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4.5 beta update 4

A new build is available on the beta branch on Steam. Fixed Kinematic joint rotation (thanks Julio!) Fixed FlushKeys / FlushMouse not working on Linux. I'm still having trouble compiling with the latest version of Code::Blocks / GCC: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/14663-compile-problem-on-ubuntu-1604-using-codeblocks-c  



Visual Studio 2017 'byte': ambiguous symbol

I upgraded to Leadwerks 4.5 beta. And lots of the errors seen below: error C2872: 'byte': ambiguous symbol https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/93889/error-c2872-byte-ambiguous-symbol.html   This worked for me and solved the issue: In Project Properties -> Language -> C/C++ set The C++ Language Standard to  ISO C++14 Standard (/std:c++14)



How I turned my 3D game into a VR game with eight lines of code

I recently published the full source code to my little mini-game "Asteroids3D". You can download it here: Turning this into a VR game with Leadwerks Engine 4.5 was very easy.  I will show you how here. The first step is to enable VR.  This code will check to see if OpenVR initializes correctly. If it fails for any reason, an error message will be printed and the game will exit: if VR:Enable()==false then System:Print("VR failed to initialize.") return end Now we need to adjus



4.5 Beta Update 3

Another build is available on the beta branch on Steam. Fixed zip import behavior. Fixed physics swept collision bug, waiting for confirmation this fixed other reported problems. Kinematic joint rotation not fixed yet. Updated to Steamworks 1.41 Updated to latest version of OpenVR Code::Blocks C++ project not updated yet. We're getting close to release, so your reports (especially the ones with examples!) are appreciated. Instructions for upda



Game Launcher and game distribution

Three years ago I realized we could safely distribute Lua script-based games on Steam Workshop without the need for a binary executable.  At the time this was quite extraordinary. http://www.develop-online.net/news/update-leadwerks-workshop-suggests-devs-can-circumvent-greenlight-and-publish-games-straight-to-steam/0194370 Leadwerks Game Launcher was born.  My idea was that we could get increased exposure for your games by putting free demos and works in progress on Steam.  At the same time



Version 4.5 Beta Update

The beta branch on Steam is updated with some fairly big changes. Leadwerks Engine is now compiled with and uses Visual Studio 2017. It is now compiled on Ubuntu 16.04.  I do not know yet what changes this means for the end user but I had to add some dependencies in the editor. In addition to that, ZIP import is now working (File > Import). The VR command set is finished and documented.  A VR project template is forthcoming. The new vehicles are not yet ready.



Zip File Import

Leadwerks Engine 4.5 will add ZIP files to the list of file formats you can import into the editor.  This isn't really anything special except that it works in a very specific way.  Source art files will be extracted first, followed by final game-ready formats (mdl and tex), followed by .meta files, which contain thumbnails and conversion settings for each file.  The resulting behavior is that you can import a zip file of game assets, with source art files, and the files will be copied in a way



How infinite terrain can be implemented in Leadwerks Engine 5

Gamers have always been fascinated with the idea of endless areas to roam.  It seems we are always artificially constrained within a small area to play in, and the possibility of an entire world outside those bounds is tantalizing.  The game FUEL captured this idea by presenting the player with an enormous world that took hours to drive across: In the past, I always implemented terrain with one big heightmap texture, which had a fixed size like 1024x1024, 2048x2048, etc.  However,



4.5 Beta Updated

The beta branch has been updated with a new build of version 4.5 beta.  VR support is implemented and documented here: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_VR Linux C++ projects will currently not build in the beta (working on it now). See this thread on updating your C++ projects: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16838-upgrading-44-c-projects-to-45/  



Phodex Framework Publishing

Hi its me again , as promised last time, I will talk about publishing and what my plans are with the Phodex Framework. Next time I continue posting the progress of the Framework. So I made myself some toughts about that topic. I am working very hard on this project and I think it has some very good attempts and intuitive systems, but still is pretty far away from meeting my expectations. When I started making the Framework, my intention was to create all the systems, as userfriendly, c

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Why Leadwerks is the clear choice for VR simulations

Leadwerks has historically had a small group of customers outside of the game industry who use our software for simulations, training, and visualization.  Customers using our software products include NASA, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and the British Royal Navy.  Today I am happy to announce that in response to overwhelming demand we are now offering our services to build custom VR applications with Leadwerks.     This puts us in head-to-head competition with othe



