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SCP Dev Blog 1

We're excited to share updates on the upcoming release of SCP: [Redacted], a thrilling experience set in the terrifying universe of SCP lore. The game is built on the soon-to-be released Leawerks 5 game engine. Building on our own game engine gives us full control over how every piece works, allowing us to craft the exact experience we want players to have. This blog entry will discuss our general goals and vision for the game. Gameplay Mechanics At the core of SCP: [Redacted] lies a c


Josh in Articles

Announcing SCP [Redacted]

Before I ever wrote a game engine, I created a standalone level editor called 3D World Studio. This program was used in the development of many indie games, most notably in SCP: Containment Breach, along with Mark Sibly's Blitz3D programming language. Today I am happy to announce the next chapter in this legacy with our latest game engine technology, the development of the game SCP [Redacted]. In this ███████ game, playing as ██████████, your goal is to ██████ through ████ in search of


Josh in Articles

C++ Ultra Beginner's Guide #4 - adding features to strategy game - custom save/load system, particles, decals, sounds

In this tutorial we will add features to real-time tactic/strategy game in Ultra Engine fro prev tutorial: Plan: 1. Add flag model to use when pointing where to go for units 2. Make save/load system with quick save 3. Make blood particle emitter which will be used on hits and use it in Unit::Methood 4. Make blood decals which will be on the ground after death and spawn it in Unit::Kill 5. Download and use sounds for units getting damage.   In this tutoria


Dreikblack in C++

I'm Making a Game

You may have noticed a slew of workflow-improving features were added earlier this month for UV unwrapping, mesh reduction, and ambient occlusion baking. Now that we finally have the game development system I have always wanted, I am teaming up with  @Andy90 and @reepblue—the same team that created the first-person shooter example—to use the new engine to develop a full game we plan to release on Steam. No details yet. Now I am an actual game designer, not just an engine developer. The game


Josh in Articles

C++ Ultra Beginner's Guide #3 - making simple strategy game - importing animated models, AI, health bars

In this tutorial we will make a simple real-time tactic/strategy game in Ultra Engine. Plan: 1. Download and import ground material, 2 characters models with animations 2. Create Unit component with bot behavior. 3. Add control over player units. 4. Making prefabs and new map In this tutorial used 2038 Build from Steam Beta branch (Dev in Standalone version). Build number can be found in the Editor Help->About Asset import Download and unpack


Dreikblack in C++

Road tracer: Decals + Bulldozer tool

I made a showcase for a bulldozer script for a few years, this is a following step on this: I change the script and replace the road meshes + shape with road decal textures. It saves a lot of ressources, much better FPS, because Mesh + Shape came too expensive for a big map. You only have to place 3 points on your map. The tool will join the points digging + tracing a road with the specified texture. Instead of building a spline, the tools follows the curves of the terrain, adjust

Lua Beginner's Guide - first map, Main Menu, Loading Screen and GUI

Prerequisites https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/luasetup?lang=lua Also Lua extension is quite useful for VS Code, if you don't mind Tencent. Map Create a simple map call start.ultra with a brush as floor and a Empty aka pivot with FPSPlayer component How to do it:   Now you can press "F5" in the editor, or select "Game" then "run" to run your game to just made map: You can add skybox in Edit > World Settings (at top buttons in the Edit


Dreikblack in Lua

Lua Ultra Beginner's Guide #2 - making and using components

In this tutorial we will make a newcomponent, which will be moving an entity to way points and movement start will be activated by trigger zone Let's start with making WayPoint component: In the Ultra Editor click plus button in Project tab: Now open Visual Studio Code.   Open WayPoint.json "properties" is a list of component's fields avaible for edit in the Editor "name" - actual name of property that will be used in code later "label"


Dreikblack in Lua

C++ Ultra Beginner's Guide #2 - making and using components

In this tutorial we will make a newcomponent, which will be moving an entity to way points and movement start will be activated by trigger zone Let's start with making WayPoint component: In the Ultra Editor click plus button in Project tab: Now open Visual Studio. Refresh Soution Editor if it was already open to see new component files in Source/Component/Logic folder. Include into project WayPoint.h and WayPoint.cpp. Add WayPoint include to Source/Component


Dreikblack in C++

C++ Beginner's Guide - first map, Main Menu, Loading Screen and GUI

Prerequisites https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/cppsetup?lang=cpp Install Ultra Engine Pro Check the environment variable ULTRAENGINE (typically "C:\Program Files\Ultra Engine" or if you got Ultra Engine through Steam it will be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultra Engine Pro"). Install Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition During the installation process, make sure to select the "Desktop development with C++" option Create C++ project with


Dreikblack in C++

Bodycam-style Movement Experiment

I am a fan of the recent bodycam-style movement videos that have come out. It's an idea I have had before, and then seeing it working was very cool. Today I spent a little time trying out my own implementation to see how well it would work. My idea was to use my VR headset as a mocap system to record myself walking and get the headset orientation for a few seconds, then play that back in a loop when the first-person player moves around. I started with a simple scene. The strip on the ground


Josh in Articles

Ultra Engine 0.9.8 Adds Material Painting, Tessellation, and a First-person Shooter Template

