2) How to send objects created by Cpp code to LUA
Here is a way of sendign CPP created objects to LUA scripts as GLobal Variables, so
any LUA script on you map can simply use it.
I create on cpp: window, world and context and pass them this way:
System::Print("sending objects....");
stacksize = Interpreter::GetStackSize();
1) How to get objects created on the editor from Cpp
Easy as it seems, getting an editor created object from cpp code is done basically looping on the entities collection, but there are some things that is good to know.
First one simple way of doing it:
System::Print("start scanning....");
for (auto iter = world->entities.begin(); iter != world->entities.end(); iter++)
Entity* entity = *iter;
if (enti
Thnigs i will cover:
1) How to get objects created on the editor from Cpp
2) How to send objects created by Cpp code to LUA
3) How to call an entity's script LUA function easely (without parameters)
4) How to call an entity's script LUA function passing parameters
5) How to receive returned parameters from LUA functions (yes one or more)
6) How to expose a Cpp Class to LUA using tolua++
I will split this post acordingly to the items listed
I´ve been working on my game "Projekt Mortifer". To introduce in the Stroy , I would like to install a few " Meanwhile" scenes . Here it gets even to complications . There are certainly easier ways to build this in
, but my programming skills are still limited
Should anyone have problems with the download, please just tell . The last upload shows an error. But if i try it out it function.
Leadwerks Game Engine: Indie Edition on Steam is now just "Leadwerks Game Engine".
Leadwerks Game Engine: Standard Edition on Steam is now "Leadwerks Game Engine: Professional Edition".
When I first put Leadwerks on Steam, it was just an experiment. Separating out the Lua version was something I had not done before. In fact originally, Leadwerks was a C++ library only, and Lua support was added later. After the last two years on Steam, it makes sense to consider the Lua version our ma
Leadwerks Workshop provides a repository of free game items for game developers to use in their projects. Workshop content has been heavily used in several game tournaments to make many different games of different genres.
Today we are rolling out the Leadwerks Workshop Store. This allows us to add new and better quality content for you to use in your games. All assets are curated and verified to work correctly with Leadwerks Game Engine. This includes material setup, sizing, and correct
Winter has descended upon the land, and with it comes the frost. The nights are long and the days are cold and grey. How long it shall last we do not know. But we do know it is time for another Leadwerks game tournament!
WHEN: The tournament will start Monday, January 18, and end Sunday, February 21th at 11:59 P.M. (Pacific Standard Time).
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Publish your winter-or-other-themed game to Steam Workshop or upload it to the games database before the deadline. You can
You've probably noticed a lot of new content and changes in the Workshop this week. Monday I plan to launch "paid items" in the Workshop. This is something I've wanted to do for several years, and it benefits everyone:
More content will be available for you, ready to use with Leadwerks.
I think content authors will make a lot more sales through Steam than they would through their own websites and even other stores. The top items will even get prime real estate and be shown right on the L
With the Winter Sale wrapping up, I now have enough information to decide how to go forward with the business of Leadwerks.
Sales on a day-to-day basis were remarkably consistent, and comparable to last year's data, within 5-10% either way. This is good because it indicates that Leadwerks will continue to sell well at a predictable level, which makes planning a lot easier.
We did not get featured this year on the front page of Steam. Very few products did. The whole sale basically jus
One of my main goals in 2016 is to build a built-in store for Leadwerks users to buy and sell 3D models and other items through Steam. It took me a while to understand how this works:
The client (Leadwerks Editor) sends a message to the Leadwerks.com server requesting that a purchase be made.
The Leadwerks.com server sends a message to the Steam server requesting that a purchase be initialized.
Steam displays a dialog to confirm the transaction in Leadwerks Editor.
The Steam server r
Leadwerks is about making games, first and foremost. Therefore, you can expect me to focus on the following in the next year:
More and better AAA first-party content. We're working out the process right now. It's a lot harder to produce top-quality content, but the results are worth it. I figure once we get the process down it will be easier to go back and produce more.
Easy to use networking will open up a lot more gameplay possibilities and give us some fun games we can jump in and o
Christmas is the season for giving, and it also happens to be my biggest sales time of the year. The Steam Winter Sale just kicked off and I need help getting us up on the first page of top sellers:
How do we do that? We drive web traffic to the Leadwerks Steam Store page. Here's a simple way to do it. If you could "Share" this Facebook post with your Facebook account, I would appreciate it:
A preview build of Leadwerks Game Engine 4 is now available on the default branch on Steam, with a new vegetation management system and other features.
We completely rethought how large-scale scene management should work to bring you a one-of-a-kind vegetation system for handling massive amounts of foliage. Instead of storing each instance in memory, our new system uses a distribution algorithm to dynamically calculate all relevant instances each frame for rendering and physics. This allows
For my current project I wanted to simulate a light that's shorting out in order to add a bit of a creepy ambience to my scene. After a while of messing with the different things that could be done with an emitter (and failing at getting the effect I wanted), I realized that really, a light that's shorting out is really a light that's turning off and on again. Well, that's something that can be scripted pretty easily thanks to Leadwerk's API.
There are a couple of obvious ways to get the
Post effects are shader programs written in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). We use post effects to influence the entire look and feel of a scene. We refer to these effects as "post" effects because they are applied right after the scene has been rendered. They produce a fish eye effect, color an entire scene in grayscale, etc. In each frame of a game, a post effect iterates through every screen pixel and manipulates its color value.
You can find post effect programs in LE project Shaders/Pos
An update is available on the beta branch which adds the new vegetation system. You can open the attached map in the editor to see the system in action. Be sure to create a new project, or update your existing one, in order to get the new shaders and models.
To get this update early you must opt in to the beta branch on Steam.
The new vegetation system is special because it does not use persistent objects stored in memory. Rendering and physics are executed accor
As I make an infrastructure for a new LE project - a simple logic puzzler with cuboid manipulation and matching - I have to use context rendering for GUI. As is well known, LE offers only a basic drawing functionalities, some of which are broken btw.
To paliate the problem, I've written a simple 2D drawing library. The library offers such intuitive entities as text, rect, image and animation with accompanying methods such as SetPosition, SetRotation, SetScale, SetPivot (for rotation purposes
Leadwerks Software today announced their top-selling game development system on Steam, Leadwerks Game Engine, has gained a user base of over 10,000 paid customers. Although the game development space has seen a dramatic drop in prices and the entry of many free competitors, Leadwerks Game Engine continues to gain popularity by teaching complete beginners how to make games with no previous knowledge required, and providing a pathway to publish directly to Steam Workshop.
Leadwerks’ ease of u
Leadwerks Game Launcher now works with SteamOS, with some caveats.
First, you must set the application to use the "Official Bindings" controller configuration by Leadwerks Software.
When you start Leadwerks Game Launcher on SteamOS, a page of available games will be shown. Click on the game you want to play. The game will be shown on a new page, and a blue button will appear on the bottom left of the screen. You can press the B button on your controller to go back to the main page, or
I went into GameStop and purchased a new Alienware Steam Machine for testing. They had a nice display showing all the new Steam stuff you can buy in stores.