Vehicle Improvements in 4.5

The revision of our vehicle system has been a long time coming, and I am happy to say the wait will soon be worthwhile.  The new system uses a hyperrealistic slip differencial system to adjust the power given to each wheel. The results are a clear cut above any game vehicle physics you've ever seen. I am also taking steps to make the vehicle system easier to use.  The AddTire() command can now accept an entity as a parameter for the tire object.  This would typically be



How to Make Your Game Look Beautiful

In this article I am going to explain some simple color tricks you can use to give your game environments a much more cohesive color scheme and look much better. Now if you look at most indie game environments that are thrown together from random models they will look something like this: It looks awful, with no consistent color scheme and saturation levels all over the place.  In fact, most look much worse than this.  I'm going to show you how to fix this. Control Saturatio



4.5 Beta Now Available

A beta build of version 4.5 is now available on the beta branch on Steam.  This updates the engine to the latest Newton 3.14.  Versions 4.5 and 5 beta are now compiling side-by-side with the same source code.  Because of major engine changes in version 5, some bugs may need to be resolved before the final release.  Some preliminary information on updating C++ projects can be found in this thread. Version 4.5 is planned to include official support for VR (both Vive and Oculus) and a new impr



Version 4.5 release plan

Version 4.5 will feature official support for VR (Vive and Oculus) and a new super realistic vehicle system.  These features are more or less already done, but need some work to make them release-ready.  The new vehicle system is so good, and I am so grateful to Julio for his help making this happen, that I think we might do a racing-themed winter tournament.   I am trying to think of a clever pun to call it. At the same time, I have implemented the first build of version 5 in the same sour



Behind Enemy Lines

Hi, Hello everybody, here is a little blogg. Due to some feedback, I'm thinking about how a better HUD could look like. Below is the Old HUD, and then the new HUD. What do you think? Or how can a HUD look more appealing to this game?  



The Great Halloween Game Tournament Roundup

Our most recent game tournament was a smashing success.  We had fewer entries this time, but they more than made up for it with the great quality of this round of games.  Without further ado I am happy to present the entries... Behind Enemy Lines Wow!  This game by burgelkat features a variety of missions from blowing up drug manufacturing facilities to sabatoging a plane.  Although the same mechanic is usually used, the action never gets old and you will keep playing just to find out



Item Creator & City Impressions

Hey  its me again, as you can see I was working hard . As I want to spend as much time as possible on the project, lets quickly go through whats new. This is the first version of the PHFW (Phodex Framework) Toolkit now including the "Item Creator", besides the recently presented Animation Manager. I guess the picture is pretty self explaining . The Item Creator generates a file out of the settings you made which then can be loaded into the "Item Script" inside Leadwerks. The

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

First External Tool & Modular NPC

Hello dear reader, First of all, as I recently though on how to make the blog more interesting and valuable for you to read, I thought it would be a cool idea if I provide a gamedev specifc tip (can be everything from productivity, to technical stuff, to marketing) at the end of every blog entry. I would be really happy, if you tell me what you think of this idea.  Back to topic. I want to present what I am working at the moment. Last time it were some animations and rigs. I had some m

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Framework Overview

Hi, this time I provide a closer look into the Framework. The graphic below shows what the Framework contains of and how far the diffrent elements are developed. The green bubbles inside the red ones indicate how much progress has been made for the specific feature. More green means more progress. Empty (complete red) bubbles mean this feature hasn't been worked on yet. For the best result (as its a pretty huge image) click the image to load it in full size and use the zoom tool to take a c

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Announcing Leadwerks Game Engine Enterprise Edition

Today we are pleased to announce the release of Leadwerks Game Engine: Enterprise Edition, a standalone version of our popular 3D development software. The Enterprise Edition allows business users to install and use Leadwerks without the need for the Steam client. The new product joins the existing Standard Edition with Lua scripting and the Professional Edition with C++ and Visual Studio support, both sold on Steam. The Enterprise Edition has already been approved for sale through N



Bow/Crossbow Rig & Animations

Hi Leadwerkers , this time just a short entry showing some of the stuff I recently made. I think it looks pretty cool and wanted to share it with you. Some cool bow & crossbow rigs: Some examples of the new combat animations (WIP): Soon to be seen ingame and in action. Stay tuned and have a nice day  . Markus from Phodex.

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

Future Plans

Introduction Hi, last time I gave you a rough idea of what the Phodex Framework is and what plans I have. This time I will talk about what I am working on at the moment and what my plans for future are. So this is kind of the first real blog entry :). What I am working on? Recently, beside some bugfixing and improving stuff, I tweaked all imported models (collapsing, normal calculation), set up the materials so that they fit the look I want etc. I also reorganzied my folderst

Phodex Games

Phodex Games

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