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Building the Turret AI

In this series of blogs I am going to describe my implementation of AI for a new Workshop Store model, the Leadwerks turret. The model is shown below, without the weapon inserted.     Before writing any code I first decided the main behaviors I wanted this script to involve. The turret should scan the area to identify an enemy (using the team ID to differentiate between enemy types) and choose the closest target. Unlike the soldier AI, the turret AI will not change targets when another



After crashed Akt1 ..

After I have my project crashed and there is no chance fully to restore it , I started with Akt1 again new.   But after all its not a completly bad thing. I have now the chance to redesign things and rewrite some scripts. So it now looks like , that i probably win a little performance (fps). Also, I have a little busy myself with the theme animations . A soldier can now be shot   And i build with more structure (Flowgraph, and also Prefabs)



Designing the Leadwerks Hoodie

I sent my mockups off to the designer to create our very own hoodie as a super tournament prize. This garment will come with not one, not two, but three separate printed graphics on a high-quality American Apparel hooded fleece. Here's roughly what it will look like:     And here is a t-shirt design for a future production run:  



Prizes Shipping

If you entered the Winter Games Tournament, I am shipping prizes to you now (late, I know).   You will receive a friend request from the Leadwerks Software Steam account. Please accept this. I will need your mailing address in order to ship your prize.



Update Available [beta]

An update is available on the beta branch which resolves the AMD rendering issues on Windows 10 with 1x MSAA setting enabled: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13273-graphical-glitch/   The following components have changed: Lighting shaders adjusted to handle regular 2D textures (MSAA level 0) Editor updated, for Windows. Lua interpreter and debug interpreter updated, for Windows.   The C++ library has not been updated yet.




Happy Friday.     One thing I will point out is that success is much more about creative experimentation than it is about sheer willpower. You have a little control over willpower, but not a ton. It's much better to keep the same amount of effort and just be smarter about what you do, than to try really really hard. That means taking a lot of risks and experiencing a lot of small low-cost failures to find what works.



Dexsoft Games Releases Five Material Packs in Leadwerks Workshop Store

Dexsoft Games, producers of game content with a library of thousands of game assets, have released five new material packs in the Workshop Store. All materials and textures are ready to use with Leadwerks, with source image files included in TGA format.   All of these can be purchased now through the links below, or through the Workshop interface in Leadwerks Editor. See the links below for more information and additional preview images.   Sci-Fi Materials 1     Sci-Fi Materials 2  



Environment Probes

Note: this is highly experiment and subject to cancellation, change, revision, etc. Now on with the blog...   Shadmar and Reepblue have paved the way for this research, and I am experimenting with some of these ideas in Leadwerks.   Environment probes in Leadwerks are an experimental entity that creates a vantage point from which a cubemap is generated. The cubemap provides a 360 degree view of the surrounding environment in a single texture. This texture can then be used in the deferred



Building Cubemaps In Leadwerks.

With the recent popular substance shader by Shadmar, more talk and focus has been about cubemap reflections surfaced in the community. Reflections in Leadwerks were done in the past with the SSLR post process shader which made all surfaces reflect the world in real time.         However, it had the following problems: It was applied to ALL materials in the scene. If you had a material that wouldn't normally reflect such as concrete or wood, the shader would still effect those materials. B



Substances, metal and roughness and Leadwerks

The most used wokflow is metal/roughness (I think) metalness gives the environment reflection amount. roughness does two things spreads the light so environment reflection would be more blurred spreads the light so specular reflection from light sources would be spread/blurred . Like this:   I'm not doing PBR discussion on how to correctly compute energy conservation and all that. It's not really important. But looking at some of the methods anyway on how metal and rou



Published Akt1_V0.8

Akt1 V0.8 is published   I hope you have a little fun!   Please read the description. Akt1 is not yet really ready but playable.




