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Too Cool

While working with zlib, I implemented the package system, and it turned out really cool. Here's some stuff you can do   First, let's load the package and register it in the file system: Package* pak = ReadPackage("mystuff.pak"); //Read the package RegisterPackage(pak); //Register package into file system Read a file from a package, just as if it were on the hard drive: Stream* stream = ReadFile("mystuff/new document.txt"); //Read a file straight out of the package! Write a file t



Small Victories

Two issues in the art pipeline were giving me some doubt. I stopped working on them a couple weeks ago, and I'm glad I did because the solutions became clear to me.   Shader Files First, there is the matter of shaders. A shader can actually consist of half a dozen files:bumpmapped.opengl3.vert bumpmapped.opengl3.frag bumpmapped.opengl4.vert bumpmapped.opengl4.vert bumpmapped.opengles.vert bumpmapped.opengles.vert   I originally thought the .shd extension would be good for shaders, i



Summer Events

This blog is going to actually be about business rather than technology. Here's what's going to happen this summer:   First, we need to get this ATI driver bug fixed ASAP. Nothing else can happen until that gets fixed: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-165-terrain-textures-bug-radeon-hd-5850   The official documentation is coming along well, and I am really pleased with how this has turned out. (Thanks, Aggror!)   An updated evaluation kit with some limited programming w



A second look at entity scripts

With Luabind, it turns out we don't even need a table associated with an entity. We can just add values and functions straight to Lua's representation of that entity in the virtual machine! So instead of this: object.health=100 object.entity:SetPosition(1,2,3) You can just do this, which is much nicer!: entity.health=100 entity:SetPosition(1,2,3) So there's no object/actor nonsense, you just work directly with the entity itself.   Entity Keys The Get/SetKey convention from Lea



To add polys or not to add polys.....that is the question

Well I have been able to work a couple more hours this week on my characters. I seem to be all over the board when it comes to work flow. A little here a little there. The base mesh for the body is done and with hair weighs in at 4,620 triangles. I am happy with the detail with the normal maps although the one on the mesh right now can be unwrapped better to get rid of the bad pixelation around the eyes and mouth. I just threw it together to test. The high poly character is around 55,000 triangl



Leadwerks Engine 3 Forums now open

The Leadwerks Engine 3 Forums are open to all Leadwerks developers so you can post your ideas and get information on the development of Leadwerks Engine 3. Additionally, forums are now divided up by product, with forums for Leadwerks Engine 2, Leadwerks Engine 3, and 3D World Studio. We think this organization will provide more room to grow in the future.



Welcome to the Leadwerks.com dedicated server

Leadwerks.com is now hosted on our own dedicated server located in Chicago, Illinois. It was found that this location gave the best overall results for our worldwide user base. We tested the new server in advance for a couple of days, and transferred the database right before switching the DNS, so no data should have been lost. Please submit a bug report if you experience any problems.   The Leadwerks server has a 500 gb secondary hard drive where site backups are automatically saved to, in



A first look at entity scripts

In Leadwerks Engine 3, you can load a script and attach it to any entity. You can attach multiple scripts to any entity, and they will be called in the order they were attached. Right now, I am calling the script-side table "actor" because it is a little more descriptive than "object" but I'm not sure about all the syntax yet. Below is a sample script for a sliding door. When you attach this to a model, the script will control its behavior: ----------------------------- -- Sliding door sc



Leadwerks dedicated server

We've transferred the site data to a dedicated server hosted with wiredtree. I've filed a ticket with invision power services to configure the new server. When that is confirmed to be working I'll retransfer the database to make sure all posts are saved and change the domain nameservers and A record.   I also have an update for the site skin that is supposed to fix most of the issues reported, but I want to make sure things are working right before installing it.   Then we'll get back to w



