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CSG editing in leadwerks 3

Andy Gilbert



So.. Recently i had a small moan to myself and on the forum, requesting (for the second time i think) for more CSG features. Boolean operations would be amazing but even simple features such as Vertex editing and extraction would be Good and make workflow much easier. And also Texture Locking!!


Anyway, I asked because i have this idea for a game in mind and i know in my head how i would like it to look and I know with the current CSG features it would be long winded and limited. The options is make them as models outside and import them , but you lose the amazing lightmapping you get with CSG segments or option 2 is do most of the geometry using CSG and get the nice lighting and shadows but have limited shapes and geometry.


So.. I decided to give the CSG a real test today and see what can be done. Now these are no AAA screens, but In the end i was surprised at the outcome, mainly because this is the look im Actually after. I wish i could say i was also surprised at how easy it was, but unfortunatly i cant. There were some very frustrating times which nearly made me want to give up, no locking of texting was a biggie, having to make shapes by hacking other together,not good. But I am happy with the outcome. I just wish we had more brushes, simple ones like half a cylinder and half a sphere. Just to make thinks a little easier.


Anyway this an old chruch style building in CSG all in the editor. The first is nothing but CSG and the second is the same with a little bit of vegetation detail to see how it might look.


With some small detail models to add finishing touches i think the outcome will be good.







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Looks old school, bu not bad.

I already digged LE3 CSG a lot before, i seen very fast CSG limitations you point.I asked from long time booleans, so i just gave up BSP for complex scenes.


Seems we are the only two guys to have truly dig and test BSP laugh.png

Or only two interested in BSP used fro something else than floor and cubes laugh.png

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Oh man, save that off as a prefab and make it available for us non artistic types? Charge or free whatever. Someone could maybe make a few bucks on LE's site if they made a bunch of prefabs like that. ;)

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Thanks for all the nice comments.


Rick, a while ago this was my full intentions until I learned that saving them as prefabs turns them into models so when you import them you won't get any of the nice self shadowing from the lightmap. :( it's a real shame as there is big sharing opportunity that's just waiting to boom but can't do....



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LE3 generate one lightmap per level.

IF it could evolve and lightmap models and BSP in a separate texture (you would just create some prefab and check some option like : lightmap it), than yes it would be possible.



BSP UV editing :

- simple stuff ok

- complex scene, and UV need : some things are impossible, manipulating UV with menus and buttons on BSP becomes a nightmare, you are far from modelers visual UV editing.


BSP modeling:

- easy objects : OK

- advanced models and complex indoor : without booleans too much complex, merging objects as one is what lacks a lot in LE3 actually.


I would say , if BSP system evolve (visual UV mapping tool, booleans) than it would be a solid alternative even for 3D artists.


Actually you'll do faster/better on a modeler

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I would have thought with automatic reloading of assets most would not bother with bsp editing? This feature is basically plugging your 3d editor of choice directly into le, unless of course this feature doesn’t work in the manner I’m familiar with? I have not used le 3.

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@knocks :

This is not auto reloading the subject, but more is BSP a good alternative to modelers.And mainly for non modelers lile pure coders that find BSP more easy to use than using a modeler and it's tools.


@Andy :

Have you tried google Sketchup ? I bet you'll go lot more faster and easy than BSP.

I really recomand it for totally new to modeling or non modeler at all


Sketchup cylinders are high def, but with right click you have a dialog to change side values number for cylinders.

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If you save this as a prefab with materials, you can just have people generate the lightmap themselves after it's loaded. Just rename the top one to break the prefab before doing so, then it will accept lightmaps.

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@yougroove. Just wanted to say Im not new to moddelling :) i use 3dsmax and zbrush when developing models aswel as many other workflow tools including blender (your favorite tool).


This was purely a leadwerks csg exsercise to see what I could achieve using csg in leadwerks currently.


@shad. Ill have to try that, if it works as you say then It would great. Will open some good opportunities.



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Does anyone remember the function in the Hammer Editor that allows you to stretch any corner of a BSP block? If this feature would be implemented in Leadwerks 3 I would be a happy man! :)

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