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Exporting to code/script

finished basic exporting to lua or c++ code. the screenshot below results in the following files based on ExportType. Menu.lua --GUI Editor Generated function BuildMenu(context) local Menu = {} local scale = 1 --GUI local gui = GUI:Create(context) gui : SetScale(scale) Menu.gui=gui Menu.context=context --Panel Menu.Panel = Widget:Create("", 0, 0, 1024, 80, gui:GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua") Menu.Panel:SetAlignment(tr



Water everywhere

This is a simplified change of this workshop item (so credits go there!) https://www.leadwerks.com/workshopitem?tags=Material&queryType=1&fileType=0&fileid=699303085 A few changes I did: 1) the water.mat:     changed Diffuse color (64,64,64,64) + refraction shader 2) The script, simplified, like this: Add this script to a box, cylinder, what you want...With the water material up there added. And here the result sorry Foots



New game Idea

Random generated world with towers. I'm not sure what this will be, something like managing how to get and interact with them.  



Luawerks Update

Luawerks has been updated this morning, making the console more responsive and a new tab for the Options Menu for user's to bind keys to actions. Actions have always been part of Luawerks, but until now, there wasn't really a motive to use them. Now, the Action class look in the config to check what key the user binded to that action. You can read more on how this works here. Like the console, this may be improved more in the future.    About Luawerks Luawerks is a Lua framew



Aggror's devlog #3: Road splines

In a previous developer blog I showed how I use spline paths inside the Leadwerks editor. The cool thing about splines as that they are extremely multipurpose. I started working on generating meshes based on the splines.  Think about ropes, wires, rivers, rollercoasters and of course roads Ropes and wires are in progress because I find them the coolest. Especially rope bridges are awesome to make and see in play. They require a lot of finetuning so I have put that on halt for now. In the me



EuroTrip II

I am now in possession of the official Leadwerks USB drives.  Weighing in at 16 GB, they look fantastic. These will be shipped out shortly, along with the posters from the last game tournament.  I've been working behind the scenes on some big things that took my attention, but I am not yet ready to reveal any of this.  Because of the timing on this, we are going to do a Leadwerks Fall Games Festival starting in September. I am going to spend the rest of the summer in Europe, where



Game Tournaments, Schwag, and American Apparel

I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am very bad at shipping posters.  The Winter Game Tournament was completed in January and I have yet to deliver your prizes.  If you have a job opening for someone to ship prizes, or to ship anything at all, I am probably the worst candidate you could ever hope to find to fill said position.  Seriously. Part of the problem (although it's still not an excuse) has been that it is actually incredibly difficult to have custom USB keychains made. 



Tutorials and paid scripts

Paid scripts I am looking in to publishing paid scripts to the workshop. There are 2 script collections that others might find interesting: Advanced Third Person Controller Many tweakable options: from double jumping, to camera offset, camera snapping, smoothing, speed controls etc Spline paths Not just useful for camera paths, but also for instance factory belts, vehicular movement (static cars, trains etc), airial paths (birds, planes), VR on rails.



Five Programming Changes You'll See in Leadwerks 5

Leadwerks 4.x will see a few more releases, each remaining backwards compatible with previous versions.  Leadwerks 5.0 is the point where we will introduce changes that break compatibility with previous versions.  The changes will support a faster design that relies more on multi-threading, updates to take advantage of C++11 features, and better support for non-English speaking users worldwide.  Changes are limited to code; all asset files including models, maps, shaders, textures, and materials



A Look at C++11 Shared Pointers in Leadwerks 5

C++11 introduces shared pointers, a powerful language feature that provides easy memory management without the overhead of garbage collection.  The example below should look familiar to you: #include "Leadwerks.h" using namespace Leadwerks; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { shared_ptr<Leadwerks::Window> window = Leadwerks::Window::Create(); shared_ptr<Context> context = Context::Create(window); shared_ptr<World> world = World::Create(); shared_ptr<Camera&



New Project Idea

I'm trying to build a beautiful open world on map size 2048, where the player will have the possibility to play as a Street vendor, transporting and selling goods through the world. The world should be an unhabitable zone. Unless you have a shield. You will have manage your reccources between buying and re-selling goods, develop yourself with better vehicles, develop a little shopping industry, little bit enigm or fight to provide the shield.



