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Making Games with LE 2.5

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I invented a new programming language called Easy.It's faster than C++ (theoretically), since it inlines everything.I see no point programming in C++ without Easy anymore, since the same and better results can be achieved using this new language.It saves also a lot of time and costs when programming, and it should work also with other languages than C++, if they support variadic macros.Here's the Easy home page: http://www.siipi.com/easyEasy is still in version, but it will grow



Easy language

I introduced my new language earlier in Roland's Wizard thread, so I thought I could explain it a bit more. Of course a new language is always seen a bit sceptically by people, and they wonder why is it needed, or what benefits does it bring.   At its first version, Easy is still very simple, and based on Variadic Macros (macros which can take a dynamic amount of parameters), and I hope I can keep it that way, and not need a seperate preprocessor, since it would break some features, like dire



The common goal of programmers and artists

Is to make games as easily as this: http://fuse.microsoft.com/kodu/   Editor can get very close to that, by creating Thingoids and Models for it. You can make those kind of ad-hoc menus in Editor using Thingoids, and have Models have their own logic so you just place them in Editor, and they get alive.



Engine Integrated Framework

Josh talked about the new engine integrated Framework: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/blog/1/entry-57-merry-christmas/   The engine integrated framework is the only way at the moment to have LUA and C++ code use the same framework instance. This brings some great benefits over the old way how framework works: 1) You can have LUA scripts which access framework commands, and they work also in your C++ program. Earlier the LUA scripts could not access the framework commands of your



Multithreading can be cores times slower or cores times faster than single threading

I added multithreading capability to the Siipi speedtest tool, and it showed surprising results: Looping got almost number of cores times faster, but allocating memory got almost number of cores times slower!Here's the test with the first part using 4 cores, and 2nd part using 1 core (as before):Speedtest 1.1 © 2009 SiipiCounting 10 billion floating points using 4 cores...thread 1 begin=25000.000000thread 2 begin=50000.000000Main loop begin=0.000000thread 3 begin=75000.000000thread 3 loop ended



Layers and Outlines

I've recently started to use Layers for web apps, and Outlines for Notes apps. And they give a better development speed.However, Layers have also some problems:1) They don't scale with the web browser window like tables do2) When replying with history to an Notes e-mail, layers get all screwed up, so you can only use tables in Notes, but for web apps Layers are still quite goodOutlines for Notes apps totally rock though:1) They expand vertically when you expand their entries (like with subviews)



Debian 5.0 GNU C++ makes the fastest code

MinGW 3.4.5 C++ vs. Visual Studio 2008 C++ vs. GNU C++ make quite different quality in speed of executable code.Currently MinGW is 1.902 times slower than VC++, and VC++ is 1.315 times slower than GNU:MinGW default:Speedtest 1.0 © 2008 SiipiCounting 10 billion floating points...Done. i=1410063201, n=100000.000003, time=41.594000s.Creating and deleting 1 billion class objects...Done. i=100000000, time=16.937000s.Total time=58.531000s.VC default:Speedtest 1.0 © 2008 SiipiCounting 10 billion floati



Realtime Programming

I was just adding wheels to my airplane, and noticed how much time the realtime LUA programming saves me when I was adjusting the positions of the wheels to their exact position. Having the airplane model positioned and zoomed on my screen, I added some code to load and position the wheels, and after each character change in code (like finding the value Vec3(0,0.125,2.01) for the front wheel), I pressed Ctrl-S and saw the result immediately on the screen.   Using C++ or any other compiled lang



Leadwerks Engine gains Rank 1 in the 3D Engine Comparison

For almost a year Max3D lead the charts, but the single fact that LE has now realtime scripting, brought it 1 more point, totalling in 14 points and beating all other engines on the market: http://siipi.com/public/mika.nsf/0/2AAC3EECC888AC57C22575F7004ADC16   Some people might need a low-end engine, but this very same chart provides that information also: You just look which engine has low-end support and is ranked highest. The same way you can find the best engine for your needs, if you ha



Goodbye Firefox!

You served us well for many years, beating all competition, and it shows in your old age and scars of development. To bring back the freshness and speed of the old days, with a modern and powerfully multitalented browser, we say:Welcome SeaMonkey 2.0!Why?Here are some reasons why SeaMonkey is better than Firefox:1) Uses only 56MB on google.com, while Firefox uses 82MB2) Faster than Firefox 3.5.5. Firefox 2.0 was always faster, and SeaMonkey is based on that.3) Firefox 3 introduced frequent crash



Real Games made with LE

I've been experiencing a distinquished behaviour of the community for some time. It's like when someone advances in his work, suddenly everyone else advances too.   Yeah, I know in history also similar or identical inventions have been made around the world at the same time without that the inventors were connected or cooperating anyhow with eachother. There has been made also tests with apes, who learned that a banana was served in a certain spot, and new apes would go to that spot without



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