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Just how many physics updates per second should your game have?

I'm not shy about the fact that I always thought 60 was completely ridiculous number. Building something that I hope to actually be finished one day, WITH multiplayer capabilities, I thought 50 would be a better number, as it's much more scalable (every 20 milliseconds as opposed to every 16.666667, Or 17, 17, 16, 17, 17, 16 etc depending if you use floats or ints).     But looking at commercial game developers, they think even that is too high. I've sort of got raycast projectiles working (I



I had an idea..

I was thinking yesterday while watching my first game map cycle through the days and nights..  Why can't we also cycle through the seasons..  If I have asset's that have fall, winter, and summer versions, then can we load and change those in real time?  I know this is not the first time anyone has done/though of this, but it was a pretty good thought for me.  All to often game levels (in the online versions) are just static maps with sometimes breakable objects, and yes even most have day/night



I had an idea..

I was thinking yesterday while watching my first game map cycle through the days and nights..  Why can't we also cycle through the seasons..  If I have asset's that have fall, winter, and summer versions, then can we load and change those in real time?  I know this is not the first time anyone has done/though of this, but it was a pretty good thought for me.  All to often game levels (in the online versions) are just static maps with sometimes breakable objects, and yes even most have day/night



I had an idea..

I was thinking yesterday while watching my first game map cycle through the days and nights.. Why can't we also cycle through the seasons.. If I have asset's that have fall, winter, and summer versions, then can we load and change those in real time? I know this is not the first time anyone has done/though of this, but it was a pretty good thought for me. All to often game levels (in the online versions) are just static maps with sometimes breakable objects, and yes even most have day/night




I've made more progress on the model editor. I needed it to be able to resave models after making changes. First, I started with an Entity::Save function that would save all entities in the GMF format. "But wait", I thought, "I can save all entities in the GMF format!" Then I thought, even better, I can simply write a Serialize() virtual class function in the base object and extend it for each class, so that instead of writing this: stream->WriteFloat(position.x); stream->WriteFloa



Prototype World Tour

I was able to spend a lot of time with the editor over the past couple of weeks. I was also able to get all of my art assets converted for use. Take a look below at a video tour of my prototype world.   This will (hopefully) be the world I use for my first finished game. It will be a re-imagined pacman clone, in 3D. Instead of ghosts, There will be skeletons. Instead of a pac-man, there will be a classy red-head with a sword. This game will be a sort of project milestone. I still have




As the founder of Leadwerks Software, software piracy is an issue that has directly affected my income. We solved the piracy problem by turning our product into a service. Only paid customers can access our community website and get full use of our product. Piracy rates dropped to virtually zero after that. I consider our piracy problem totally solved. The marketplace changed, we adapted to provide a better service, and overall both the customers and company are better off than before.   Netf



Model Editor

When you double-click a model file in the asset browser, it's opened up in the model editor window within Leadwerks3D. You can drag materials onto a model to assign them, then just save the model and close the window. You can also drag textures straight onto the model, and Leadwerks3D will do a pretty good job of guessing what material to use. If no material exists, it will create one, and take a good guess at what textures should be added to it, then apply the newly created material to the m



The horrible and disgusting "static class"

It's something I've always been opposed to - creating a class, knowing full well I'll only create one instance of that class, or none at all. I've always been an advocate of the idea "only create classes if you want to create several instances of the class". It's what always kept me away from the idea of using LEO, instead of using the plain C interface.   How many "engines" are going to be running inside my game? Just the one, so why make an engine class? Despite saying this, for years I did



Project Management

Leadwerks3D has built-in project management features that assist the user to create, share, and publish projects. When you first start editor for the first time, the New Project wizard is displayed. You can select a programming language and choose which platforms you want the project to support. It is possible to add project templates for new languages, too.   Once a project exists, you can go into the project manager and switch projects. This will cause the editor to use the project dir



Back to the Art Pipeline

It's pretty amazing how long the materials, textures, and shader system is taking, but it encompasses a lot of areas: Automatic asset reloading, autogenerated shaders, GLSL syntax highlighting, texture conversion options, and more. All this attention to detail is shaping up to create what I hope will be the best art pipeline, ever.   The Asset Browser displays all files in your project directory. You don't have to use Windows Explorer at all anymore. You can rename, move, copy, cut, paste,



