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Playing around with near real-time Map edititng

While crawling around on the internet I found this video the relevant part starts at 3:36.  Realtime level updates are something many engines have, but since I'm not using those engines it never was something on the forefront of my mind. After watching the video I wondered how close I could get to implementing something like that in Leadwerks. The solution I came up with is brain-dead simple. I load a level and a camera, and after a time limit reload the level and place the camera where it



Bug fix update

A new update is available on the beta branch which fixes two bugs.   Undo not working correctly with copied objects: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11888-undo-after-ctrl-duplicate-is-messed-up/   Water plane movement and culling problem: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11895-water-plane-doesnt-cover-all-terrain/



Beta update available

A new update is available on the beta branch.   Fixed CSG texture / texture mapping bugs: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10401-leadwerks-texturing-bugs/#entry85790 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10433-csg-prefabs-cannot-be-retextured-using-drag-and-drop/   Fixed a long-standing script properties bug: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11672-script-editor-incorrect-parameter-fields/   Fixed script editor recent files list: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/top



Beta update available

A new update is available on the beta branch. My goal is to get a stable build and move that over to the default branch before adding any new features.   A bad bug in water rendering has been fixed.   Memory usage in the editor is reduced.   Additional checks have been added for potential rendering problems. These are for situations that should not happen, but It is possible these could raise errors when running in debug mode.   Thank you for testing, I will continue to resolve any bug



(A word that means a combination of stubborness and responsiveness)

I like how a sequence of decisions can lead in one overriding direction. It's very fun. The FPS weapons and zombie packs were released because I felt there needed to be a little more built-in gameplay available to users.   The Steam Community Choice sale resulted in a large number of new users, most of whom are completely new to game development.   The Winter Games tournament resulted in ten new games that were fun and very creative.   This finally gave me the ammo I needed to launch



Keyboard and Mouse Events

I think I posted this module on the forums in order to help someone a few weeks ago, but I thought It'd get more use if I created a blog post so it doesn't get diluted down in the forums.   I've written this event module to make it easy to add keyboard and mouse button binds and it's come in handy to me for quite a few little scripts.   Once again excuse the poor spacing as copy and paste here seems to remove my tabs.   event.lua -- Event module written by Averice event = {} event.inp



Leadwerks Game Player is on Greenlight

Based on the success of the recent Winter Games Tournament, and the growing number of titles posted on our site, a Greenlight campaign has been launched to put a standalone Leadwerks Game Player on Steam. This will allow free self-publishing so that any Steam user can easily and safely install and play your game. Play Free Games The Leadwerks Game Player lets you install and play free games made by other Steam users with Leadwerks Game Engine. Choose from a wide variety of simple games like



Beta update available

A new update is available. This will cause the problem when the editor would crash on auto-loading a map with water on Linux at startup, and also fixes the problem where Lens flares weren't being hidden when you got close to them.   Right now I am working towards a stable build that can go onto the default branch and am not adding new features before then. If you have opted into the beta branch, thank you for the feedback you're providing.



Water Update [beta]

A new update is available. I believe this will fix any problems you may have previously experienced with the water rendering. If this is not the case, please let me know, preferably with a link to download your project.   Although Intel's new drivers work well, I have noticed that enabling, then disabling, then enabling water in the editor causes a crash. The crash occurs in the driver DLL and is not an OpenGL error. This will be reported to Intel. (It just occurs when a shader reads a de



Water beta now available

An update is now available on the beta branch which adds water. This can be controlled in the scene properties or in code with the following commands: World::SetWaterMode(bool mode) World::SetWaterHeight(float height) World::SetWaterColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) bool World::GetWaterMode() float World::GetWaterHeight() Vec4 World::GetWaterColor()   You must update your project to get new EXEs and shaders. All model shaders have been modified to handle the slice plane used whe



GameStates with CStateManager

I released an OOP class sytem for leadwerks last time this time I'm going to post my StateManager class which I use to control all the gamestates for the game I am working on.   If you don't know what a Statemanager is or what my interpretation of one is I'll run through it quickly. Generally speaking it's just a stack full of 'states' each state has a list of functions with identical names but different internal functionality, the game will call these functions but ONLY for the active state,



Abstract All The Things!!!

