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One More Day

So I have decided to do a progress blog on a game that I am just starting. I have only had Leadwerks about a week so I have not done much yet other than read and watch tutorials and experiment and this will of course continue as I try to put the game together. Here is an overview of what the game will be like: The game will be a survival game somewhat like Dayz and the likes but it will be single player only. I know that’s not very original these days but I figure/hope it is doable for m



Take Your Gaming Experience To The Next Level

The online gaming world is growing at an impressive rate. There are thousands of games that can be accessed from any given location by game maniacs to make their experiences more rewarding. Apart from serving as exciting leisure activities, online games can be challenging enough to keep the mind working and this sharpens the mind keeping it alert in the process. If you are a game maniac, you might want to consider running a Minecraft server.   Minecraft is a high power game application that i



Selective file inclusion (continued)

Based on a little observation, I've made the following changes to the publish routine on the beta branch: The FPS Player script has been updated so that the footstep sound files are explicitly named, so they don't get missed in the publish step. You will need to update your project to get the new script (or just copy FPSPlayer.lua to your project). There is now a checkbox to "Only include used files". If this is checked, then the new packing routine will be used, otherwise the old beha



Tutorials and community

Terrain tutorials There are 2 new video tutorials on how to use the terrain editor.   Sculpting terrain:   Terrain painting:     Tutorials: Project Saturn It has been a while since I made a tutorial for Project Saturn, but that will change in the near future. Since there are so many new members using Leadwerks I am going to make some free time for some new tutorials. In the past 3 months there were only a handful of viewers and that didn't quite way up to time spend on making th



Selective File Inclusion (Beta)

A new update on the beta branch on Steam adds selective file inclusion on publishing a project. This works by scanning map files and building a list of required files, and only packing up files that are actually used in your game. Here's how it works: All map files are always included, and scanned for required files. All script files are always included, and scanned for required files. Included prefab files are scanned for required files. Included model files are scanned for require



EVE LBS Studio

EVE LBS Studio.   EVE LBS Studio is a member company of the EVE LBS Group providing quality services to the community.   EVE LBS Studio was setup as a sole trading company at the end of 2014 with the insight to becoming a private limited company in the near future.   The way we work is that after drawing up a concept of development to include the community as the main source of features and having a prominent input into the development of our software.   Our main mission is to put



Full Steam Ahead

The standalone version of Leadwerks is no longer being updated. If you have a license for Leadwerks 3.1+ standalone version, you can exchange your registration key for the Steam version. Please contact support and include your Leadwerks registration key.   The Steam edition of Leadwerks can be run online or in offline mode, and can make games that are published to Steam, or published as standalones without requiring Steam. Leadwerks on Steam also includes access to the Leadwerks Workshop vi



Beta update available

A new update is available on the beta branch.   The FPS player script has been fixed to allow throwing of objects when he is not holding a weapon.   The script flowgraph system's behavior with prefabs has been changed. Script connections between prefabs will no longer be locked in the prefab file, and can be made in the map itself. The map version has been incremented, and maps saved with the new format will not load until you update or recompile your game. The changes in this system may



Leadwerks Named Steam Community Choice Winner

Leadwerks Game Engine has been declared the winner of the Steam Community Choice against Substance Designer and Music Maker. An additional bonus discount will apply to the indie and standard editions during the next 24 hours. Thanks for voting!  




Hello all,   I would like to first apologize for my disappearance. I ran into some issues with my source code and silly me, didn't set up a repository for my source so reverting my changes to a stable state was not practical. I decided to change gears and try to use only LUA. I created a new project and imported all the assets over and as it turns out, the loading is actually faster. One thing i was trying to do was thread out the loading of assets when maps are created but that just put m



Collapsing Models

I frequently come across models that have an excessive hierarchy of unnecessary limbs. This causes rendering to be slower and memory usage to be higher than it needs to be. If great numbers of the model are used in the scene, these problems can be significant. The windmill model below contains a pretty complex hierarchy.     A new tool is being added in the model editor to collapse all limbs of a model into a single object. Select the Tools > Collapse menu item and your model will be



Merry Christmas, and another beta update

Merry Christmas! Here's an update on the beta branch. The previous update was mistakingly supplied with the Debug DLL for Windows. This has been fixed. (Good thing we have a branch for testing!) The internals of the Workshop system have been completely rewritten to support Workshop items in any folder. The editor will also no longer download Workshop items at startup, but instead wait until you install them in your project. Workshop items will not be automatically updated, but will dis



Beta Update available

Two new commands are available: System::CountGraphicsModes System::GetGraphicsMode   This allows you to view available graphics resolutions and choose one.   Fullscreen windows now work on Linux.   The "Go To" menu item in the scene browser will also recenter the flowgraph editor, if it is open and the selected object has been added to the map flowgraph.