My productivity has not been good lately because I am agonizing over where to live. I don't like where I am right now. Decisions like this were easy in college because I would just go where the best program was for what I was interested in. It's more difficult now to know if I am making the right choice.   I can "go big" and move to San Francisco, which weirdly has become the capitol of tech. I lived there before and know all the craziness to expect. I used to work at 24th and Mission (be



Starting a business

This is my very first blog, so I'm not sure the ins and outs of writing one. I will do my best and hopefully become better at writing them.   In the last few weeks, I have been contemplating starting a business in making games. I have done countless research on starting a business and have finally come to a point where I'm ready to begin registering the business and getting a website up and running. I have decided to write a blog on said website, which will mainly consist of dev logs on the ga



Script Update [beta]

The beta branch contains a small update which affects the SoldierAI and Projectile scripts. The SoldierAI script now has a modifiable field that lets you choose a prefab for the projectile his weapon fires. The default value is "Prefabs\Projectiles\tracer.pfb" so your existing instances of these objects will be unaffected.   By making the projectile prefab a modifiable value, we can use different types of projectiles with this script. For example, a medieval archer could fire arrows by crea



Scripted Behavior

The stock scripts that come with Leadwerks form a continually expanding game framework that can be used in many different ways. The reuse we get out of the door, switch, trigger, and AI scripts is really great. Every time I add a new script I can count on it being used in many different ways.   Sometimes this requires a custom model in order to develop and demonstrate usage of the script. It's best for me to have one model made exactly to my specs, and then make everything else conform to t



Three New Model Packs available in the Workshop Store

Today we are releasing three new model packs in the Workshop Store.   The Candles Pack provides beautifully detailed candles and sconces to bring atmosphere to any horror game.     The Modern Furniture Pack includes numerous chairs, sofas, and a bar stool to populate any residential setting with.     The Old Wine Bottles Pack gives you a variety of bottles with two texture variations. Decorate your map with them or use them for target practice.     You can get these items by op



Source art files now supported in Workshop

You might not have noticed this, but Workshop items can now include the following file formats: "bmp","jpg","jpeg","png","tga","dds","psd","blend","fbx","obj","3ds","x","dae"   When Leadwerks installs Workshop items, the source art files are unzipped first, then the final files are unzipped, in order to avoid triggering a reconversion of the file. If you import an FBX and makes some changes to it, you can safely include the FBX in your Workshop package and it will install without reconvertin



Only two Errors to solve then i can publish :D Akt1

There are two Errors or Problems in Akt1   1. I can only read the text once of "Interactive Sign " (From FlowGUI). If i read another text for example of a second sign and go back to the first sign then it shows me the text of the last sign i read. The same if i change the map   2. If i am dead i can´t go back to the start menue. (i included in my player script   if self.alive==true then . . else if (window:KeyHit(Key.Enter)) then -- go back to start menu



Four New Texture Packs Released in Workshop Store

Today we've got four new texture packs available for purchase in the Workshop Store.   The Blood Decals pack provides 30 hand-painted textures for spatters, drips, and puddles of human, animal, or alien blood. This is perfect for adding atmosphere and a sense of foreboding to an otherwise ordinary scene. You can even create trails of blood going down hallways and around corners.     Another creepy addition is the Spiderweb Materials pack. Create a sprite and use these materials to inst



Very Low-Level Advancements

There are three low-level advancements I would like to make to Leadwerks Game Engine in the future: Move Leadwerks over to the new Vulkan graphics API. Replace Windows API and GTK with our own custom UI. This will closely resemble the Windows GUI but allow new UI features that are presently impossible, and give us more independence from each operating system. Compile the editor with BlitzMaxNG. This is a BMX-to-C++ translator that allows compilation with GCC (or VS, I suppose). This w



The Financials of Custom Content

The Leadwerks Merc character, who I think will go down in history over the next few years second only to the infamous "Crawler", is an experiment. First of all, I wanted a completely custom-made character to developer AI with. This ensured that I was able to get the model made exactly to my specs so that we would have a template for other characters to follow. Fortunately, the script I wrote can easily be used with other models like Arteria's Strike Troop.   The quality of this model is rea



Winter Games Tournament Roundup

The Leadwerks 2016 Winter Games Tournament is complete! This tournament brought some new types of games we haven't seen before, with a wide range of new games to try. Here's a review.     The Adventures of Relic Rick http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/games/_/the-adventures-of-relic-rick-public-alpha-v100-r108   You control the adventurer, Rick, who is on a hunt for an ancient artifact for his museum. During his search in an underground ruin, he feels an earthquake and, before he



I got inspired because of the "Games of Winter" Tournament and this is the result.

For the past few months I've been having trouble getting in to the "developing mode". But, ever since the tournament started and I saw all these new fellas doing something productive, and not to mention that the Game Launcher seems to be getting stale, with the most popular games lacking updates. I decided to pick my sorry *** off the floor and work on my game.   After a week of this mindset, I can proudly say, I did something great, most of you probably already played the Alpha demo for "A De



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