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Behind Enemy Lines

Hi, the last weeks in office are very bussy. But today i have some time to work on my project. In Akt 3 i  would imlement a Mortar. I found a nice free model that i rework in blender and exported as mdl file also i searched for some sounds and mixed them together. For the sound i use "Audacity" becaus i get some errors in leadwerks with this sound i converted sounds with "Audio online converter" then i work on the scirpts. i use some parts from einlanders grena



Behind Enemy Line

Hi , Currently I'm planning the next level for Behind Enemy Lines. Since the player has to do part of the level with a sniper rifle, a little preliminary work had to be done. So, Here's my way to tackle this topic with the Addon "FPS Weapon Pack": The tutorial from tipforeveryone was very helpful to me. You can find it here https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/1775-realistic-sniper-rifle-scope-in-lua/ i downloaded a Scope frome here :http://www.cadnav.com/3d-models



Behind Enemy Lines

Hi, Hello everybody, here is a little blogg. Due to some feedback, I'm thinking about how a better HUD could look like. Below is the Old HUD, and then the new HUD. What do you think? Or how can a HUD look more appealing to this game?  



Behind Enemy Lines

This is my entry for the Halloween Game Tournament 2017    Behind Enemy Lines Prolog: You are Sergeant Cole, a member of a special unit that  operates under cover. You and your comrades have the mission to destroy drug fields and facilitys for the production of drugs. ..... Keys WASD = Moving F   = Flash light N = Nightvision T = Holster Weapon E = Use Space = Jump F11 = Show stats Note: In the last weeks or month i work hard



News from Burgelkat

I work really hard on my new projekt. With the next Event from Josh i would show the first Alpha. Meanwhile, I can also program more in LUA. I am really happy because i modified Hancinators "MeleeScript" with patrols. I put in a search function so the NPC continue his Path if he lost sight to you. Also i programmed a "Effect Script" so the NPC make "something" if the Effect is "true" Also i try to voiceacting but this is in test at the moment   (Jorn is busy at the moment ) Here



Building some Models in Blender by my own..

So slowly I think I understand blender. I have created a few models by myself. Specifically, the clips the bullets and the RPG7 The body is of fuse.  After Rigging in Mixamo i imported the FBX to blender and make some changes . Now I can use the RPG7 in the game.       and dont forget to use the Modifier "Decimate" to use. So you can reduce the plycount!!     before:     after:      



Implemented a first Fight in Akt2

I have learned much in Scripting and some Lua function as i worked on Akt2. So i implemented a primitive Loading Screen (not realy one but i looks in my eyes nice). Also the performance is better now because i released some entitys if they not longer used.     Feedback is welcome.   Also if something not function.



Confused but motivated :)

After some problems with the Game.exe ( crash ) I have at least a couple of solutions found . None good solutions at the end but still the game works.   On the one hand I had the collision system in the vegetation system off (if i activate the collision with paintet rocks and put a prefab (barrel with shape) in it, the game crashed. if i delete the barrel the collision function in the vegetation system but then i can´t implement my quest idea. So i deactivated the collsion in the vegetation sy



After crashed Akt1 ..

After I have my project crashed and there is no chance fully to restore it , I started with Akt1 again new.   But after all its not a completly bad thing. I have now the chance to redesign things and rewrite some scripts. So it now looks like , that i probably win a little performance (fps). Also, I have a little busy myself with the theme animations . A soldier can now be shot   And i build with more structure (Flowgraph, and also Prefabs)



Published Akt1_V0.8

Akt1 V0.8 is published   I hope you have a little fun!   Please read the description. Akt1 is not yet really ready but playable.



Only two Errors to solve then i can publish :D Akt1

There are two Errors or Problems in Akt1   1. I can only read the text once of "Interactive Sign " (From FlowGUI). If i read another text for example of a second sign and go back to the first sign then it shows me the text of the last sign i read. The same if i change the map   2. If i am dead i can´t go back to the start menue. (i included in my player script   if self.alive==true then . . else if (window:KeyHit(Key.Enter)) then -- go back to start menu



My Game Projekt Mortifer

I´ve been working on my game "Projekt Mortifer". To introduce in the Stroy , I would like to install a few " Meanwhile" scenes . Here it gets even to complications . There are certainly easier ways to build this in , but my programming skills are still limited   http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13981-projekt-mortifer/   Should anyone have problems with the download, please just tell . The last upload shows an error. But if i try it out it function.



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