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[BallGame] - Easy game development with LeadWerks

Hello everybody. Today I probably will start the first lesson dedicated to developing games with LeadWerks Game Engine 4.1.   Table of contents: Introduction Requirements Project preparation Setting up the project Level creation (Prototype) Ball Script Introduction   This lesson is to create a game where the main character is a ball (or other primitive). By the way, there is such a lesson ( "Marble Game") in the official documentation.   Requirements   Before we be



Hello World

Hello everybody. I first appeared on the website leadwerks, but I've been working a long time with this engine (first seen in 2012, LE2). And in the beginning, I would like to show their achievements in this engine.   A little about me. I am 19 years old, live in the cold and harsh Russia (in fact it is not. We have a warm and beautiful country. All this is the stereotype) is a C / C ++ / C # programmer (3 years) and a game developer (5 years)   If there is a wish, I can help you answer



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