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The Zone video (take 1)




I recorded some clips from Dave's latest version of his scene he is working on. Somehow he managed to get more detail and faster speed. The octree optimizations in version 2.32 help a lot here. The renderer is really good at dealing with lots of small objects strewn across a scene, even if it did take some trouble before we got it working completely right. So here's a short video we'll be using to showcase the capabilities of Leadwerks Engine:


Please share this on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. We want to get lots of views on this one. Thanks!




Suggestions are welcome, as I will be doing a second cut with some small improvements.



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Looks great as it is, and the scene is very impressive, although I have a few suggestions.


Firstly I think faint clouds of dust being blown across the scene would add to the atmosphere, especially during the start and during the middle of video. I'd also add other sounds such as wind and maybe some birds.


Also I would have the monster at the end moving much faster, and shown much closer. At the moment it looks quite sluggish.


How it is now the scene feels quite static, and the audio feels disconnected from the scene.

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Guest Red Ocktober


i liiiiiike it!!


a few flames here and there, and a lil bit of smoke is all it needs...


nice trains...




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You can thanks Rich DiGiovanni for those. I have a whole set of train cars, but haven't found a use for them until now. I'll need to clean them up and offer them in the store.

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Very, very impressive. Indeed the STALKER feeling is present and I think this is a positive think. Good work.

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