I'm going to focus on directing people to the Leadwerks mailing list and getting people to sign up for Leadwerks accounts. This is much more valuable than social media followers we have no data for, or even Steam users we can't contact directly.
We do need something extra to get the word out to people on the web about Leadwerks, but I don't think Facebook and Twitter are it...
A full build is available for Windows and Linux on the beta branch on Steam. This fixes a problem with the character controller physics and with the Alt key on Windows.
To upgrade 4.2 C++ projects to 4.3, you must add the following search paths:
I'm pretty sure it's ready, but please give it a good thrashing. This will go up on the default branch tomorrow morning.
I've uploaded a full build for Windows and Linux, and updated the game launcher beta branch. This adjusts some very minor issues that you probably won't even notice.
Some of your characters might need to have their character controller angle setting set to 180, depending on how you have them set up. This is because some previously incorrect behavior has been fixed. You can use my third-person player script for testing.
My only concern at this point is that some of HaydenMango's games
Leadwerks Game Engine 4.3 is now available.
This release adds support for Ogg Vorbis audio files. Ogg Vorbis is a compressed audio format specially designed to shrink the size of large audio files. Using Ogg for large music files can significantly reduce your game's size.
Leadwerks Game Engine 4.3 features numerous performance updates, with performance improvements up to twice as fast as Leadwerks 4.2.
Finally, numerous small bugs have been squashed to make Leadwerks more
I've uploaded a release candidate of version 4.3 on the beta branch. This is a full build, for Windows and Linux. The Game Launcher beta branch is also updated.
If all is well this will go onto the stable branch in a few days.
An update is available on the beta branch, which includes the editor and Lua executables, for Windows only. The following issues are resolved:
After going radio silent for a week I return with some really, really good news.
First and foremost, the last level of the first episode is finished, I'm currently testing it out and seeing if I can break it before I upload a beta build to steam. After a couple days of it being there, if there aren't any issues, I will be launching the game on february 10th. Yes, you can quote me on that.
I have to tell you though, making this level was not easy at all, I had so many ideas that never s
I've updated the editor and Lua executables on Windows with the following fixes:
The game launcher beta branc
I've uploaded a full build of version 4.3 on the beta branch. Version 4.3 will be released in short order and simply contains performance enhancements, OGG support, and bug fixes.
Version 4.4 is due out in the spring and will include the new in-game GUI system. This will coincide with the first Leadwerks / itch.io Game Jam.
How do you like that clickbait title?
I implemented analytics into Leadwerks Editor using GameAnalytics.com last month, in order to answer questions I had about user activity. Here's what I have learned.
The number of active users is what I was hoping for. A LOT of people ran Leadwerks in the last month, but people don't usually use it every day, as the number of daily users is lower. The numbers we have are good though.
A lot of people use the Workshop to install models and othe
You've learned Leadwerks, built a basic game, and published it to the Game Launcher, perhaps during one of the many Leadwerks game tournaments. Now what?
Fortunately, there is a big appetite for work-in-progress indie games. The next step is to create an account on itch.io and GameJolt and upload your standalone game. Put your game out there on these platforms and if it is fun it will gain a lot of players.
At the same time, there's a ton of talented YouTubers out there making reviews
The Winter Games Tournament is complete, with a long list of fun mini-games made by the community. This tournament saw the release of many new and innovative types of games you want to be sure to try. To claim your prize, go to "My Profile" in the drop-down box that opens when you click your name in the upper-right part of this website:
On your profile page, click the button that says "Edit My Profile" and enter your name, shipping address, and shirt size.
Lone Water: Prologue
It's finally done!
You can find it here on the workshop:
And now i'm going to share a bit about the progress of the last few weeks, stick around if you like
I'm so glad i made it in time, there were still a few "optional" things i would've loved to add (like a final boss wave) but due some in real complications (losing my phone..) and overal internship time consumption i still managed to get quite a game here!
I am
Leadwerks 4.3 brings a big performance boost to your games. In this blog I am going to talk about some of the common problems you can eliminate to make your games run faster.
When slow performance is encountered, it is typically one really bad mistake that is slowing everything down. Here's a few common bottlenecks for performance you can create in your games, how to identify them, and how to fix them.
Shadow Updates
Shadow rendering is cheaper than regular renders because no text
This is the final blog post for my game entry this tournament.
I am really happy the way the GUI came together in the end. UI really isn't my strongpoint so being able to produce something doable is a great reward.
Car physics
Although most car tracks can be finished with a car, it is not an easy task. The car tumbles over far to quickly. There is also a bug left were loading a new car level causes the car to glitch. Since I am reusing the same car here, I have no idea what is furt
In my day job I get a lot of experience with different technologies. Mostly related to mobile or website, but there is a lot of bleed over in the game industry. I've done a few Ruby on Rails applications, it's not my primary toolbox, but it has some benefits. Mostly the ease and speed of development.
I switched to using Ruby on Rails for the data management layer of my game. At the moment there isn't much data, only about 300 rows in a database for everything in the game. This is expected to
I've updated the OGG loader with some code from Roberto14 and my own implementation of the ov_open_callbacks() function:
Both Robero14's and MartyJ's code was extremely useful in figuring this out.
This version may load a greater variety of OGG files successfully. Let me know if you find any problems.
Update is for Lua executables, for Windows only at this time.
Hey gents!
First and foremost, I would like to apologize for my lack of updates the last week, personal life took a big hit and I got extremely busy, but rest assured that updates for the game will follow as soon as possible since I now have time to focus on it.
So what have I got planned?
First piece of news is the upcoming 0.4.5 update, it will launch sometime after the next engine update. Most important features of that update are:
-Performance boosts. (Thanks to the way l
A new build is available on the beta branch. The editor and Lua executables are updated, only on Windows at this time. Everything is updated, including the beta branch of Game Launcher, for Windows and Linux.
I believe I have fixed the crashing in the new light management code. I also added a small optimization that checks if a moved light has the same 4x4 matrix it did at the time of the last shadow render. This makes it so if you are standing still and nothing is moving, the flashlight
An update is available on the beta branch on Steam. This only updates the compiled executables for Lua, only on Windows.
Optimization I've rewritten the way lights and objects affect each other. In the old mobile renderer it was necessary to store a list of lights that affect each entity, because it was using a forward renderer and had to send the information for the nearest four lights to the object's shader to calculate lighting. This was a complicated task and is not needed with a defer
I have uploaded a new version containing save games and some improvements regarding restarting a level, going to back menus etc.
Every time you finish a level, a property is set to keep track of the levels you finished. Only downside when using the launcher is that this will only get set, when the game is closed. So when you finish 4 levels, it will not become clear you finished these levels until after you have restarted the game. But still a pretty nice feature to have.
A new update is available on the beta branch on Steam. I've merged the OpenGL2 and OpenGL4 graphics driver classes into a new class called simply "OpenGLGraphicsDriver". Everything should work, but let me know if you find any behavior changes between 4.2 and this new beta.
OGG support has also been added, thanks to MartyJ's help. The following header search paths must be added to C++ projects:
I've finished the main concept of my game "Ball Hopper", which you can play at http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=831630240
It was inspired by CS:GO surfing and the Impossible Game and your goal is to reach the checkpoints and get to the end. Checkpoints, for a lack of a better word aren't what you'd expect of them. They're really just points that you need to touch to be able to finish the level. Some level end points are right at the start, so would be a bit silly if yo