Over the Hump

All difficult technical challenges for the completion of Leadwerks3D are solved. This includes navmesh pathfinding, cross-platform support, Lua and C# integration, OpenGLES rendering, the abstract driver model, etc., etc., etc. Basically, all the scary stuff is done, and the only thing that remains is hard work. I'll be turning my attention back to the editor shortly, but first I wanted to address a different kind of challenge: Documentation and the website.   The present appearance of the



Bogged Down - Chin Up

I apologise for lack of updates, long time since the last one (weeks it seems although I have two unpublished ones which are no longer relevant). I've been avoiding online spaces during this time, work has been bogged down with the multitude of tasks not just relating to the Combat Helo game.   I'm working on the flight model again this week so don't expect any updates in a while. I did get started on an updated FAQ and will publish that ASAP. Lots of things happen around this time of year wit



Should you get a Mac?

A few people have asked me about this, so now seems like a good time to talk about my experience with Mac computers. My first computer was actually an old Macintosh SE30, but of course in the 1990's Windows took over and I forgot about Mac. When I started developing Leadwerks3D I invested in a 27" iMac. It includes a 3.2 ghz quad core i3 CPU and an ATI Radeon 5750.   At the most minimal, the computer needs one cord for power, and that's it. The keyboard and mouse are wireless, and a built-



Darkness Awaits

Leadwerks3D will ship with a finished game demo to demonstrate how to use the software. Darkness Awaits is a third-person dungeon explorer with a 45 degree view. It's like a cross between Diablo and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. This is an idea I had back in my very early days of game development, before I even learned to program. This was originally done in the Quake 1 engine. It didn't really go anywhere, but what we had was awesome. You could run around and shoot skeletons with f



Why Small Companies Succeed

The development of Leadwerks3D seemed like an impossible task at first. Not only did I need to write a new 3D engine entirely in C++ mostly by myself, but I had to make it run on four platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac), with a scalability all the way from the fixed-function pipeline up to the very latest hardware tessellation features. All logical sense told me this was impossible. Even large companies with 100 programmers or more haven't yet been able to put out a 3D engine with the




Now im going to show how actual things working. My descriptions will be supported by images taken from example im about to show, as well as whole media, source code and binary included, so you can try yourself. So, lets get started.   After library is initialized, next step is to create both, search engine and navigation world, as you can see on pic bellow.     After that, if you compile your proggy, it will not be much visible..and you should be able to see image like this.     That

Naughty Alien

Naughty Alien


After initial release of Pathfind Library, I have decided to post few various lessons, covering most fundamental use of library, so people could have easier approach to a whole thing of AI. In order to do that I started this blog where im going to upload every lesson im about to do in future. I think its not good idea to clog Asset store tools area with tutorials. Let me know what you think.

Naughty Alien

Naughty Alien

Android Progress

Here's a brief update on the recent Android progress:   -Sound: 3D spatial sound is working on the Android with OpenAL. For some reason Google went with OpenSL on Android instead of OpenAL like the iPhone already does, not that it would have been useable on Android 2.2 anyways so we ended up having to port it over.   -Fonts: TTF font support has been enabled so it should look a bit better then the previous bitmap based font.   -On/Off/Suspend: Pause and resume by switching apps or turning



Android Guts

I spent most of today getting the Android library more polished, especially when handling application switching. It's a little tricky because Android doesn't automatically manage your sound channels and OpenGL resources, so these need to be reloaded when an app regains focus. Here's a video, which I obviously had way too much fun with in iMovie:



An Eventful Weekend

The windows class on OSX has been a bit neglected, so i spent some time getting it ready for the final release. Creating a full-screen window on Mac is a little funny. There's a fullscreen mode that's been around a while, but it locks the system so that CMD+TAB doesn't work. That means if your application crashes, or you don't program it to close with the escape key, you'll be stuck in fullscreen mode, with no way out but a computer restart!   You can create a window on top of everything e



Friday, November 18

Well, we're through the "OMG will this even work" phase. Aria got FreeType to build on all platforms, so you can load TTF files directly on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices. I set up the accelerometer input on iOS today, so you can call Device::GetAcceleration() and retrieve a Vec3 telling you which way is down. Acceleration is returned relative to the screen orientation, so you don't have to worry about which way the device is rotated. This isn't my proudest screenshot, but it demonst



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