Leadwerks Game Engine 4.4 Released

Leadwerks Software today announced the release of version 4.4 of their topselling game engine on Steam.  This version adds a new GUI system, support for inverse kinematics, and enhanced visuals.  The free update goes out today to over 20,000 paid users on Steam. Leadwerks Game Engine 4.4 sees the introduction of Leadwerks GUI, a system for creating resolution-independent in-game menus.  Custom GUI elements can be created with Lua script, or an item can be selected from a number of pre-built



Aggror's devlog #2: Zone optimizing

The easiest, but none the less effective, way to optimize a large outdoor scene is setting a view range for an entity. Here are some basic rules that I used during the rebuild of the Return to the Zone project. Max: Here you can think of essential buildings and large structures. Think about distant buildings, powerlines, bridges and entities that stick out above the vegetation or water plane. Far: Here we have the larger props: containers, trains, vehicles, walls, statues. This als



Luawerks For 4.4

Luawerks has been updated for Leadwerks 4.4, taking advantage of the new GUI system while adding new features and commands that allow you to develop your game better.   Developer Console Refresh The Developer Console is the stable of the framework. Thanks to the GUI, you can now scroll through your history, highlight, and move the cursor around! Page through your history using the Page Up and Page Down keys! Having a console is vital for development as it allows developers to chan



Fog in Leadwerks 4.4

Distance fog is one of the most basic visual effects in 3D graphics, going back to the 1990s.  Here is the effect in the Quake 3 Arena map "Fatal Instinct", which was shrouded in a dense orange fog: Leadwerks Game Engine 2 had this available as a built-in effect, while the more flexible effects system of Leadwerks 3/4 had several Workshop shaders available to use, including one by Klepto and another one more recently added by myself.  However, this has not been part of the official SDK



Leadwerks 4.4 RC2

A new build is available on the beta branch.  I am putting it out tonight because I want to give you guys as much lead time as possible. I have not tested all hardware yet, and there were a lot of shader updates, so there could easily be a compile error on AMD or Intel cards.  Will test those out in the morning. New camera commands for fog: virtual void SetFogColor(const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a); virtual void SetFogAngle(const float start, const float s



Shader Enhancements in Leadwerks 4.4

Leadwerks Game Engine 4.4, scheduled for release soon, features some updated and enhanced visual effects.  In this blog I will talk about some of the adjustments I made.  Having "The Zone" scene that Aggror recreated actually helped a lot to see how shaders could be improved. Bloom / Iris Adjustment / HDR The bloom and iris adjustment shaders have been updated to give bloom a wider and softer blur.  Iris adjustment is faster and more intense now, which will make the outdoors areas seem



Return to the Zone

Back in 2010 Josh, creator of the Leadwerks Engine, asked Dave Lee to create a part of the exclusion zone. 7 years later, this project has been revisited and rebuild. Original footage from Leadwerks 2.3   With Leadwerks 3 I asked Josh if I could convert the assets to the new engine. Most assets were uploaded to the workshop, but they lacked proper physics, materials etc. Back then the Leadwerks 3 engine didn't have the vegatation editor and no deferred renderer. So build



Creating Realistic Skyboxes with Vue

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a high-quality skybox for Leadwerks Game Engine using Vue. Download Cloudy Blue Skies.zip FixVueCubemap.zip Required Third-Party Programs Vue Esprit Exporter Module Loading the Example Run Vue and select the File > Open menu item.  Extract the zip file above and open the file "Cloudy Blue Skies.vue". Atmosphere and Clouds You can modify the appearance of the sky with the Atmosphere Edito



Component Architecture Part Deux

In my other blog (https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/1908-top-10-celebrities-who-use-component-architecture/) I talked about the component architecture I was using. I've since teamed up with Roland on this idea and together we have fleshed it out more. It's not 100% ready to be released yet but I realized that we've come a long way and that where we are today might seem confusing to someone if they weren't along for the ride. So I thought I'd use this blog to start down the journey



Leadwerks Game Engine 4.4 Release Candidate

A new build is up on the beta branch, for Windows and Linux, with Lua and C++ support.  This is a full update. Version 4.4 will be announced June 26th, and this will go on the default branch some time next week. I was not able to get the new vehicles working in time, and It will have to be added in an update.  Version 4.4 will have vehicles disabled.  If you need this functionality, stick with version 4.3. A big thanks for all the people who are helping to test it.



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