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Developer Diary: Week 34

Last week we’ve been in cologne (Germany) at the gamescom, a trade fair for video games. I’ve talked to a few publishers gathering information on strategies to distribute a game on the world-marked, payment system providers for game and in-game purchases and last but not least, advertisers. They gave us quite a bit of information brochures, haven’t had a chance to read through it yet. After all, the most important aspect was getting some contacts into the game industry, which we seem to have now



Game Character: Petty

It’s been another week! Time is elapsing so fast. We have made a-lot of bug fixes this week and the game is running much more stable now. The Noesis wrapper has been updated to support the new features of version 1.2. It can be downloaded on our git repository. As part of that, the UI of Remaining Days has been updated to support version 1.2. While talking about user interfaces, we have started implementing the in-game hud this week and it’s doing just fine! The only thing missing is the weapo



Game Character: Carl

We’ve been making rather slow progress this week, networked props are now functional and there have been a few enhancements to the character controller. Shadmar’s day and night cycle (see ) is now fully integrated into Remaining Days. Leadwerks Software has featured us in their newsletter this week!   Introducing the penultimate character, Carl:       To view the full announcement and technical progress updates visit our official blog post @ http://www.remainingdays.net/2014/08/g



Game Character: Himiko

This week we have made progress in the wave-system and AI. There has been a lot of bug fixes and we are happily moving forward! The next character in queue is a young Japanese girl called Himiko:       To view the full announcement and technical progress updates visit our official blog post @ http://www.remainingdays.net/2014/07/game-character-himiko/   We're also on Social Media, any likes / favorites / follows are appreciated! Twitter: https://twitter.com/remdays Facebook: ht



Game Character: Kyle

The world cup is over but we are still here! About four weeks left to the crowdfunding and we are making progress! Today's character is called Kyle:         To view the full announcement and technical progress updates (new weapons and supplies!) visit our official blog post @ http://www.remainingdays.net/2014/07/game-character-kyle/   We're also on Social Media, any likes are appreciated! Twitter: https://twitter.com/remdays Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/remainingdays



Game Character: Rowena

The fourth character comes on time with the world cup finals! Gospel Queen Rowena:       -- We are searching for a level designer that is willing and capable to help us finish the level for the crowd-funding campaign. If you are interested just leave us a comment!   To view the full announcement and technical progress updates visit our official blog post @ http://www.remainingdays.net/2014/07/game-character-rowena/   We're also on Social Media, any likes are appreciated! Twitt



Game Character: Broky

It's been quite a nice week in terms of the world cup for Germany (advanced to semi-finals!) We now happen to have the next character ready for you guys. Our traffic light warrior: Broky     To view the full announcement and technical progress updates, this week about the day and night cycle and weapon implementations, visit our official blog post @ http://www.remainingdays.net/2014/07/game-character-broky/   We're also on Social Media, any likes are appreciated! Twitter: https://



Game Character: Patricia

This week's character is female and called Patricia! We happen to have no technical news that are ready for publication by now. The next update will include somewhat more technical aligned things.       To find out more about Patricia and her background, visit our official blog @ http://www.remainingdays.net/2014/06/game-character-patricia/ We also have a comic about her there!   Social Media Twitter: https://twitter.com/remdays Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/remainingdays



Game Character: Greg

As promised in the previous blog entry we will now start introducing our game characters to you.   Characters in Remaining Days are normal people, just like you and me. Each character is supplied with a default weapon and bonus capabilities. Default weapons are reaching from pistols to melee weapons and everything in between We will provide additional information on what bonus capabilities are and how they work soon. In the meantime, just think of Mario kart’s power ups, that’s where our insp



Remaining Days

Today I’m giving you a short insight into our upcoming game called “Remaining Days”. Remaining Days is a first person multiplayer survival shooter. It relays heavily on a day and night cycle and it’s your goal to survive as many cycles as possible! During night phases you and your fellows fight against hordes of zombies, including occasional boss fights. After sunrise you’ll restock your ammunition, build barricades, traps, find new weapons and groceries to survive!   Our goal is to develop a



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