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Steady Progress

Not much to say in this blog post, but I've had a very eventful past 2 days with coding and level design.   First I created a comprehensive test level that allows me to test almost every aspect of what a person would have in an fps. There are is a rifle range, areas to test line of sight / AI evasion, falling deaths and a super short goal oriented map section.   I have also started creating my own FPS controller. This controller is being designed so the controller can relinquish it's control



Game Player Preview

Here is a preview of what the Leadwerks Game Player Workshop looks like. A rotating banner shows the top games, like a mini-Steam within Steam. The difference is this distribution channel has no restrictions on when you can publish your game, and you can deploy games to all supported systems, including SteamOS, without having to actually compile on those systems.   I envision a time in the near future when everyone with a small fun playable game can pick up tens of thousands of new users pla



Week in preview-02/04/15

Let me start start off my apologizing for this being a few days late. Personal issues and stuff got in the way. Anyways, you're wandering what's been going on for this past week right? Let me start off with the BIG stuff. I hope you're not arachnophobic.   So this was a little thing I had in mind, you may not know this but, I'm arachnophobic. I know, hard to believe considering this thing is in the game, it does tie in to the story but it doesn't have a clear name yet(open for suggestions!)  




Jorn Theunissen has been hired on a part-time basis to help design a new set of documentation for Leadwerks. We're taking a top-down approach whereby he designs an outline that encompasses everything you need to know, assuming the reader starts with zero knowledge. The goal is to explain everything in one set of information, down to the level of describing what a mipmap actually is.   The organization of the material will be a linear list of lessons, with no nesting or sub-sections. This ma



Developing games

Haven't written a blog before, but things have always come into my mind about certain subjects.. Figured I should finally start writing a blog.   This blog is mainly about my personal experience and advice on making games in general. Even though I've made some games like Ravage Online (RO) and the potential Grievous Grounds (GG); the games aren't really done and I'll be elaborating how this has happened.   Scope       The scope of both of these games are pretty big. For Grievous Ground



Week in preview-23/03/15

Now, I don't want to make this too long, but bear with me as this is a great way to keep up to date with the game and will serve as a backbone for when I want to re-use things in future projects.   So let's start with probably the biggest piece of news, last week an unique picture was uploaded and it showed "The Eater" in all his former glory. Honestly, I think he looks fantastic and will most likely scare the hell out of the player when he first meets him. The thing with "The Eater" is tha



Further refinement of physics shapes

I added more options in the model editor for single convex hulls, polymesh, and no collision. Also changed the physics render mode to wireframe so it's easier to see the physics and visual geometry together:     This makes it easier than ever to enable collision on a model, and it works better with the navmesh system:     A new "shrink wrap" method has been added to generate low-poly convex hulls.   Exact convex hull:   Shrink wrap method:   This really saves a huge amount o



AMD Releases Driver 15.3 beta for Leadwerks

AMD has released a new driver which fixes a compatibility problem with Leadwerks. You can download the driver from their site here: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-catalyst-windows-beta.aspx   Resolved Issues: [412702] Screens may blank out when enabling a 3x1 SLS with 3 HDMI monitors [411847] Leadwerks : Project Manager crashes with a "Pure Virtual Function Call" error [413076] Second Life : Rigged mesh objects are not rendered correctly when hardware skinning



Cleaning up physics shapes

Before Leadwerks 3 existed, Leadwerks 2 used a little tool called "Phygen" to generate collision shape files for 3D models:     The user would input the parameters and then save that file with the same name as the model it was to be associated with, with the PHY file extension. This was not a very good system, but the idea of storing a physics shape in a PHY file that was automatically loaded along with the model was a good one.   In Leadwerks 3 we implemented prefabs to make it easier t



Project Templates

The project templates system is being revised. Project templates are going to be oriented around game types rather than programming languages.   Picture is worth 1000 words:   If you have the standard edition, the common project files will still include the C++ files, so any new project you create will be usable in C++.



Improving the Publish Game Dialog

Leadwerks 3.4 (now coming up to 3.5) has retained the core design philosophy from it's inception with Leadwerks 3.0 of easy level design and simple Lua scripting, but has changed quite a lot in other ways. Publishing of games to Steam Workshop wasn't even a thought until Leadwerks came to Steam in January 2014. Consequently, the current publishing interface isn't quite as intuitive as it could be and requires too many clicks.   To make publishing easier, a Publish menu item has been added in



Carve, hollow, and cleaning up the scene tree

CSG carving now works very nicely. The hardest part was making it work with the undo system, which was a fairly complicated problem. It gets particularly difficult when brushes are in the scene hierarchy as a parent of something or a child of something else. Carving involves the deletion of the original object and creation of new ones, so it is very hard to describe in a step-wise process for the undo system, especially when all manner of objects can be intermixed with the brush hierarchy.  