Ultra Engine 0.9.8 is here with a groundbreaking material painting system, robust tessellation, and a first-person shooter template to provide a head start on your next game. New features and enhancements make it easier than ever to create games and simulations that look great and run fast. Material Painting Our new material painting system brings your scenes to life with unique details painted everywhere. You can easily turn plain tiled textures into lifelike environments in a few sec


Admin in Articles

Offroad game: Muddy ground feature

The shader was originally written by @havenphillip I think, it was an interactive shader for vegetation to move around the player when going through. I modified a few things to let a csg sphere behave like mud when a tire is going through. There is a an invisible trigger under the mud to detect the tire and change the friction and other coming features like decals mud on the car and other possible splashes effects. Enjoy


Marcousik in Offroad game

Leadwerks Games Bundle #1 Released

I'm proud to announce the release of the first Leadwerks Games Bundle. Start building your own games with Leadwerks Engine and discover indie titles created by developers just like you. This bundle includes Leadwerks Game Engine, along with three games created with Leadwerks, and a generous discount. Unleash your creativity and embark on an exciting journey into game development with Leadwerks Engine! This bundle includes the full-featured Leadwerks Game Engine alongside three exceptional g


Admin in Articles

Ultra Engine 0.9.7 Adds Decals, Particles, and More

The latest update to Ultra Engine, version 0.9.7, introduces an all-new decals system, particle emitters, enhanced entity and material properties, and improved flowgraphs. New features and enhancement make it easier than ever to create performant games and simulations that look great and run smoothly. Decals A new decals system built on our clustered forward+ renderer allows you to display stains, graffiti, puddles, and other details to enhance the appearance of your scenes. Because th


Admin in Articles

Ultra Engine 0.9.6 Introduces a new Foliage System

Ultra Engine 0.9.6 is here, with a new foliage system that replaces and improves the vegetation system used in Leadwerks. Whereas Leadwerks uses a geometry shader, Ultra uses a compute shader that provides more power and better performance. The most significant improvement is the inclusion of sublayers, which allow a mesh layer to use multiple variations to easily populate a scene with a variety of different objects, while spacing them out in a natural way. Imposters Imposters ar


Admin in Articles

open world puzzle map

So this crazy journey continues... It's all about making a game with free car driving in an open world, finding your way through random events, uncrossable areas, mud, water and getting managed your needs of water, food and fuel. (Something between Snowrunner and GTA where grenades could help to get the way free) In my free time (I don't have much anymore) I try to build a big map (4096) where it could be enjoyable to drive around to complete a task or just to relax, reaching an u

Exploring New Horizons: My Journey with Ultra Engine and Realistic Map Development

In the thrilling world of game development, I've had the incredible opportunity to work with Ultra Engine, a platform in early access that has opened up countless possibilities for creating impressive worlds. My latest project focuses on mapping, a process that has allowed me not only to explore the capabilities of Ultra Engine's map editor but also to actively contribute to its development by identifying and reporting bugs. From the start, I have created numerous prototypes, experimenting


Yue in Astrocuco DevLog

sRGB and Linear Color Spaces

Recently I came across a problem where HDRI images I loaded and converted into cube maps looked simultaneously too bright and too dark. I found that a simple linear to sRGB conversion made the images look as I would expect. I have read about sRGB and linear color spaces before, but for some reason this time it just clicked and I understood. Maybe since I am not longer dealing with low-level Vulkan nonsense, I have extra mental capacity to spend on more high-level concepts l


Josh in Articles

The importance of a game log and how to make it

In this article, I would like to delve into the concept of "Game Logs" and explain why they play an important role. First, however, we should clarify what exactly a Game Log is. The Game Log allows us to log and temporarily store various actions in the game. Furthermore, with the help of the Game Log, we can inform independent systems about various actions. A good example of this is a simple quest system, similar to the one in World of Warcraft. In such systems, we want to complete quests b


Andy90 in Guides

Ultimate Action Game Controller ( UAGC ) - WorkLogs

Ultimate Action Game Controller ( UAGC ) - One game controller for all situations.  Ranged, melee, hand to hand, thrown and magic combat game controller. With UAGC, the developer can select from First-person, Third-Person, Top-Down and Point & Click game controller setups. Each mode features it's own unique style of gameplay made just for that particular gaming situation.  The component is designed with ease-of-use in mind,  just attach the component to your game playe

Blender - Art of UV unwrapping

Introduction Everybody hates to UV unwrap their models after their done finishing their 3D models, and i do too, but i'm good at it. Some people use software like RizomUV or Blender add-ons to make their job easyer, but it does'nt work for every texturing workflow. If you are using a 3D painting software like Adobe Substance Painter, then you should let your computer do the UV unwrapping job, but if you don't have the money for Substance products like i do, then you do textures the old

Vida Marcell

Vida Marcell in UV mapping

Blender - Animating Tutorial (And how to Bake an IK rig)

Introduction Some folks here in the forum asked for help on more advanced Blender topics, like baking animations from an IK rig. I'm here to spread my knowledge, since i also learned from other people on the internet. I'll be using Blender 3.6, without add-ons. 1. Blender animation basics I recommend starting out with a rigged model for the first time, but if you dont have one, here is a tutorial on how to make yours. After you got your model, you have to make an armature, wh

Vida Marcell

Vida Marcell in Animation

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