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Mind's flowing ideas and creations.

Entries in this blog

Smoothed car drive - Leadwerks 4.5

I'm just happy to get this work  here is a demo: This is actually better than driving in 4.3 because cars are now  able to jump or crash without experimenting crazy rotations or whatever  ?     Here is the script to make this:   > Here the values I used:       > And here what changed: Is written in dark: ------------------------------------- function Script:Start() -- [...........] -- Construit les amort



Fun driving in Leadwerks 4.5

Little demo I made about driving in Leadwerks 4.5 with "self-made" vehicle (well the model is not from me) How to make ? -> https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/2216-simple-car-improved/  enjoy!    



About the day night cycle

Hey I know you can use for this the nice shader of Shadmar, but now if you want to try something else, This is somewhat like you can obtain if you use a big light sphere rounding around the player. I speed up the cycle quicker for the video to see all the day/night. I used the directional light rotation for the shadows, the color of the sky-sphere for the colorourfull effect and the color of the directional light for the luminosity, getting the no shadow night light. Clouds/r



Rainy weather in forest - performance test LE 4.3

I'm happy with this because I spent a long time in testing how to make rain without slowing the game too much. I wanted the rain to have "splash" effect on the ground and to stop correctly as the player could stay under a roof or hides under a big stone etc etc.. I got big problems with collision testing and very low performances when using the shaped vegetation tool. Now that's fine, because I do not use the collision anymore, saving much performances. Here is a little demo:



10 Min. relaxing and artistic moment with LE

Here I want to present what the "Tower game" is doing becoming ! I got the idea to make a relaxing puzzle 3D game where the player will have to find/build/assemble different elements to discover arts. Here a picture I found that inspired me this: Now, I made a little demo video for this, I found the experience somewhat meditative, looking at this floating colorfull infinite world and listening to the sounds. You can turn the music off and listen at your own or just let it pl



Water everywhere

This is a simplified change of this workshop item (so credits go there!) https://www.leadwerks.com/workshopitem?tags=Material&queryType=1&fileType=0&fileid=699303085 A few changes I did: 1) the water.mat:     changed Diffuse color (64,64,64,64) + refraction shader 2) The script, simplified, like this: Add this script to a box, cylinder, what you want...With the water material up there added. And here the result sorry Foots



New game Idea

Random generated world with towers. I'm not sure what this will be, something like managing how to get and interact with them.  



New Project Idea

I'm trying to build a beautiful open world on map size 2048, where the player will have the possibility to play as a Street vendor, transporting and selling goods through the world. The world should be an unhabitable zone. Unless you have a shield. You will have manage your reccources between buying and re-selling goods, develop yourself with better vehicles, develop a little shopping industry, little bit enigm or fight to provide the shield.



New open world

The last creation I did in a few hours, with Leadwerks, very satisfying performances, love building new atmosphere:      



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