It's a sentence I pulled out of context from the recent Unity newsletter. It relates to a Mobile Generation Education Project, a project with a $250k giveaway to help students become the mobile innovators of tomorrow.
Now, when I was a student, we didn't have mobile phones, or the world wide web. And if we did, we'd have moved onto something else by now. Teachers point out that 60% of the jobs their students end up doing haven't been invented yet. I helped develop Risk Assessment software us
Hello everyone.
I want to welcome you all as a new member of this wonderful community. LE is a great engine, and its strength is in its simplicity and gives us a low level of control. I've worked in many excellent engine that have power tools, but work with them is painful, because you have no freedom. Sometimes it is much easier to do something from scratch.
Excellent job guys
Here's some LE3 code for a simple program. The Graphics / Window stuff is not worked out 100%, and it's a little tricky because of the different operating systems and different kinds of windows.
I think we'll see a little more consistency across various languages with the LE3 syntax. It was suggested that the C syntax use the following scheme:
I agree with this suggestion.
SetGraphicsDriver( OpenGLGraphicsDriver() );
I was determined to get 3D graphics working this week, and I did it. Behold, a box, now with *3D PERSPECTIVE*.
Making another variation of the infamous "my first box" demo with OpenGL is certainly nothing to brag about. However, there is quite a lot of code in use beyond just a simple hard-coded demo. The materials, shader, file system, camera, surface, graphics, math, and entity classes are all functioning at various levels of completion. I coded these systems and then used them to
Been pretty ill this last week, progress has been sporadic. I took time out to rebuild the engine code so it's now the same for all Apaches, AI and player alike.
Pilot feedback from screen-shots and videos also allowed me to rebuild the whole engine start-up and ENG display page. Automatically switches to in-flight mode. Things blink, change colour, are boxed appropriately. Couple of bits left to do, the biggest headache was dealing with all the fiddly scale changes and adding new code to si
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<behavior name="create_cube" >
<result type="Entity" value="cube1" />
These 6 lines are the start of a flowgraph system I'm working on. I've been playing with UDK's Kismet and enjoying what it can do. Now UDK's Kismet is pretty specific to UDK functionality for the most part. They have things like SpawnPlayer, which LE obviously doesn't have. LE gives you much lower level control than SpawnPlayer type s
Thanks for the great responses to our new released project! After some considerations about the assets of the Kabul City it's now available for sale. The possibility to release such high-quality assets to the community is very rare because of the nature of contracts.
There are 25 models in total - including 7 buildings and 18 props - for only 89,95 EUR. This is only 3,59 EUR for one model. The offer is limited until 10th of October so make sure to save your 40 EUR now because after this per
For the record, practical work on the detailed CH-47D interior started yesterday.
The CH-47D is a great machine better suited to the environment in which it will operate in Combat-Helo. The Chinook (prn: shin-uk) is a surprisingly nimble and small helicopter, not the large lumbering giant as is often perceived. What you may find surprising (I did anyway) was that it's about the same size as the Apache. See the comparison image below.
Apache / Chinook size comparisonIn Afghanistan, the CH
Maybe some of you have seen my work in progress thread for some while now but the final screenshots and work breakdown deserve an own Blog entry in my opinion.
I think the snippet from my company website explains the project quite well:
"The city environment of a sub-urb in Kabul was done for "serious gaming" purposes which simply means a simulation of trained tasks in a save environment - like a flight simulator. Our task was to develop seven buildings with complete additional props se
Hey it's a blog, I'm blogging. All this talk about fluids.has brought on a nasty head cold. Up at 6am searching for the Lemsip (a horrid lemon flavoured drink with decongestant) and watching "Dogfights" on DVD.
The History Channel series "Dogfights" prompted the next three to four hours of viewing since I realised just how bad it really was from the simpleton "Top Trumps" presentations to the seemingly good idea at the time computer graphics. To be fair I did learn something new every episod
Shader class...done.
Surface class...done (pretty much).
One change in LE3 is the addition of .shader files. This is just a text file with a list of shader components:
Your material file then just has to reference a single file:
Of course, you'll be able to just drag the shader file onto the material shader property in the editor to assign it. You will never have to use Notepad, for anything.
Now working on
Time for another dull dev blog. This time, the exciting world of Hydraulics which I didn't know much about except what I can gather from various books I have laying around.
Hydraulics are a game component as it effects how long you can maintain control in event of damage to your controls or hydraulic lines and it also powers gun turret control. Controls are not direct in modern aircraft, due to the amount of force required to move a large surface area on an aircraft weighing tons, human mus
Just a short entry for now.
Finally, we received a confirmation email from Big Fish Games and these days we are working to implement their requests. I hope until the end of the month we will send our game for full QA.
Here is a picture from the title screen. I will come with more pics in the next days.
More news may be available through:
I wasn't sure about the STOW angles so I set the PNVS to 165 inboard (0=along the nose) and TADS 180' inboard. Activated via the NVS mode switch in the cockpit (or CTRL S). The CPG station doesn't seem to have the noeswheel/NVS panel unless we missed it. You'll just have to play as the pilot if you want to flip the switch by hand.
Switch has 3 position, off (stows the sensors for transitional flight), normal for tracking head movement and fixed for boresight (straight ahead).
The NVS Mode sw
Internet Explorer 9 beta has recently been released and one of the new features is the chance to enabling a website as "app" wich will has its own space on your system and will be opened in its own window, just dragging its "favicon" from the address bar of IE to your Windows taskbar (from here it will be a "pinned site".
Once "pinned", the link on the taskbar can handle a collection of custom links which will be listed inside the context menu clicking on the link with the right mouse button
Frictional Games is the developer of puzzle horror games like Penumbra and the new Amnesia: The Dark Descent. We sat down with Frictional Games co-founder Thomas Grip to learn more about their development process.
Josh: I'm a big fan of the Penumbra series. What can we look forward to in Amnesia: The Dark Descent?
Thomas Grip: There is a lot to of new stuff in the game. First of all the game is a more streamlined experience both in terms of general gameplay and interaction. For the gam
That's right. No 3D glasses will be required. Full support for the very latest 2D high-resolution monitors will be included, no additional headache inducing hardware will be required.
(yes I am loosing my mind)
I like the idea of having a GunCam view. However it means increasing the texture detail on cannon as it really wasn't meant for up close viewing.
Heh, I have you in my sights.
Trying alternative offsets for the cam to get a good viewpoint. You can see the spotlight on but we don't yet have it deploying from the hull.
Yup, perhaps the most nauseating camera view is back. One that a still screen-shot and an fps hungry FRAPs recording IMPROVES. RotorCam is like having your brain ripped out by your eye-stalks and soaked in vinegar. A virtual camera is strapped to the underside of blade number 1 and everything else is a blur. Only use I can think of is a debug aid when we get to blade flapping etc.
I'd like to thank Macklebee for helping me sort out the LUA object passing to get this working.
RotorCam fo
I'm making good progress on LE3 now. First I had to write basic functionality for things like strings and file access. It was tedious, but now that it's done I've got a nice library of functions that make programming all that much easier. The string commands include Trim(), Split(), ExtractExt(), StripDir(), etc. I know the Boost library has some functionality like this, but I'd like to avoid relying on third party libs whenever possible. I've also got the file system working, with a FileFa
AD's SimHQ Dev Diary - Road works
Interesting post on improving the look of the new roads which are meshes exported from 3DMAX using a number of different post processing techniques to level them to our height-map. He touches upon adjusting the height-map to sink roads into the terrain, thus ageing them.
Note that the heightmap images in this post are flipped vertically. If you plan to use them as a map at a later date and get confused then this is why.