities of a Leadwerks sphere far surpass those of DarkGDK and rendering thousands of spheres was not the most effective way to do what I was doing.   So I took a quick trip into OpenGL land with Masterxilo's tutorial. Here are the results.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzjRC5dOq50     Basically its a render of the results of several values



Lashkar Gah - Round I

Over at Pure3d Visualizations we are working hard on our current project "Lashkar Gah". It will be a 4x4 km² realtime landscape viz for virtual training. Google a bit about "virtual training" to get an idea about that stuff. Basically marines are sitting in front of a computer and train combat - observed by an instructor. We did such solutions before but this time we are allowed to show the work plus even sell some of the assets after finishing the project.   We were given the Afghanistan base

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

New oak-tree billboards in place

While I'm spending hours pouring over interfacing the flight model, AD has been tinkering with billboards again, finding a blend of shadows. There's still more to do, I want a ground fog layer, multiple layers, realistic light scattering and a more dynamic LOD system which we can't do yet. AD is reducing the tree poly counts from 1,500 to 500 on the LOD1s. This should improve shadow performance a little.   Looking at shadows again, I came across a GameDev.net post that I might look into. It'



Assets product section now open

We're finally offering our first product in the new assets section of the site. I have wanted for a long time to have a means where assets can be produced and sold in a sustainable manner. I am very interested in working with third-party sites that produce game artwork. Orders are still processed by hand, but we're working on a system to automate things. You can be sure I won't let anything into the product listing unless it is 100% game-ready for Leadwerks Engine.



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