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Restarted my networking framework yet again

Restarted my networking framework yet again. This time I gave it a new name 'Hexe'. The old name was 'Overwatch'. It was named long before the Overwatch game came out. It was based off the Half-Life Overwatch. It oversaw the players, ai spawning, contained a secondary path-finding system, but had no networking as it was not native to the LUA side of Leadwerks. 'Hexe' is German for 'witch'. I don't really know why I chose the name but I have the feeling I will be able to put it to good use. Maybe



Einlanders Halloween devlog

Sorry this is so long and may seem like rambling. I've been working on so many things relating to Leadwerks in game and tool-wise that this doesn't even begin to cover it.   When I started my Halloween contest entry, I had a very simple idea: You have arrived in area/town/location x, you need to get out. As I started to fill in the blanks I realized that this project would never be done before Halloween arrived. I started using Articy:Draft in detail to bring all the overflowing ideas back to



Einlanders Developers Log

I've been lots of programming, mostly small stuff that when joined together will present the player with a better playing experience. Sadly I don't really have much to actually show currently, but in the coming weeks time provided i should be able to go down my list of to-do's   I DO have a video where I show my new test level that can be used as a playground to test all sorts of scripts and game mechanics. I also talk about what next I plan to implement.   .



Steady Progress

Not much to say in this blog post, but I've had a very eventful past 2 days with coding and level design.   First I created a comprehensive test level that allows me to test almost every aspect of what a person would have in an fps. There are is a rifle range, areas to test line of sight / AI evasion, falling deaths and a super short goal oriented map section.   I have also started creating my own FPS controller. This controller is being designed so the controller can relinquish it's control



Playing around with near real-time Map edititng

While crawling around on the internet I found this video the relevant part starts at 3:36.  Realtime level updates are something many engines have, but since I'm not using those engines it never was something on the forefront of my mind. After watching the video I wondered how close I could get to implementing something like that in Leadwerks. The solution I came up with is brain-dead simple. I load a level and a camera, and after a time limit reload the level and place the camera where it



Abstract All The Things!!!

It's been a while since I last posted an update on my lua based GUI. That was the second time that I have rewrote it. Now I'm on my third rewrite. This time the reason is that I am using the Lua OOP module Averice has made available. My GUI was already object oriented but it was messy to code. Now it looks sensible and has much less code.   I have no pretty images to show but I will detail some of the major structural changes and concepts that i have employed.   I no longer use the require k



My Game Tournament Progress

I've been working on my game tournament entry for a few weeks. I've had to scrap entire levels multiple times but I think I finally have something that i'll be happy with. Now that my work schedule has changed I doubt i'll have much time to work on my game as I would like.   Not much to do but show you the pictures. *All models are made by me except for the tree and flowers (they're in the workshop). Textures are from or modified from cgtextures and plaintextures.   I placed them all into a



Lua Gui's Take 2

Lets Try Again A few months ago I started making a Lua based GUI system. It was going well until life happened. This last week I attempted to add more features to it so I could use it in my Halloween contest entry. Knowing more lua now than I did then I realized how much of a mess it was. I scrapped the gui completely and started over. The following is some technical changes and observations I made as I rewrote it. Hopefully someone on the internet finds it insightful.   The first thing I tac



Building Worlds

Random Bablings About the Project I'm Working On     The Journey Here Ever since I bought Leadwerks I have been making the same game. It's games objective has morphed many times since. It started out as a stand clone of a survival mode mod for Left 4 Dead 2. The players would be stuck in a secluded area with no way to escape. Zombies would come in waves and the player would be able to fortify their location. As time went on these locations became bigger and bigger. I started to have levels w



Lua and Gui's

Gui's at the moment seem to be all the rage on the Leadwerks forum. We have the recent release of the noesisGUI, Patrik's showing of his gui's progress, and tjheldna's release of tjui and probaly many others. I also decided to try my hand at gui creation.   Coming from a BASIC background (started with qb 1.0), I don't have the proper skills to use a third party gui without malloc errors or segfaulting everything. That, and my game is a lua game. Taking inspiration from Tjhldna's gui I started



Ladders are evil, ugh...

Ladders, Some people like them, some people don't. I like them, but I don't like making them. I just spent 9 straight hours after work to get the semblance of a half working ladder. The challenges were mind boggling for my sleep addled brain.   I initially started a few days ago. I wanted ladders for the game I had planned. Specifically with functionality similar to Counterstrike: Source and Left 4 Dead. So being the lazy good dev I am, I went to Youtube to see how people using Unity were acco



Key Configs and Tedium

This post was inspired by this forum thread http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8942-keys-customisation-shortcut/ by YouGroove   A little background of how a concocted this solution. I run a bunch of Left 4 Dead 2 servers and I make mods for them using sourcemod. I find myself having to make special keyconfigs when administrating or adding stuff to the levels. In the process you find out that all actions in the source engine are abstracted. So I adapted that to Leadwerks.   When most pe



LuaJIT = Awesome! luaJIT-Enet Loaded!

Tonight I did some more modeling and discovered that sandbags and sandbag walls and bunkers are hella hard! Sandbags will either have to wait for a version 2.0 release of the pack or be on hold indefinitely .   I also did some learning for the sake of learning. The topic: Lua JIT. There was a lua jit in Leadwerks 3.0 but I never braved it. In Leadwerks 3.1 it has been advertised that it has a jit compiler. So being the curious person that I am I decided to read up on it. Upon further research



Caffeine, Assets and Rambling

Got off work a few hours ago and decided that tonight would be a good time to have some insomnia. Fueled by caffeine I decided that i should model more assets for people to use. Last time the theme was health items. Avid players of Left 4 Dead 1/2 will notice I modeled my own imaginings of the Left 4 Dead health items and threw in a first aid box .   [modeled and rendered in Anim8or]   This time I set the theme as barriers and barricades. I spent a few hours modeling a few i



Creating Game Assets

I have recently been devoting increasing amounts of my free time prototyping things on Leadwerks. The one thing that i have constantly found sorely lacking is the absence of 3d assets that are ready to drop in and use. Lacking the funds at hand to go buy model packs. I thought I would try my hand at creating some.   Not bad if i do say so myself.   Modeling objects In my opinion is the easiest part of everything. Its the texturing that can be a [insert deity here] [insert expli



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