Leadwerks Game Player enters beta

Leadwerks Game Player is now in beta. If you recently posted a game on our site or entered one of the recent game tournaments, you were sent a pre-release Steam key to access the application.     Leadwerks Game Player provides you with a route to self-publish your games to Steam Workshop. Because it is a free application, the entire Steam userbase of 125 million people can access your game. Your Lua game is run in sandboxed mode using an interpreter application we provide, so that Steam



Dev Blog

Documentation is being organized into a built-in help browser. Documentation simply falls into two categories, "Tutorials" and "Commands". Tutorials are laid out in a linear sequence of lessons divided into subchapters. "Commands" displays the command reference, which remains pretty much the same as it is now, with the exception of additional function syntax declarations for Lua. Search and index will be added, but right now I want to focus on content.   The sequence of tutorials is meant



DA 19 weeks in

19 weeks in and about 5 miles of skype text in which Rick and I have collaborated on this game prototype. Already it’s had is fair share of emotions and emoticons, but has been a privilege and a pleasure none the less.   What’s new to DA Gavin character now animates in game. Introduction of AI. Scene interactions with inventory items. Various scene and interior models as well as a few weapon models. A Simple crafting system (combining items to make new items or tool on item)



Buildings, Doors & Zombies

Since my last blog update I’ve spent the majority of my game dev time working on my map and in particular the buildings. When I say buildings I mostly mean one in particular which is a house that I’ve been working on for a good while now. The house initially started out as 100% csg but after memory issues in the editor and feedback and advice on the forum I decided to re-do parts of the house as models. This meant I had to use blender more than I would have liked but the good thing is I think I



Growing Leadwerks

As of this morning, the most recent Steam sale is now complete. The sales figures were excellent and we picked up a lot of new users. Most importantly, we've got a lot of new data on how people behave and what can be done to make them happy.   There's three stages a new Leadwerks user goes through to become a happy productive developer. The first is to actually buy the software. The main ingredients here are the demo, website pages describing the benefits of our approach to game developmen



3.4 Recap and Beyond

I've got a couple days sales data from the 3.4 launch and it went well. Our conversion ratio and all that boring businessey stuff is good, and I know more now than I did last week. I think our intro video could use some updating and a little more professional polish, so I am looking for a video production company to create something new.   I was planning to make a trip back to Caifornia soon. I was going to skip the GDC, but I then got invited to the Valve party. I guess they're hiring the



Leadwerks Game Engine 3.4 Released

Today, Leadwerks Software announces the release of Leadwerks Game Engine 3.4, introducing many new features that help make Leadwerks Game Engine the easiest way to build royalty-free 3D games. With today’s free update on Steam, developers will have access to an all-new vehicle command set for building interactive cars and trucks with a physically realistic transmission model. Built-in water settings have been added in the editor to provide life-like water with the click of a button. Leadwerks



Leadwerks 3.4 Launch Prep

Leadwerks 3.4 will be launched as soon as AMD releases their new driver, preferably by Monday. The three big features this introduces are: Vehicles Water Built-in Workshop browser   As well as over 100 small fixes and improvements.   The launch will coincide with a week-long sale. The results of the sale will give me an estimate of cash flows for 2015 and let me make decisions about what to invest in the company and continued development.   Following the launch, we'll have a



Hardware Upgrades and Minimization

I've had an urge lately to minimize my PC setup. Maybe it's the experience of an interstate move with five computers, but I find myself valuing small size and practicality more lately over quality.   I purchased a Dell Ultra Sharp UZ2715H monitor with built-in speakers. This allows me to eliminate three cords and an extra power adapter from my external speakers. Interestingly, the two-speaker setup was a downgrade from my old speakers+subwoofer system, because I got tired of kicking that bi



Beta update available

Asset browser search bug fixed: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11966-searching-for-any-string-in-the-asset-browser-that-includes-a-will-crash-to-desktop/   Low-quality fallback for water on Intel graphics implemented. At this point it is hard-coded to the manufacturer, but in the future an adjustable setting will be added.   Water shaders moved into "Shaders/Water" folder. Make sure you update your project to get the shaders.   Post-processing effects in the editor are disable



Leadwerks 3.4 beta now available

A beta of Leadwerks 3.4 is now available on the beta branch. Texture lock rotation on brushes now fixed (really). Vehicle orientation fixed (it was inverted on the Z axis). Engine version incremented to 340.   Vehicle and water documentation is written. Here's a simple example on how to build a car: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/vehicle/vehiclecreate-r861   We have about a week before this is released on the default branch. There wi



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