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Leadwerks Winter Games Tournament Kicks Off

The first Leadwerks Winter Games tournament has begun!   How to Enter Submit your playable game to the Leadwerks Games Catalog, before January 15th. You can use any Christmas or non-Christmas related ideas. You can work together in teams or on your own. On the day of January 15th, a review of submitted games will be posted. Prizes Rather than a competition, this tournament is a "co-opetition". The community is encouraged to help one another make fun playable games. Everyone who participat



Multi-threading woe's

So I attempted to thread out my application and i think OpenGL got angry at me. This is what some simple threading to test if i can spin off threads in my C++ back end (which would be great). However I don't think this is possible so loading assets in a linear fashion seems to be my only option. This may be a product of early optimization.   Along with finding out that I can't multi-thread, it became that when i use the crawler prefab, the game will crash when it loads. I don't get any err



Leadwerks 3.3 Released

Leadwerks 3.3 is now available. This update adds usability improvements and a few new features.   Two new entity classes that extend the model class are present. Sprites are a quad that can face the camera, a specific direction, or can rotate around one axis. These are useful for lighting effects and the axis rotation is great for making laser beams or tracer rounds.   The Lensflare class extends the sprite class and adds a simple glow effect for lighting.   The editor now support shift



Death Row

You must enter the prison. You must gain control or you WILL die. You start by entering the front doors, enter the weapons repository, Grab something that might be of use and begin your journey. Every cell can be opened and you just might find something in there. Will you be cornered? If you survive this much, you can make your way to the yard by passing the death chamber. Is some one there? Will you witness an execution? Im not too sure yet. In the yard you will encounter more adversaries that



Procedural Arena

Playing the same map over and over again can get boring and repetitive causing players to loose interest quickly. I'm writing a system that when the map is loaded, will randomly load entities, position, and rotate them as appropriate. This means that every time you enter an arena or the gauntlet, the enemies spawned will be different. Not only will they be different but so will their abilities.   This idea comes from trying to optimize the loading of map file. What I plan on doing is inste



Pushing Lua

So after a quick, prompt to mentoring session from Josh about how to use Lua, I learned a lot. Hear are just a few things.   Each Lua project has its own virtual stack. Here is what this means. Each Leadwerks project, when running, creates it own virtual, global, stack. You can use this just like a normal stack in C/C++ except is done in a more explicit manner. In C, you call functions and the function along with the parameters are pushed onto the stack. When you exit the function, the f



Games Database Expanded

I've added display pages to the games database, so you can now fill in more information about your game, receive comments, post a video, and add additional images if you wish: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/games/_/rogue-system-r17   In the future I will add a file upload option so you can distribute your games here if you want to. Some games in the Downloads section have received a pretty high number of downloads, even though they were hidden away and weren't promoted at all: http



The Road to Now

So as many of you may know, before the release of Leadwerk 3.0 I was working on a castle defense type game. With the release of Leadwerks 3.0, I was unable to get my models to import properly. It has been a while since then as I didn't have any ideas for a game for me to work on, as well as time and inspiration to work on one. I also got a new job as a C# developer which will help me become a better programmer. I've also been taking classes and just life in general. I have recently gotten a



Oculus Rift support now available [beta]

As described earlier, Oculus Rift support is now enabled on the beta branch on Steam!   Enabling VR To enable VR in any game, just add the Window::VRDisplay flag in the creation flags in the Window::Create() function: Window* window = Window::Create("My VR Game",0,0,1024,768,Window::Titlebar|Window::VRDisplay);   Or in Lua: local window = Window:Create("My VR Game",0,0,1024,768,Window.Titlebar + Window.VRDisplay)   (If you are using a Lua project, you must update the project to



Initial VR Implementation

As you probably noticed, I've been playing around with the Oculus Rift DK2 and it's really neat! With Klepto's help I was able to get it running and integrated into the engine very quickly. Beta support will be added soon so you can play with it yourself. Why is it beta? Because it is possible some behavior may change, particularly the way head rotation is handled. Also, it only works on Windows at this point. I'm waiting for OculusVR to add direct HMD rendering for Linux, because without



FPS Roguelike - First steps

My first baby steps will be: A first set of prefabs for modular dungeon layout Floor Ceiling Wall Up stairwell Down stairwell [*]Dynamically build the dungeon with Lua based on a hard-coded layout [*]Use stairs to move between levels   That's it for the first set of goals! Gotta keep it simple and doable. So far I've got floor, ceiling, and wall prefabs done and I'm starting to look into dynamically placing them with Lua. The textures and geometry are just whatever I c



First Post

About Tinyboss Games   Well, it's just me making games in my spare time. I've got two games published on the Google Play Store, Coinbox Clicker and Coinbox Clicker 2. These were developed with Corona SDK, which is a pretty nice tool for authoring mobile games with Lua.   I've always stayed away from 3D games due to the complexity, but Leadwerks had a 50% sale on Steam and I saw that it uses Lua as well, so thought I'd give it a try. So far it looks like it'll be feasible to make a game I