It's been a while since I last posted an update on my lua based GUI. That was the second time that I have rewrote it. Now I'm on my third rewrite. This time the reason is that I am using the Lua OOP module Averice has made available. My GUI was already object oriented but it was messy to code. Now it looks sensible and has much less code.   I have no pretty images to show but I will detail some of the major structural changes and concepts that i have employed.   I no longer use the require k



Dead Anyway

Once a thriving small town population of five hundred now lies silent and in decay as if all life vanished overnight. Overgrown gardens, peeling paint, every creak, and moving shadow beats your heart with adrenaline as you wearley walk down the main street. You are not alone here, the hairs on the back of your neck make you sure of it.   You continue walking, as the fear of the unknown is overcome by the desperation to gather supplies and find shelter.   It doesn't matter, I’m dead anyway.



Weapons, Batteries & Feeling Sick

Uploaded a quick video showing some new features and functionality in my game inventory system.   Here is a brief outline..   + New post effect for when player is sick + Inventory now scales and positions based on screen resolution + Inventory now clearer to see in dark areas + Inventory tooltips made neater + Items can now be used on other items eg. batteries -> torch, ammo -> gun + Integration of default weapon/ammo system with Inventory  




I've been working on water. It's a challenge to get it to work properly with the post-effects stack and lighting, something I never did quite right in Leadwerks 2. However, the results are turning into the best implementation of water I've ever made. Water blends naturally with post-effects stack. Water reflection/refraction equation and behavior is improved over Leadwerks 2. Water ripples don't have an obvious direction of flow and look very realistic, without looking "wrong" when pla



Lua Classes Module

So I've got a few of these little helper modules I've written while making my game, I figured I needed a place to post them so others can get some use from it, I'll be selective with what I release as some of them I would like to keep private but everytime I get a spare moment I'll try to write up a blog post with a new module release and how it's used.   So anyone familiar with OOP will hopefully get some use from this module, Lua already has a semi-OOP system with it's 'metatables' and this



Leadwerks Winter Games Results

The results of the Leadwerks Winter Games Tournament are in! I think you will agree, this tournament produced some very fun playable games. You can download all of these games and more in the Leadwerks Games Listing. Each author will receive a Leadwerks sticker via mail (Gonan gets a Leadwerks T-Shirt since this is his second entry.)   So without further ado, let's look at the games, in no particular order:   Crime Closer By nick.ace Catch the crooks before they get away!     Next



More GUI work

Been doing more GUI work, mainly porting more of my GUI lib, but I did decide to finally get around to Dropdown menus which the library was missing from the beginning, I like this sudden feeling of productivity, the hardest part was porting my TabPanel over. I must have written the original on a bad day and going over the old code made no sense to me, it's new and improved now.   - Sliders and DropLists.   - Tabs and the usual ScrollPanel.



Crime Closer Trailer and Demo

This is my first blog post for Crime Closer.   Greenlight   This was my first time submitting something to the actual Greenlight program. I did this to force myself to continually develop my game. I felt that the scope of Built from Ruins was too large for what I wanted to achieve with it. Built from Ruins would have been a better Early Access game that Crime Closer, but I want to finish Crime Closer completely before releasing on Steam. I think Early Access gets abused too much, and for a g



Crazy Auto Present Dash - Images

Haven't yet worked out how to modify my listing for my game so here are a few images so you can see what it looks like.... I'm thinking it probably looks better when it is moving....   EDIT: I worked out how to get edit my game listing..yipeeee!          



Leadwerks Winter Game Competition Entry - Crazy Auto Present Dash

A few days ago (last minute as usual) I thought I'd try and do an entry for the Leadwerks Winter Game Competition Entry. I hadn't created ANY games up to that point having just bought the software so didn't initially think I'd get anything playable done but I had a few ideas and the result is....   'Crazy Auto Present Dash' !!!!   Yeah. I'm not too pleased with the name but it'll do.   I'm still trying to get it uploaded to the site while I write this.   A number of issues to resolve s



Inventory Progress

So I have already put in a few too many late nights since getting Leadwerks and meanwhile having a good time learning, planning and game making. At this early stage it’s fun and addictive which is always a good sign, or maybe not if my sleep suffers. Anyway I now have an inventory system in-game with no small thanks to the project saturn tutorials on youtube. A big thank you to Jorn for these informative tutorials. I’m still trying to get my head around all the cross references in lua code lik



Let's begin

Over the past few days I've been porting a GUI library I've written in Lua, it's been a pretty successful and struggle free move over to Leadwerks which has excited me over the future of my time with Leadwerks.   I'll give a rundown of what features I've implemented. - Text entry panels with carrat positioning and text clipping. - Labels with multi-line wrapping. - Scroll panels with mousewheel support. - Panel hierarchy with parent-child clipping. - Button and hover events, keytouch even



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