Louie, Lua

Below is raw output from the Lua debugger. It displays all variables, tables, and functions in the Lua script call stack. This will be displayed in a nice treeview interface that looks much better, but I found this terribly exciting.   You'll notice that tables don't get expanded, even though I have the ability to display all the values in a table. The reason they don't get expanded is because tables can contain tables, including tables that might be found elsewhere in the program. This ca



FSR company in Tehran Game Expo 2011

FSR company will attend the Tehran Game Expo 2011 with Death Statue Game. The first Tehran game expo & festival will be held from Apr. 28th to May 2nd 2011 in the conference hall of Milad Tower, Tehran by the Computer Game National Foundation. more information to come …   Source



FSR company in Tehran Game Expo 2011

FSR company will attend the Tehran Game Expo 2011 with Death Statue Game. The first Tehran game expo & festival will be held from Apr. 28th to May 2nd 2011 in the conference hall of Milad Tower, Tehran by the Computer Game National Foundation. more information to come …



FSR company in Tehran Game Expo 2011

FSR company will attend the Tehran Game Expo 2011 with Death Statue Game. The first Tehran game expo & festival will be held from Apr. 28th to May 2nd 2011 in the conference hall of Milad Tower, Tehran by the Computer Game National Foundation. more information to come …



Back in Leadwerks .Net Development

Hi guys,   finally I have some more freetime back and have restarted developing with Leadwerks more intensively in C#. Currently I'm working on multiple extensions for the .NET Wrapper of Leadwerks and I'm also finishing / continuing developing my tools. Later I hope this will all fit in one easy to use framework.   First here is a screen of new nightsky texture used in my lua daynight script (not completely correct scaled) :     the texture was made by taking screenshots from the stel



Leadwerks Editor SQL

Today I wanted to start a GameLib tutorial series, and wanted to eliminate all temporary code and build the tutorial from beginning so that it will only expand and build on the previous tutorial steps.   Loading models and creating meshes programmatically is out of question, as you don't do that in real games. You would at least somehow have them loaded from a config file.   Then I thought I should put all assets into a Leadwerks Editor scene, but that won't work with real games either, as y




I'm testing Code::Blocks with LE2, instead of Visual Studio 2008/2010. So far it seems quite nice, and very intuitive to learn and configure. I already found some benefits of Code::Blocks over Visual Studio:   1) LE2 syntax highlighting can be configured to be different from the built-in C++ keywords. In VS they always have the same color. 2) Compiling time is much faster, because it can use MinGW. 3) Generated code is much faster, because it can use -O3 and -O6 optimizations. 4) Loading



Royal Challenge Solitaire

Hi guys ,   <<RELEASED>>   5. Position on Big Fish Games under card/board games section so far 4. Position on Spin Top Games under card/board games section so far http://www.bigfishgames.com/download-games/12236/royal-challenge-solitaire   Me again Finally release . Due to some issues with xp and some minor bugs release date was delayed a bit .Finally BFG QA team sad yes   New Release Date 23.April on Big fish Games ,4th May Real Networks & Game House ,   6th Ma



My Current Project.

Previous projects have merged and morphed into an 'as yet to be revealed' game of significant Indie importance.



Data Loss Announcement

First, so you don't have to read through all my rambling, the website database is set back to November 2010, and there is no way around it.   I was working with the forum software on Sunday, 4-17, and I was just very pleased with how things were working. I saw there was an update for the bug tracker application, and the change list just mentioned some bug fixes, so I felt okay installing it. The new version removed custom issue fields, which we use extensively for listing hardware, drivers,



Oh how I hate AppTime() and the randomness of it all.

Actually I don't hate AppTime() I just don't like using it in some instances. Its extremely useful and from what I can tell a more accurate mechanism to use than AppSpeed().   Whilst working on Furious Frank, one thing I noticed and it always caught my eye, was what I term “Chorus Line Syndrome” where using the basic AppTime() frame incrementing code for looping animations results in a regimented animation playback for like models/characters. I have ignored this issue thus far as it was not su

Marleys Ghost

Marleys Ghost

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