FPS Weapons Pack now available on Steam

The Leadwerks FPS Weapons Pack is now available on Steam as a DLC. The FPS Weapons Pack provides a small arsenal of game-ready weapons, with no coding required. Drag these objects into your map for the player to pick up and use. Pulverize your enemies with a machete, .22 pistol, combat shotgun, MP5 submachine gun and an M4 carbine. Each weapon includes sounds, effects, animations, and scripted behavior that make it ready-to-use in your Leadwerks games.   The pack can be purchased with a 15% d



Infinitus Proelium debug dev video 1

Very early video just showing the terrain and character movement. And some generated buildings.   Things working/worked on so far: The 'terrain' is generated at runtime using perlin noise and Surface:AddVertex(), :SetVertexColor(), :SetVertexNormal(), etc Character controller written from scratch, not using the builtin controller. Shader for the terrain uses a combination of diffuse material, vertex colour, and triangle normal. The diffuse material is black and white, the edges a



24 Hours with the Rift DK2

I ordered my Oculus Rift DK2 in the middle of August and it finally arrived two days ago. Here are my quick impressions. Unboxing and Setup The box comes with a convenient carrying handle, so it makes a nice case. Upon opening it, the parts were pretty straightforward with no assembly required. There's an extra pair of lenses to extend the focal length or something like that, but I didn't use them.  Setup was pretty difficult. There's an excessive number of cords. A USB and HDMI cable p



Beta update adds per-project AddOns management

An update is available on the beta branch. This fixes the picked triangle always returning 0 bug, and it adds a new dialog for managing Workshop add-ons on a project by project basis.   I tried to keep the addon management dialog unobtrusive, but I still didn't want the user to be confused if they subscribed to a new Workshop item and didn't see it show up. The dialog appears automatically if you have added a new item, but otherwise it will stay hidden unless you open it with the Workshop &g



Halloween Game Tournament Roundup

The second Leadwerks Halloween Game Tournament is complete. Here's a review of the entries.   First up is HaydenMango's hack & slash game Rise of the Pumpkinheads. In this humorous and spooky action game you fight reanimated corpses with...wait for it...pumpkins for heads. You'll also encounter necromancers, and other enemies along your quest through the overgrown cemetery where a pumpkin infestation has taken root.     Next up is Midnight Patrol, a simple but fun shooter featuring



"Pumpkins in Space" worklog

I've got my models and a little time to put this together, so I am starting on my Halloween Game Tournament entry now. This will be an exercise in speed-developing!   Basically, I just want to make a game where you fly a ship through an asteroid field shooting meteors. To spice things up, I'm going to add pumpkins that appear after the first level, and are attracted to your ship:   The game asset requirements are very simple. Here are my main models:     So now I'm going to a



Halloween Week is Here!

It's the week of Halloween, and we've got a lot going on! Halloween Game Tournament II The Leadwerks Halloween Game Tournament is nearly here. Rather than a competition, this is a co-opetition. Everyone who publishes an entry to the Workshop or forum gets a Leadwerks sticker. Any entries that are judged to be especially noteworthy get a Leadwerks T-shirt. Prizes are sitting here waiting to be shipped.  Leadwerks 3.3 Leadwerks 3.3 is in beta testing now. Among several new features is



My artwork for Phobia - Progress

Hey!   Made some progress on the art for Phobia. Modelled a metallic bench on wheels for surgical tools, a pillow, and done some changes to the wall textures. I'm really satisfied with how it is turning out.   Also modified shad's toon shader, and the result is pretty awesome! The shader is now less cartoony, but enhances the scene in a number of ways! I get a PBR effect, the materials and lighting comes out much better, and it really adds a dirty horror feel to the entire scene.   Wor



My artwork for Phobia.

Hello guys!   As mentioned on the Hostile thread, Roland and myself have joined the guys from Narcoleptic Studios to work on the psychological horror adventure game Phobia.   It will be a pleasure to work with such devoted and talented guys, and i'm very happy to be part of the team.   Together we have enough talent to develop an outstanding product, and create a game experience you'll not easily forget.   During the development, i'll be posting screenies of WIP models and art that i cr



Leadwerks 3.3 Beta now available on beta branch

The beta of Leadwerks 3.3 is now available on the beta branch on Steam.   Two new entity classes that extend the model class are present. Sprites are a quad that can face the camera, a specific direction, or can rotate around one axis. These are useful for lighting effects and the axis rotation is great for making laser beams or tracer rounds.   The Lensflare class extends the sprite class and adds a simple glow effect for lighting.   The editor now support shift-drag to select in the ma



Workshop Design

The Workshop system is a great way to share content, but I've come across some limitations. Most of these have to do with the use a "virtual" file system (using Workshop package IDs). Scripts and shaders can't be debugged because these systems expect a file path. With Workshop files, there is a file name and an ID number. This makes Shadmar's cool effects difficult to access, among other things. Interdependent files are very difficult to work with, because when you upload them to the Wor



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