The Workshop

The Leadwerks Workshop has been evolving over the last year, and here I will talk about how it came about and where we are going with this.   What We've Learned Use of the Leadwerks Workshop has increased since the last major revision. Encouraged by this, I have added additional tools that make it easier to make models game-ready, like convex decomposition and automatic hit boxes on character models. The Steam WebAPI has been very helpful and allowed me to create a nice web-based interface



Beta Update available

A new update is available on the beta branch on Steam.   Changes Temporary slowdown from last beta is fixed. Bone picking behavior now matches default branch's original behavior (for compatibility with existing code). All recently locked bug reports fixed.   Please see this note about updating C++ projects to accommodate the addition of the VHACD library.



Beta Update available

A new update is available on the beta branch. This adds automatically generated hitboxes for animated characters, and a new tool to calculate physics shapes using convex decomposition.   Existing C++ projects require a small modification due to the addition of the VHACD library. The VHACD includes directory must be added to the project header search paths.   Visual Studio: $(LeadwerksHeaderPath)\Libraries\VHACD\src\VHACD_Lib\inc   Code::Blocks: $(LeadwerksPath)/Include/Libraries/



Say Goodbye to Hitboxes

The limiting step on getting animated characters into Leadwerks is the creation of "hitboxes". Since vertex sknning is done entirely on the GPU, static boxes are attached to bones to approximate the shape of each limb. This works well and is efficient, but very tedious to set up. The zombie character pack, for example, would have been released much sooner if not for this task.   This morning I began with the intention of adding an option in the Model Editor to automatically calculate hit bo



Convex Decomposition Made Useful

Physics simulations typically require physical geometry to be provided in a series of convex hulls that approximate the shape of the object. This is because the intersection of two convex objects can be calculated fast enough for use in real-time simulations.   One solution for creating this type of physical geometry is to create a low-detail model of the object in a modeling program. However, this process can be tedious and is often overlooked by artists. Auto-generating this type of geome



Workshop Browser now on beta branch

You can now try out the new Workshop Browser by opting into the beta branch. This makes it simpler to install Workshop items, and allows you to browser, install, and uninstall items without having to switch to the Steam window.  



The Magic Bullet

It's been 15 days since the official launch of my first software and so far it has been an incredible learning experience. You can't predict the future, but you can learn from your mistakes, and with that I'd like to share my number one discovery.   When your product releases it reaches a number of unique people who each have a unique age, position and disposition of your product. There will always be a myriad number of reasons a person might want your game or product but it's rare that this h



Workshop Browser Preview

The implementation of the Leadwerks Workshop has always been planned in two steps: Initial implementation using the Steam interface. Implementation of built-in interface in editor.   I've been working on the second part for a couple days, and the results are pretty awesome so far. A built-in browser lets you view all items in the Workshop, search, and sort by rating or date uploaded.     When you click on an item, you can view its detail view. Pressing the "Install" button wil



Character Matters

I'm pleased to say our very first character pack DLC is now available on Steam.     Originally, my plan was to just license third-party model packs and sell them on Steam, ready-to-use with Leadwerks. However, once I started acquiring content I ran into some problems. The selection of usable character packs out there are pretty lacking, when you start examining them closely. Artists often just wanted to sell "raw models" and were not interested in the final steps to make an item truly



Zombie Character Pack Released

Our first character pack for Leadwerks has been released. The Zombie Character Pack DLC is now available on Steam for $29.99, with a 15% launch discount.     The Leadwerks Zombie Character Pack provides you with a horde of undead monsters to slay. Fight your way through the flesh-eating mob or pit them against each other in an all-zombie brawl to the death. All characters are fully scripted and ready to use in Leadwerks, with no programming required. Just drop them into your map and press



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