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Shard's Blog

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Entries in this blog

Job at Microsoft - All Thanks to Leadwerks and its Community

Hello everyone.   I am writing this blog entry to personally thank everyone of the Leadwerks forums for helping me in all the ways that you all have.   Today, I got approved for my job at Microsoft.   This all started when I discovered Leadwerks on The Game Creators and was instantly amazed by it. Soon after, Brandon Hush and I got together and created Third Initiative for our university midterm project. We decided to use Leadwerks because it offered superior technology with great support



U.S.S. Leilani - Work In Progress

A lil work in progress.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZ7RNkFLIc&hd=1 The Olympian Class Battleship, the United Starship Leilani.   The little brother to the Titan Class ship, provides long range support with its primary weapon, the plasma cannon, and its secondary weapon, a hundred pod nuclear warheads. Armed with multiple AA guns and artillery batteries, this ship can carry a Gryphon Class battle dropship and three hundred Fighter Class personal fighters.   This work in prog



RVL Circuit Black Hole

So I found an old project, originally done in DarkGDK and decided to convert it to Leadwerks. During the process, I found that the graphical qualities of a Leadwerks sphere far surpass those of DarkGDK and rendering thousands of spheres was not the most effective way to do what I was doing.   So I took a quick trip into OpenGL land with Masterxilo's tutorial. Here are the results.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzjRC5dOq50     Basically its a render of the results of several values




A lil project I've been working on. Unfortunately, I can't post to the gallery as I seem to not have that ability.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDif_bKEbW0   Features: Forward, rewind and pausing of time on all objects. Gravity gun ability on all objects.   Future Plans Ability to load a scene (through load scene) and search for all bodies on the map and attach a Time Capsule object to all of them to allow for time warping on all objects.



Shard - The Return

Hello all, I, Shard, have returned.   After completing our Applied Project at DeVry University, team Third Initiative took a much deserved vacation during which we slept in, stayed up late, did nothing productive and played WoW.   * * * Now that our school is back in session we are moving towards our Senior Project, which will take everything that we have learned with our Applied Project and scale it up into a much bigger game. We are both very excited to be working on this and



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