I was at a shopping center this afternoon wasting time, and came across a hobby shop. I can't quite articulate what it is about stuff like this that I like, but this is what I want game development with Leadwerks3D to be like. This is why I set up the Leadwerks Asset Store and make the effort to make nice thumbnails with transparency to show off items in 3D. I want more game development to be a process of producing reusable components, and then at the design level, of picking and choosing whi
Dull day, so lets post about something most normal people find dull. Fuel flow controls. In the Apache D model this is administered on the FUEL MPD page.
Not much to say about it, I'm bored already. It does what it does. Our Apache has two internal ballistically shielded self-sealing fuel tanks. Fuel can be drawn or transferred from one or the other to adjust weight distribution. Activating fuel boost engages the rear tank cross-feed valves as seen here. Fuel transfer between tanks should no
Yes were still using Notepad to edit them. Well that's not quite accurate, I'm using Notepad++
What's nice about Leadwerks is being able to create a shader to add new effects or change how the engine renders something without anything getting in your way. So when Dave asks for a version of the cubemap that will blend in some particular way it was no problem to quickly put it together. He's doing terrible things to make filthy looking windshields, chrome toggle switches and this rather neat l
I was thinking this morning how Apple has influenced my life and the company Leadwerks. You might ask why I am talking about this, since we are only now coming out with our first product for any Apple operating system. Well, before Windows existed, back in the 1980's, this was my first computer:
The first "game" I ever made was in Macintosh Paint. I drew a road from a top-down view, with barriers randomly placed on either side. I drew a race car, zoomed in the image, and used the se
AD posted more Chinook goodies at SimHQ Link here >>> SimHQ - AD Chinook Update
What am I looking at?
It's a little creepy, crew heads now reflect the pilot helmet sight (PHS) and gunner helmet sight (GHS) Vec2 offsets, so using trackIR, mouselook etc will operate the appropriate crewman head position (with suitable organic tweening). These positions are stored in the aircraft state so will work across all aircraft (AI and player) as well as multi-player.
Crowd navigation is built into Leadwerks3D. You just set a destination, and your characters will automatically travel wherever you tell them to go. I think having navigation built into the engine will give us better results than a third party add-on would. We can automatically recalculate sections of the map that change, AI script functions can be called when certain events occur, and the code to control characters is extremely simple.
Now available.
*edit* A few additional notes...
The controller setup page shown in this video has a number of devices listed. These are just the ones I had plugged in at the time of recording. All DirectInput controllers should be available, some will have ready to fly config files (most Saitek sticks, Logitech).
I forgot to turn on the post processing effects since I work without them (generates more heat). There is a LOT of changes going on to various sensors and the IHADSS w
I fixed our AI navigation problems and got pathfinding to work using navmeshes. Now you can easily make a horde of zombies chase after the player without setting up any waypoints. Which is the whole point of this, of course.
The problem had to do with a polygon filter, and I am still not sure what is going on, so I disabled it for now.
I'm testing the Leadwerks3D AI navigation and getting some interesting results. I'm not sure why it's acting this way, but we'll get it figured out soon. It seems like the navigation gets "stuck" on corners, fails to enter some tiles, and likes to take the scenic route to some destinations. B)
So after about three weeks of pain and frustration, I have successfully calculated my first path using Recast navigation. This has been a new experience for me. I've implemented half a dozen low-level C++ libraries, and never had any serious trouble, but Recast Navigation is something else.
The technology underlying Recast is impressive. First they take triangle geometry, convert it to voxels, then calculate navigation, and convert it back into rough polygons. You can read about the proc
Yippe..the 18 month project is now 24 months old. Horray. Short post but I felt I couldn't let it slip by unnoticed. Especially with all the Tipex (White-Out) all over my Project Planner.
First screen-shot of a quickly put together KBU (keyboard unit). This is a flat 2D image you click on, taken from the texture used in the cockpit. I wanted to see how good/bad it looked since we don't have time to develop a 3D one.
Clicking on Air Surv will abort current FCR operation
and switch to an active air scan (air surv mode)
The keyboard command list is looking horrible if you want full control over this. The shot cut keys work fine however. I made some tweaks to the h
I decided to try out Qt, and was shocked how easy it was to "install" and use.
I only unpacked the mingw-Qt zip to my h:/lib/qt folder and it was "installed".
Then I only added the QtCore4.a and QtGui4.a to my codeblocks project's linker settings, and added the h:/lib/qt/include and h:/lib/qt/include/qtgui folder to my project's source files tab, and then I put the QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll in the same folder where my game.exe was.
A simple demo program like this already makes a fully fun
Decided to roll with the Egyptian theme to test stuff out.
Sketchup, UU3D, sand, plants, add water and we're ready to roll !
Lets take a look..
I've implemented multitouch input on iOS, and gave Aria the information he needs to do the same for Android devices. Multitouch is an interesting input method. Each "touch" has a beginning, some movement, and an end. To handle multiple touches, they need to be persistent; you need to keep track of which touch is which. This is a little weird if you're coming from a mouse and keyboard paradigm.
On iOS, you have a pointer to a UITouch object, and on Android it's a jObject object (I think)
After having purchased UU3D and discovering I couldn't do submeshes I decided to do something about it.
I had few choices, either write exporter ( I did write sketchup to b3d exporter a few years back ) or find one.
After a few days of research and not wanting to write my own DAE to GMF converter I found one !
Details here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3902-fbx-exporter/
fbx converter
Greetings all. I'm going to use this blog to document the process as I embark on the harrowing journey of a gaming enthusiast who dabbles in indie game development. The desire to do this stems from my utter disappointment with multiplayer RPG games that are available out there. Also, it serves as a project to help me develop my C++ skills and better understand "under-the-covers" networking which is useful in my professional career as a, well, not a game developer.
I was amazed at how much
I got touch input and text rendering working on Android. Happily, I have not encountered any issues with different behavior on any tested OpenGLES devices, including iOS. The framerate on my HTC Evo jumps around quite a bit, which appears to be an issue with the Java garbage collector. Framerate on iOS is a solid 60 FPS, so we should be able to get this sorted out.
Here's a video:
I also discover
LEO 2.5 has been sent to Josh, there was a few commands missing, and a few bugs were fixed.
GameLib should be ready soon, I'm still testing the new additions to the Application class. It can get quite deep to make a simple spinning cube template, if you want to make it perfect.
For example the window size needs to be read from a config file rather than from LEBuilder, so that it is not hardcoded into the game code. I ended up with the decision to make all config, gamesave, etc...
Today and yesterday i wrote alot of new gui stuff:
GuiFrameView, wich is adding just a rect that shows a frame from an timage object to the vertexbuffer of the containing window,
This can be a classic max2d like frame or my new IMP frame system.
same as a new TextButton, wich is adding 3 rechts, to the buffer, 2 for the both "end piceces" and a stretched one, also it adds a ttexthandle to the buffer.
Width can be auto assigned from the text, or manually setted (in this case the text will
Good evening everyone.
I'd like to introduce myself as the Android guy on the Leadwerks team.
We ran into a couple of little quirks starting out with the Android port of Leadwerks3D and the whole Android C++/native development thing but we'll have a great environment for everyone to push to their heart's content soon.
It's great seeing everything to start to come together and I can't wait to see what we can get these droids to do.
Thanks Josh for all the extra info and help.